Wednesday, June 4, 2008

did something good today, felt good inside after that. donated away all my clothes that are still in wearing condition to the salvation army :) i had 3 bags full of old clothings and after packing them up ytd night, i swear to myself i'll never be someone impulsive anymore when it comes to shopping. but it always turns out to be the opp, hee. interview over at funan in the noon with 2happy pills. short & sweet, got it done within minutes. walked under the scorching sun to bras basah to sell off some of my old books. then to bugis, kino. spent some time there and i couldn't find any book that i've been trying to find. so headed home afterwhich and i managed to get home before six :)) tmr will be training in the evening and popping to the library before training starts. life has been good so far. i want more of these to come by. friday will be meeting up with babes at timbre for chilling session, can't wait. & im glad jez the slut didn't gave me a chance to slaughter her on fri. & i realise how fulgy my thick eyebrows are ):

9moredays to 13th

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