Saturday, January 19, 2008

i'm somehow starting to get the hang of life. whatever you name it, i've been through plenty and im starting to learn how to handle them. like what someone told me, what's meant to happen will happen. so times like these, i'll probably not bother if its beyond my limits. there're so much to go through and enjoy, life is all about working hard for myself and enjoy(: yes, sorrow times do come but who doesnt have it? i'm sure things'll work out someday. at least for this coming days of 2008, i've not been wasting much time but instead i filled it so full to myself tied down(:

someone to thank, my tweeny. you name whatever it is, he's there for me. tolerating at my sucky attitude at times, which im so so so grateful to you. having fun together over at yr place in the past with cooking, baking and whatever we would do. and yes, he was the one through my worst times. all along, whenever i need shoulders or hugs, he's there to offer. plenty of thanks to you. really love you to the maximum!

pieces of it

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