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Exams officially ended on monday(17th). I felt super relieved aft my last paper(marketing), esp when I managed to vomit out th whole chunk of shit that I brain-swallowed in a few weeks within th 3hrs given. Anyway I'm pretty amazed at how much I could wrote and how the paper was kinda a gift to me, because I studied selectively and I managed to get the topics I studied. But still, I'll keep my fingers crossed until the results are out, meanwhile pray hard :]
Life has been cool still. I'm head-hunting for a new job tmr and working my ass off at th same place before I find a new job to jump over to. I need money cause I need to shop and buy new cosmetics/skincare products.
Finally I'm gg out w twiny&ked on sat! Very long since we went out tgt! Looking forward to saturdays spent like that. & Sunday w my happy pills to the beach(hate the sun) but will love th company.
This week not gonna be spending much time w bin as I've many programs on hand and he has to clear his last week notice :) And then for the next week we could enjoy tgt! Can't wait t plan many things w him; zoo, kite flying cum picnic, movies, shopping and many more.
Till I'm back w more pictures.
Just a random thought on mind, people do change at times so I'm not reading too much into everything now. I've learnt how to lead a more carefree life now.
I'm feeling kinda down now. In the midst of making some major decisions regarding my studies. Kinda stuck with what to choose now. But I'm really determined to do well if I'm changing to a new course instead. I will really work harder than everyone else and prove it to my parents, sisters and most importantly myself. Sigh, with a really heavy heart now.
Caught Ip man 2(finally)w bin jus now over at Lot one :] It was kinda random that he suggested to meet me for dinner at lot one. And to top it off, he bought me KOI milkkk tea(babeh!). Thanks love for that :]
Had a short dinner at subway and we "roamed" around Lot one buying things. I was the one buying things while he was jus accompanying me all the time while I looked at things. Hehehe!
Anyway Ip man 2 was 4.5/5nachos chips! ;] It wasn't too draggy and the show managed to really get you into it totally. You wouldn't even feel like gg to th washroom when you're really urgent. The fighting scenes were the awesome ones!
Aft the show, bin walked me home. Feels so great to be doing this once in a while, hanging out around w him and jus spending th evening to have a dinner and catch a movie. Thanks love! :)
So for this weekend,i'm gg to chiong off my sat and sun for my last lap on monday(2.30pm) @ sg expo. And then aft which it spells FREEDOM for 3 whole fucking mths!! Ok, back to reality, I need money =work, work and more work. Not forgetting "Shrek" on next saturday w love and Sentosa w happy pills next sunday!
Goodthebyeee :DD
Well I haven't been stepping outta house for a good 3days except for just now to see the doc over at my house area. In case you're wondering why, it was because of my eyelid that had got infection and the whole eyelid swell up on monday morning, discovered it after I woke up. My left eye was barely able to open on its on. Had to strain my eyes for the whole day as I needed to study for my Marketing pp next monday as well. Endured for a good 2days before I finally decided to visit the doc today. The doc ensured me that it was like an infection and inside th swell up part contains a little yellowish liquid and blood so I needed to get it out. In order to get that out, he needs to give me an injection on my eyelid to numb it before poking through :/ Just typing it out reminds me of the process again and how I screamed cause the injection was worse than poking th thing! Maybe because it was alr numb. Anyw I feel so much better now, and th swelling shld go off tmr morning :)
Some updates here as well. Last saturday, bin brought me out for dinner + movie = happy rachel :) We spent the late afternoon in town as we only managed to wake up ard 1pm because we drank the night before at wine company. Caught Ironman 2, I'd say the movie was a bit too draggy in front, maybe if it was shorter, it might have been nicer. But the later part of the show was what caught me gg till the end and they have really longgg credits man. Anyw dinner for that day, we settled down at Lido's Dome. I'd say it was a pleasant first time experience there. The food was served quite fast, service was excellent and most importantly we had a great time dining there :)
Can't wait for our 6mth anni over at wine company during June! :D
Anyw I need to mug for my last lap which is on monday and I will be done! Can finally catch Ip man 2 on monday w bin and have a really good dinner w no worries on my mindd :))
Exams week started since monday. Till now, things hadn't been at its best. I feel so screwed after every paper, like really. It's just a feeling of disappointment overwhelming me, that I put in alot of effort and focus yet I still can't seem to perform well. But I can say UOL exams is one of the exam period which I mugged really hard for it. 3 down and 1 more to go, can't imagine 3mths later and dun wish to imagine.
I'm really glad through this period whereby my stress level on the maximum level, I still have people around me encouraging me alot. Got to thank them :) I love you guys. Thanks for being there for me. Esp my mom. I dun know how to thank her but still thanks mom! She didn't lecture me instead she told me this " If you really do badly this time, dun worry, we'll work out something tgt that will be more suitable for you. We wouldn't want you to study till you hurt yourself." I really felt so touched at that point of time. My mom's really th best. She doesnt mind the money but she loves me so much that I feel that sometimes I dun love her that much which makes me guilty. For now, im feeling much better.
Anyw I really need to train up my mentality when it comes to dealing with stress. I'm pretty vulnerable and I'll breakdown at times which I know that it doesnt get the problem solved. So I'm learning and moving to become someone mentally stronger. In this way, my mom wouldn't worry so much bout me.
Good thing that my next paper is on th 17thmay. 1more week till that. I can release abit of myself tonight when I meetup with the rest over at Dempesey Rd. I need some beer tonight ;)