After school went bowling with happy pills exlcuding Angie. Lunch at Marina Sqaure before we bowl. We bombarded the whole place with our laughters and cheerings, but well who cares? My luck was good today! [: I striked once! hee. Ivan was the winner for th day. We headed to Gloria Jeans and had Cappy Hour before we went to Suntec and they went arcade to challenge the King Hammer thing. The guys got so crazy over it. The worst thing is, they kept on changing money for coins to play jus to hit the record. Attracted so much attention from those shoppers. Anywho Ivan was again the winner for that. We left to the sky garden and we didnt follow the initial plan and ended up playing blind mice there :/ sounds stupid and childish i know. But it was fun! Hadn't play it for damn long. I believe what matters the most is the company and not the things we do, be it something retarded or silly (: I really love happy pills and Im glad I have such wonderful classmates like them ;) We all left and i rushed home just in time for dinner with my family. Daddy drove us here and there to settle some of his stuffs before we head down to granny's f awhile and to picking my sister from work and lastly settling down at Clementi for dinner. Now, home sweet home (: IM MEETING TWINNY TMRRRRR! yayness.
sometimes i wish we can actually be frank with each other and not lie or hide bout things. it sure feels awful of being hidden from and neglected.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday blues, Maths lecture today was a killer ): We were released 15mins before class end (: Thats the only thing being happy about. Hwa Chong for lunch as usual and back to school for English and Maths stuff. Ulcers getting bigger and bigger ))): My appetite and mood goes way down. Sucky feeling. I WAN MY ULCERS T GO AWAY ))))))))': It's so painful and everyday I've live with th pain. Even when I sleep, the pain comes and makes me unable t slp well. One thing to be happy bout is IM MIGHT BE MEETING TWINNY ON THURSDAY! (: and thursday's labour day = no school = happy happy me :D
No no, i dont wanna get so deep
No no, i dont wanna get so deep
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Felt so fugly last night. Just below my left eye has a swollen part. Some kind like a mosquito bite or somthing like that. It itches so much and irritates my eye. So i went on scratching and rubbing my eyes and i didnt know the swollen part acutally spreaded ): But luckily it managed to go away when i woke up this morning (: But my ulcers are still there. Yes, ulcers with an S )))): 2 in the same spot. I really really dislike ulcers alot, they made my moodswing come so easily. And I will be so damn quiet at one moment. I hope they go away fast! Anywho been struggling with my Maths revision f the past 2hrs. Monday spells school and maths ): and the boohoo English Summary ): Sushi for dinner later! ;D
I dont wanna close my eyes.
I dont wanna close my eyes.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bedok 85 f dinner. Chose the wrong one and sucha pity that i didnt try the ba chor mee. Dan left after dinner. Amos drove us home. He's always so nice to drive us back after dinner. After dropping Angie, we actually lost our way. Cause he thought i knew th way back frm there and i thot he knew it. But luckily we've the street directory with us (: and so we managed to find the way out. Felt so exhausted after i reached home. There's presentation tmr and everything's gonna be OVER! But still, there's still Eng and Maths left ):
Thursday, April 24, 2008
MPO is madness! ):
I've never been so stressed out before. Well apparently MPO got me drivin' crazy now. We didnt stay through the whole presentation and went t start on the preparation of ours. Lunch at Hwa Chong and back to school. Teddy was damn nice today, i swear! (: He drove me down to Raffles City, waited for me to get my brows and everything done and drove me down to PS ((: Million of thanks to him :D Anywho dinner with the lovelys excluding Delong and Nanny who are at work and Max who's in Tekong. I swear I was super happy when i saw twinny today, ohhh man i miss him! :D dont know when is the next that im seeing him, i hope soon? We headed down to the usual after dinner and R left f meeting f work. Im soo exhausted now ): Saturday's presentation, next tues's summary and 5th of next month is Maths. Really madness right. My sister is going away to Taiwan in May and mummy's gg China in June! ): SO UNFAIR! I think i need to stop whining bout it and work hard f money when June holi comes.
God is fair.
I've never been so stressed out before. Well apparently MPO got me drivin' crazy now. We didnt stay through the whole presentation and went t start on the preparation of ours. Lunch at Hwa Chong and back to school. Teddy was damn nice today, i swear! (: He drove me down to Raffles City, waited for me to get my brows and everything done and drove me down to PS ((: Million of thanks to him :D Anywho dinner with the lovelys excluding Delong and Nanny who are at work and Max who's in Tekong. I swear I was super happy when i saw twinny today, ohhh man i miss him! :D dont know when is the next that im seeing him, i hope soon? We headed down to the usual after dinner and R left f meeting f work. Im soo exhausted now ): Saturday's presentation, next tues's summary and 5th of next month is Maths. Really madness right. My sister is going away to Taiwan in May and mummy's gg China in June! ): SO UNFAIR! I think i need to stop whining bout it and work hard f money when June holi comes.
God is fair.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Maths lecture was a killer today. Anywho we handed up our CA1 assignments and everyone felt so relief BUT the sad thing is CA2 assignment is out ): and due date's jus a week away. total madness. Oh! Before I forgot, HAPPY 18th SLUT! (: love you plenty! Happy pills all seem to be so tired today. Win bestfriend slept like a pig in class beside me, Amos has a damn tired pair of eyes and Dan's feeling rather emotional. Oh well, Im sure tmr's gonna be an even better day f everyone! Cause tmr's presentation day and we can all go off at early! :D Sometimes I can't stand people being totally annoying. They think they're cool like that but actually they are more of disgusting? Oh well, seriously can't be bothered anyw.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tmr's wednesday which spells Maths ):
MPO presentation has been burning so much of my time after school where i could go home and actually rest and do more revision. Hope this will get away soon and I can once again get more revision done cause exams are just next month ): Classmates are like happy pills. They also liven up the whole lecture and never fail to make fun of me :/ But well still love them! [: Anywho classmates and me alr have some plans f June holi. At the same time, Im glad also I could spend time with loves as well (: glad certain things are over and now. Weekends are gonna be burnt again f revision.
Its something my heart will always carry it with
MPO presentation has been burning so much of my time after school where i could go home and actually rest and do more revision. Hope this will get away soon and I can once again get more revision done cause exams are just next month ): Classmates are like happy pills. They also liven up the whole lecture and never fail to make fun of me :/ But well still love them! [: Anywho classmates and me alr have some plans f June holi. At the same time, Im glad also I could spend time with loves as well (: glad certain things are over and now. Weekends are gonna be burnt again f revision.
Its something my heart will always carry it with
Sunday, April 20, 2008
This week has been rather hectic and im glad that MPO proj is finally over now whats left is presentation ):
School in th morning. Finally MPO proj is over! [: headed back home after school. Dinner over at monsteroy's. We ate pizza while catching DVDs. Down to Tantric to meet Calli and we chilled around there. Spent some time in the alley and then we both headed home early. Mugged till 1-2plus and went off to bed. Super tiring day f me.
Dined over at Crystal Jade with Monsteroy, Calli and me. Over to buy their DVD player and we headed to Cathay to check out DVDs before they left for lan and i went home. Too tired.
I know its something im gonna carry it forever
School in th morning. Finally MPO proj is over! [: headed back home after school. Dinner over at monsteroy's. We ate pizza while catching DVDs. Down to Tantric to meet Calli and we chilled around there. Spent some time in the alley and then we both headed home early. Mugged till 1-2plus and went off to bed. Super tiring day f me.
Dined over at Crystal Jade with Monsteroy, Calli and me. Over to buy their DVD player and we headed to Cathay to check out DVDs before they left for lan and i went home. Too tired.
I know its something im gonna carry it forever
Friday, April 18, 2008
dinner over at Newton Circus this evening after we cracked out brain cells for 4hrs for MPO proj (: some annoying matters here and there but we had fun and also finally completed it not long ago. After dinner Dan, actually suggested to go f a drink. So Angie, Dan, Amos and me went while Dil, Har and Jason went off. And guess what I'm the happiest girl alive now cause I just saw my BESTEST TWINNY A FEW HRS AGO! ((((: do you know that I was over th clouds and felt that I was flying. Im not exgerrating but thats how much i love and miss him! We updated each other and i told him i'll booked him f dinner tmr before his work! :D OMG i can't wait to seeee twinyyyyy! Lovely day I had and lovely friends in school who never fail to make th day wonderful and lovely company f chilling. More to come (:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I feel so upset now, so so so upset. I wish I didn't had to study. I wish a day could have 48hrs instead of 24hrs. I wish there was nothing such as assignments and projs. I wish I could go back to the past where I could spend so much time with everyone. I wish I didn't have to caught up with studies, assignments, projs and friends ): Ever since school started, I gave myself a brand new motivated me to work very hard towards my goal. No matter how stress and tired i am, I will still keep on going in studies. Sometimes i miss twinny alot. It's coming 2weeks since I saw him ): And after I heard what happened, i feel so upset. Sometimes I wish I didnt have so much things and I can be there for him ):
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Today's lessons wasn't that bad afterall. So after lessons was lunch at Hwa Chong and then back to school for MPO proj again. Thanks to amos lovely for bringing his laptop (: Home after school. Proj tmr and fri again ): MPR proj is haunting me so much. I wonder will my weekends be burnt again due to proj and revision? I hope not. Haven't seen so many people for a week plus, i misss them ):damn proj cause I will need to bring my HEAVY laptop to school tmr. Back to books again.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
DS lite gets you so high and nvr stopping! (:
Morning was ruined by my eyes ): painful eyes once again. Sigh, I hope I didnt get infection like, again? So anywho Angie was being sucha lovely by helping me text people for contact lens container and solution. And the person who saved my eyes was Dan (: He actually went to buy and came in late due to this. I swear I felt super bad and came on thanking him non-stop. He's sucha lovely fellow. So after school was lunch at Hwa Chong. Headed bck to school for MPO proj and had much laughters by those cheeky boys again. Left at 3 and Amos sent us all to the bus stop and that saves the effort of walking down (: It's tiring walking up and down the slope daily. MPO proj tmr again. Back to books (:
It feels great to be talking to someone you miss so much even if its in MSN, loves twinny (:
Morning was ruined by my eyes ): painful eyes once again. Sigh, I hope I didnt get infection like, again? So anywho Angie was being sucha lovely by helping me text people for contact lens container and solution. And the person who saved my eyes was Dan (: He actually went to buy and came in late due to this. I swear I felt super bad and came on thanking him non-stop. He's sucha lovely fellow. So after school was lunch at Hwa Chong. Headed bck to school for MPO proj and had much laughters by those cheeky boys again. Left at 3 and Amos sent us all to the bus stop and that saves the effort of walking down (: It's tiring walking up and down the slope daily. MPO proj tmr again. Back to books (:
It feels great to be talking to someone you miss so much even if its in MSN, loves twinny (:
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hello world! (: Currently still in the midst of mugging for Maths. My brain cells are apparently getting so much lesser due to the cracking of my tiny pea-sized brain for those tough Maths qns and the sight of the tb won't make you feel like mugging for Maths ): But still, I've got to do it anyw. Dil lovely is sick and I hope she'll be well and skipping to school on Wednesday! (: Her laughters always made my day so much. O'right tmr seems to be the day for submission of Engish essay and im pretty nervous bout it though. I hope I can at least get a B or something like that and i'll be thankful (: Sp and I went jogging and soccer jus now in the evening! I was pushing my fatty Sp to be faster and prepare him for his 1.6 run in school on Wed.Soccer was madness with him, the ball jus went into some place that was fenced up :/ and i was the culprit. So as I promised him, i'll get him another if he do well in the upcoming MYE. Currently he's snoring away on his bed and im still mugging. See, thats the difference of a primary school student and me. Sighs, how I wish i could return back to primary school but well everyone grows up. So im back to getting into my books again ): Bye earthlings!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Lecture was rather fine this morning. Blackout in the middle of class and most of them was hoping for home but Yap just went on with lessons. Finally resumed when class was nearing :/ Heavy downpour and Angie and I were stuck in school. But luckily Amos 'lobang' us in his van like lil piggies once again to the bus-stop. hehe. So we reached the bus stop in one whole piece, DRY (: Spent my noon catching my beauty sleep and then continued on with homework and assignments. Tmr's sunday and monday spells school ):
Friday, April 11, 2008
Im having a really bad flu and cough. Tissues are all lying around. I dont feel well at all. Instead feel so sick. Flu started in the morning during class and didnt stop until now. I was still thinking it was sighness initially but well seems like i've caught a flu. School assignments and proj for Sem 1 is like never-ending. Im so drained out. Tmr's saturday and im still having class and proj in the noon. So can you imagine how tired i am?
I certainly miss alot of people. I havent seen any of my loves for the coming one week and I bet this weekend is gonna be free for me either. It will be filled with mugging and proj instead of town. I miss tweeny badly ): I wonder how he's doing with work and stuffs. You know he's like so understanding towards me ever since i started schooling, he didnt blame me for not spending time with him. SUPER LOVE FOR HIM! Last time used to seeing him everyday or every other day but now? Once or twice a week, super pathetic. Sighs. I really so much wanna spend time with him like before but school forbids me ]: Tweeny if you see this, I MISSSS YOU BADLY! (:
Actually I feel blessed to have nice classmates [: They always never fail to make lectures, breaks and sometimes after school fun filled and with laughters. They made up so much of my schooling life and kept me going in school even though sometimes i get so tired of going to school :/
I think I should go rest now. Cause im having morning class tmr and proj aftermath and mugging with lovely gf, Angie. So goodnights earthlings!
diff worlds we belong.
I certainly miss alot of people. I havent seen any of my loves for the coming one week and I bet this weekend is gonna be free for me either. It will be filled with mugging and proj instead of town. I miss tweeny badly ): I wonder how he's doing with work and stuffs. You know he's like so understanding towards me ever since i started schooling, he didnt blame me for not spending time with him. SUPER LOVE FOR HIM! Last time used to seeing him everyday or every other day but now? Once or twice a week, super pathetic. Sighs. I really so much wanna spend time with him like before but school forbids me ]: Tweeny if you see this, I MISSSS YOU BADLY! (:
Actually I feel blessed to have nice classmates [: They always never fail to make lectures, breaks and sometimes after school fun filled and with laughters. They made up so much of my schooling life and kept me going in school even though sometimes i get so tired of going to school :/
I think I should go rest now. Cause im having morning class tmr and proj aftermath and mugging with lovely gf, Angie. So goodnights earthlings!
diff worlds we belong.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
School is going on sucha fast pace nowadays. Assignments and projects are all due next week ]: Been rushing mugging as well, cannot even afford to miss any lectures. Im sure its gonna get even more busy in May. Oh, Im gonna help E with her exams for her beauty course! So i'll be getting so many things done for free [: Thanks lovely! I get so damn tired after a day of school and all i wish is to get home and rest, no more energy for other stuffs. And sometimes I would love to see lovelys ]: I doubt this weekend would be free for me. Filled with lots of assignments and projects to be completed.
School is going on sucha fast pace nowadays. Assignments and projects are all due next week ]: Been rushing mugging as well, cannot even afford to miss any lectures. Im sure its gonna get even more busy in May. Oh, Im gonna help E with her exams for her beauty course! So i'll be getting so many things done for free [: Thanks lovely! I get so damn tired after a day of school and all i wish is to get home and rest, no more energy for other stuffs. And sometimes I would love to see lovelys ]: I doubt this weekend would be free for me. Filled with lots of assignments and projects to be completed.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Mugging [:
School exhausted me out totally today. The morning was totally ruined by the Mrt disruption which led to people chionging for buses and caused me to miss 3buses before I finally boarded th 4th and squeeze myself in :/ Chiong all th way to school and made it down, lovely Angie chopped a place for me [: Math was tough today. After school, went to get my stuffs and headed home. Monday Blues! Hope tuesday will be a better day ahead :D
Am i?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Dinner at Esplanade Thai Express in the evening with the usuals. Farewell dinner for Max since he's enlisting into army jus next week. Takecare lovely! [: we'll all be waiting to see your botak head. Chilled around the riverside aftermath. Then they went off to MS while i headed home. School tmr, Monday blues ]:
Somehow i dont feel it this way
Somehow i dont feel it this way
Saturday, April 5, 2008
First saturday morning class ever since school started. Couldn't really get myself up, school even burnt out my saturdays morning sleeping time ]: After school headed off to get some stuffs and all thanks to Amos who drove me over, THANKYOU! [: Headed home aftermath. Stayed in today and finished up all my shows. Met momsie for dinner near my place. Finished up with my research and all I need to do is to print them out. Lovely Calli has promised to help me with English essay tmr![:
Sometimes we don't need a reason
It's just something that gets you in
But im trying to get myself OUT
Sometimes we don't need a reason
It's just something that gets you in
But im trying to get myself OUT
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
School has started and I can say it has been going on well [: Not much assignments yet but I guess they're just due to come. My lovely classmates always made lessons so full of fun and laughters. Love y'all! It isn't easy at all when you stopped school for one whole year and you're back to school again. So many things that has been taught in sec sch times, has alr been forgotten. I need to clear my rusty tiny brain for those Math equations :/ And yes, I always suck at Maths. I miss my fellow lovelies so much! Hope to see them soon [:
I need a new spectacle [:
I need a new spectacle [:
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