Last day of work ]: Will miss everyone of them over there [: After work, headed down to town to meet loves for dinner. Monsteroy left for work. So Brian, Calli, Andrea and me headed over to Cine, Cheers. Both girls wanna charge their phones there. Meanwhile went to check out my slipper at NUM but no more size ]: Seems like today is definetely NOT a day for shopping. I just couldn't get anything that I wanted, all the sizes and stocks ran out ]]]: So i didn't get anything. Gloria Jeans to chill while waiting for the phones to be ready. Then then, I cabbed back home while they went the usual. School tmr! Dont know whether to feel happy or sad. Just hope its gonna be a wonderful first day! [:
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ah ben and me[;
Went out with both my lovely botak brothers today [: Over to Spagaddies Kitchen at Paragon for dinner. Had lots of catching up with them and laughed alot as well. Then over to Cine, Apple to fix something and ah ben and me had so much fun there! :/ Headed to Starbucks to fill the remaining time with drinks before we headed for our show, Step up 2 at Cine. It was a really nice show! Must catch that kind! [[: Thanks to my lovely brothers who caught it with me even though they watched before. Trained home afterwhich, camwhoring time! [; Love y'all! Hy brother's gg away to Taiwan, takecare and meet up after you're back, MISSES [:
I felt different today[:
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I stayed in for the whole of today.
Reached home only like 7am in the morning? Dota and Audition filled the whole of last morning from 2-6am. Slept half of my day away, initially was still planning to go out to get some stuffs but laziness dragged me down. So after lunch was sleeping again and waking up for dinner, KFC! [: sinful, very sinful. Finally meeting both my cute botak brothers tmr for movie and lunch [[: I miss them so much! Can't wait to see them. I'll be sure to remember to take photos with them tmr!
It's sunday tmr!
Reached home only like 7am in the morning? Dota and Audition filled the whole of last morning from 2-6am. Slept half of my day away, initially was still planning to go out to get some stuffs but laziness dragged me down. So after lunch was sleeping again and waking up for dinner, KFC! [: sinful, very sinful. Finally meeting both my cute botak brothers tmr for movie and lunch [[: I miss them so much! Can't wait to see them. I'll be sure to remember to take photos with them tmr!
It's sunday tmr!
Friday, March 28, 2008
4.30am [:
Apparently Im not asleep yet if not how could I be blogging over here? :/ Got my pay in today [[: Though happy but still I won't spend too much. Planning to save 2k by next year 2009? Orientation today was unexpectedly FUN! Got to know my new classmates alr. They're really fun and nice people. Im sure im gonna enjoy school next week [; But got so drained out after it ended at 6pm. Met them in town for dinner then waited for some to come before we head to pool. I still suck at pool though :/ I swear Ben was sweet! He text me from Aust! I was both shocked and surprised, well at the same time touched. Cause apparently I thought he was back and I was stalked by him or something. He sure knows how to make me smile [: I miss him. Just in 2 month's time he's gonna be back! Can't wait for it to come though.
What am i doing?
Apparently Im not asleep yet if not how could I be blogging over here? :/ Got my pay in today [[: Though happy but still I won't spend too much. Planning to save 2k by next year 2009? Orientation today was unexpectedly FUN! Got to know my new classmates alr. They're really fun and nice people. Im sure im gonna enjoy school next week [; But got so drained out after it ended at 6pm. Met them in town for dinner then waited for some to come before we head to pool. I still suck at pool though :/ I swear Ben was sweet! He text me from Aust! I was both shocked and surprised, well at the same time touched. Cause apparently I thought he was back and I was stalked by him or something. He sure knows how to make me smile [: I miss him. Just in 2 month's time he's gonna be back! Can't wait for it to come though.
What am i doing?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yesterday night was spent over at Tantric. Awful things happened. Then when I got home, even more awful things happen. Which result me in not getting enough sleep through the night. Woke up feeling terriblly tired and awful but still, dragged myself to school to get my timetable and lecture notes. Throughout the whole briefing session, I was praying so much for it to end cause apparently something came at the wrong time. Cabbed home afterwhich and totally rested myself today. Orientation tmr and im so not anticipating for it at all ]: I find my classmates weird :/
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Dinner with mummy and SP over at Ajisen, afterwhich I left to meet Monsteroy [: Over to Ikea before heading town to meet the rest at Spins. Lovin' the chicken wings over there always, we walked around as we munched on them hungrily. Bought nothin' but chicken wings and we left to town. Met up with Calli, Ben and Eugene. Chilled and spent our time there while Delong came over after his work. Headed to Cine for KFC afterwhich Delong and me left while the rest went over to the usual. Apparently my brother got "feng mo" on his face and its kinda swollen plus he has a plump face so the swelling adds on. He looked damn dejected in this photo .
Calli and Eugene

Oops missin' out Eugene, im sorry [:
Another day gone, school days are nearing even more. Sigh, school will get me busy and thus I wont be able to hang out so often with loves anymore. So im sure gonna miss the 11 of them so much! Yes! Each and everyone of you guys will be missed by me [:
Something nice to end off the post [: My hair looks so brown, but well I swear I didn't do anything to it.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Had a rather nice and fulfilling dinner over at Tanjong Pagar with lover and tweeny. Food was nice and company was awesome! [: Always love having dinner with the both cause we ended up having so much fun together. Alright below are th pictures taken, so I shall let the pictures do the talking [:
Cheeky lover :D
Piggy tweeny :x
Love her big time!

Cheeky us [:

We looked OLD, like in our twenties?

Something fugly to end off [: Headed over to Tantric to chill and left after the crowd started to get bigger. Another Satureday gone
Friday, March 21, 2008
Rotting at home today wasn't a bad decision made afterall. Spent my day sleeping, eating, watching tv and the cycle goes on and on. Soon Im gonna turn myself into a BIG FAT pig from this state im going. But one good thing is I've already cut down on supper or should I say I managed to abstain from supper [: So I must still go on with the plan of jogging 3times per week. I found myself so in love with milo nowadays, I drank 3 mini packets today! :/ I used to dislike them but rather loving them so much right now. Im weird, like really. I have the urge to go get the longchamp bag I've always wanted and my Clarins cream tmr. Im meeting my beloved brothers, Hy & B, just the week after next! Can't wait to see those 2 hairless guys, been missing them as much as they miss me [: Hy brother is gg away to Taiwan for training soon, so hopefully he'll takecare when he's there. Well Im being so random in my post nowadays. I dont understand why as well, I just think Im weird. Having Korean cuisine tmr for dinner with lover and tweeny over at Tanjong Pagar [[: Been really long since we met lover, missing her as well. I would love to continue working when school starts but daddy doesn't approve my idea of working and schooling. Well he would love to see me engage in my studies totally rather than losing my concentration and doing badly. So next week's gonna be my last over at Kiehl's before im going on a hold ]: I believe I'll miss my girls and the others so much. I'll promise to be down when im free or nearby to visit them! [: Can't believe its been 6mths I've been with Kiehl's. Although we whine alot about work but still we enjoy the time working and having his other's company together. Alright the post's getting lengthy and I shall end it off [:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hello my name is FatFat [:
I feel fat recently ]: You know I tend to eat ALOT! After dinner, I snack on plenty of junk food. In the middle of the night, I cooked noodles for supper. Sigh, I wonder what's wrong with my stomach and why does it tend to feel so hungry easily nowadays? Im so lazy to hit the gym, totally no motivation at all. Delong was MEAN today, real mean! He said if I ever lied to him, i'll stay fat forever ]]]]: You know at that point of time, I feel like strangling him so much! So I've come up with the plan, that is.... to have a run at least 3times per week. Let's see how long I can actually live up to the mark I've made :/ Orientation is just next thurs. I used to love it but seems to have lose interest in it so much cause Im not very excited for it. Plus the journey to school is gonna be far ]: I need to stop whining and whining cause apparently it doesnt seem to help.
Growing boobs
I feel fat recently ]: You know I tend to eat ALOT! After dinner, I snack on plenty of junk food. In the middle of the night, I cooked noodles for supper. Sigh, I wonder what's wrong with my stomach and why does it tend to feel so hungry easily nowadays? Im so lazy to hit the gym, totally no motivation at all. Delong was MEAN today, real mean! He said if I ever lied to him, i'll stay fat forever ]]]]: You know at that point of time, I feel like strangling him so much! So I've come up with the plan, that is.... to have a run at least 3times per week. Let's see how long I can actually live up to the mark I've made :/ Orientation is just next thurs. I used to love it but seems to have lose interest in it so much cause Im not very excited for it. Plus the journey to school is gonna be far ]: I need to stop whining and whining cause apparently it doesnt seem to help.
Growing boobs
Aparrently I made the wrong choice to wear heels to work ytd. Goodness it almost got my legs killed but i managed to make it home. Tweeny, Roy and Kenneth came over to find me over at my workplace then after work we cabbed down to town to meet the rest. Topshop to spend those vouchers off before they're due but nothing seems to caught my eye. Over to Cine to get tickets for movie, Spiderwick. Ate and went up for movie. Met the rest over at lanshop. Left around 1am and cabbed home. Dropped dead on my bed after I showered.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Aparrently I have been out on my own for th past 2days. Yesterday daddy drove me over to SIM to make payment for my Sem 1, then mummy and he left for hiking. So after all the payments and everything, I bus-ed down to MOE to get my '07 O-lvl Cert. Like seriously, screw the weather, I perspired non-stop during th walk to the MRT station. Town to have dinner with love, delong. Headed home after that and PIG at home :/ feel so sinful! ]: I had dinner followed by milo, honeystars, chips and ice-cream! I dont know why I'm eating so much nowadays! Something must be wrong inside my stomach to make me feel hunrgy easily nowadays. Mummy says there's worms inside! Oh well, aparently she's lying to me cause she feels that Im becoming more and more lazy. Today was to pay my bills, to get my jeans and brows done. I dont know why, whenever Im down to do my brows, everyone will start commenting that I do my brows so often! Its like so annoying pls. I only come down once in 2weeks or smth. Probably they happened to be working when Im down to do my brows. But really, I wonder what's wrong with people nowadays? Why must they comment so much when W doesnt? WEIRDOS. I told W, im gonna let my brows grow into humogous shape and let him do it, yeah so it'll be like after a month? Lets see whether annoying comments comes again. Left after dinner with F, went to get my jeans altered around my place and find mummy at the massage centre before we skipped home together [: It just reminds me of those times when Im still a small lil girl who will always urge mummy to allow me to accompany her to the market for groceries. Totally lovely! I guess this post has been rather lengthy and thus I shall end it off with a :)
Thats something that I'll always love other than my family
its the DASIIOUS [: i misss you guys!
Thats something that I'll always love other than my family
its the DASIIOUS [: i misss you guys!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Finally! I found my cable to my camera thus im able to upload those really overdue photos we took together [:
Andrea's birthday sticker photos!

Happy birthday girl [:
Followed by chilling out at Tantric on a random Sunday night [:
my beloved daddy and me [;

Andrea's birthday sticker photos!
my beloved daddy and me [;
Im so happy cause Im finally able to upload those prettaye photos![: anywho daddy, tweeny and me went shopping today at FEP. I guess most of the time daddy was doing the shopping. So after the fruitful shopping we went off to Heeren's to meet the rest. Chilled at Spins before to Cine for dinner. We did really silly stuffs today at Cine's arcade and i was laughing my ass off.
Friday, March 14, 2008
B called me from Australia today when I was outside! [: Super duper big grins on the face* Nothing beats receiving a call from a sorely missed friend who is overseas. Over the past few days, did nothing much. Caught the movie, Rule No.1 with the lovelys. Tweeny has been terribly sick for the past few days, get well soon love![: What a friday night being wasted jus like that ]:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Yesterday was a day spent over at Escape, downtown east. And I swear, I will never take Inverter ever again, never, over my dead body. It was my first and last time that im gonna take this. I was having butterflies inside my stomach when we were waiting. Then when the machine starts to raise, It scared the shit outta me, like really! I was practically screaming th whole ride cause it gives you the you're gonna drop anytime. And I broke into tears cause it was hell terrifying to me. Okays, I gottta admit im a scaredy cat :/
Rainy days makes me sad. Have you ever tried sitting alone in th early hrs like 4, 5am and looking up at the sky? When the wind blows and you starts to feel the drizzles on yr skin, you'll feel cold somehow but at the same time I feel its a rather special feeling inside. I'll never forget the special feeling I got last night. And its my first ever time falling asleep outside. Hell, it was freezing and I didnt have anything with me to cover myself frm th cold. Went to bed at 6am and woke up at 8am for work, surprisingly the attempt to be late didnt work out though but I looked horrible cause of my lack of sleep :/ But I got so so so so much better later in the day. And thanks to sweetheart, fernnie for coming in early. Of course, we made th best outta best tgt [:
Rainy days makes me sad. Have you ever tried sitting alone in th early hrs like 4, 5am and looking up at the sky? When the wind blows and you starts to feel the drizzles on yr skin, you'll feel cold somehow but at the same time I feel its a rather special feeling inside. I'll never forget the special feeling I got last night. And its my first ever time falling asleep outside. Hell, it was freezing and I didnt have anything with me to cover myself frm th cold. Went to bed at 6am and woke up at 8am for work, surprisingly the attempt to be late didnt work out though but I looked horrible cause of my lack of sleep :/ But I got so so so so much better later in the day. And thanks to sweetheart, fernnie for coming in early. Of course, we made th best outta best tgt [:
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yesterday was fun! We spent the whole afternoon over at CDANS. Had hennas, airbrush, bowling and not forgetting the laser quest! It got all of us so indulged into it and i believe everyone had an equal amount of fun! [: Headed down town in the evening for dinner and afterwhich we spent the remaining time at Gloria Jeans, chilling out. Before delong came over to find us for late dinner and then down to Tantric, hell we had a hard time getting in cause it was damn packed. Cabbed home ard 1am and drop dead the moment i reached home[: i wish the star on my arm was real :/
cause we're all different now
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My blog has been damn dead, i swear. I wasnt lazy to update or anything just that I cant seem to find my USB cable for my cammie ]: and thus I haven been able to update those prettaye photos we took. Pardon me, till i find my cable if not im gonna go buy a new one. :/ Life has been pretty fulfilling and hectic at the same time. I feel like im having leave from work! haha, havent been working much recently. Im gonna change my wardrobe clothings soon! [[:
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