checked out sem 2 timetable, timing sucks like anything. afternoon classes :x seriously i hateeee afternoon lectures ALOT cause its gonna be even more tiring to walk to school, more sleepy and time passes slower. & i hope sem 2 pass quickly so Sept will be here and at least by then i could persuade dad for some stayover (:
have been good these days. staying in sometimes isn't as bad as you think. i realise my wallet is still FAT. haha. i guess i'll be out tmr for dinner & movie with lovelys before my school starts officially on tues. i guess this has been rather a long holiday for me. till the extend when its nearing the end, i became so bored and didn't know what to do. but it has been a good one. i met new and nice people. i had fair share of fun. but i wanna complain something! which is twinny isn't able to meet me so much but still we do meet up when he's off. i think i better stop whining cause its so much better than we don't at all right. but im glad we always have fun when we meet. since tmr's sunday i shall sleep abit later tonight and sleep in more tmr! :D GOODNIGHTS!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
im so bored. i stayed in for the whole of today. boredom is gonna kill me anytime. i wanna sleep but i can't fall asleep. i'll feel sinful if i keep eating. i've surfed most of my friend's blog and probably been there countless times. i went through friendster again and again. i blogged and here im blogging again. i uploaded those photos that shld be. i've sent those to whom i should. i bought a new mouse, so no more whines. everyone seems to be either out, working, sleeping, gaming, clubbing, singing etc etc. i tried playing online games but they bore me out after a while. psp games are getting boring too. no one to call and yank on the phone. i've got so much credit on my phone like 84.50 and i dont know how to spend them all. i feel like dating but again i dont feel like. i exercised today. i ate alot today. bubble tea, sushi, seaweed, crackers, milo, chocolate, yanyan. i watched too much DVDs that bore me out. i dont like doing the same old thing for long cause it bores me out so easily. i hate to be staying in like today doing nothing. i think i should get some books to occupy time, find some flings to hang out with or find someone to talk to like my bff? i wish my bff could be here so we could have endless fun through the night talking and playing. i think its time to ask my bff for a stayover. i need to help my kuku twinny pick up his specs from his house tmr before heading to ken's. im afraid his grandma might not recognise me. im afraid his grandma might think im a thief. but which thief would ask whether they could rob the house? i know this is stupid and getting lengthy but im seriously TOO bored. i wanna sell off some clothes from my wardrobe cause its taking up way too much space. and then i can use the money to get more new dresses. i love to be in dresses now cause i feel so me. i feel like wearing heels cause its collecting dust. my new phone's sucha bitch cause its touch screen and super sensitive so i gave many people a missed call by accident. they called back and i felt so stupid. finally someone called and the person is lesbian. she's on her way down to tantric. here we're talking and talking. but its good time is passing. and then we hung up. she's there a tantric. i wish i was there too. cause at least they're all there to pass time with me. its 5mins to 12am now. i wanna give my last. lover called me ytd. she knows how i feel. thanks. im glad im not alone. i dont know why i still have not plucked out my earpiece even though our call ended. i'll go down earlier tmr. i'll find somone to lunch with me first. i think im going to find something to occupy my time. Goodbye! :D
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
family photoshoot (:


with second sis and fatfat!
with fatfat! my first photo in my new PURPLE phone (:
combination of fatfat's and me
twinnys (:


this fellow just called me few mins ago asking me songs title again -.- i seem to be a portable mobile kbox everyone just calls me and ask me if they can't seem to get the song title right. hahaha. so anyw photoshoot was both fun and tiring. we had to be standing/sitting straight up, smiling with teeth visible, head not to tilte etc etc. i guess the photographer was good, he managed to make us laugh and be so natural. i shall post up when i've got the photos! :D aftermath i trained down from clementi to cathay to meet twinny & kenneth. i was so hungry and bugged them to go eat with me. we had shilin's crispy chicken & creeps followed by Ya Kun. i swear it was really filling. so anyway twinny says my phone looks like some kind of toy ): & everything i do must be related to purple. we created many jokes due to purple. k cool. purple is love!
i was such a noob last night. i spent an hr figuring how i should do the transferring of files frm my PC to my phone using the USB cable. and i kept on plugging on and off for countless times to the extend im afraid my phone might die or something. then i went through my pile of plastics and box and found a CD which i need to install in order to do th transferring. at that point of time i wish i could just die. how could i be so dumb to be trying non stop for an hr and not look for othwer alternatives?! i must be mad. so anyw i spent another 2hrs on the transferring and all. cause apparently Samsung phones suck at the USB part. & worse still, i missed call so many people by accident! :/ i swear i didnt mean to press. its just the touch screen that got on my nerves and went bersek. twinny was one of the victim whom i called :/ i finally hit the sheets at 2am. hmm, not exactly at 2 but maybe 230? cause i spent half an hour playing PSP till my eyes were half closing and i decided to go bed.
so this morning i received a super nice gift. the damn life construction was drilling and drilling like no one's business. i could have just died, seriously. it went on for an hr and i wanted to get up and go market with mummy but i was seriously too tired from the phone exploring last night that i fell back asleep when the drilling was done. but my alarm actually woke me up at 11am. breakfast was awful. so anyw i spent time watching DVDs. who says cheap stuffs are always lousy? i paid 20bucks and got nice hair done. photoshoot later and aftermath town maybe? update later :D
so this morning i received a super nice gift. the damn life construction was drilling and drilling like no one's business. i could have just died, seriously. it went on for an hr and i wanted to get up and go market with mummy but i was seriously too tired from the phone exploring last night that i fell back asleep when the drilling was done. but my alarm actually woke me up at 11am. breakfast was awful. so anyw i spent time watching DVDs. who says cheap stuffs are always lousy? i paid 20bucks and got nice hair done. photoshoot later and aftermath town maybe? update later :D
Monday, June 23, 2008
Samsung Ultra Edition 12.1 in purple (:
i got this instead of Samsung Soul. i guess i was the unlucky one who got purple :/ the sales person told me that when there was sliver & black, purple was in demand -.- alright im trying to let myself love purple :x mummy is always the best! she paid for the phone ((: i wanted to do pedicure today but just when i wanted to, the shop was packed and no one served me so i turned away. instead i got a new top from topshop but nothing caught my eyes at the streets. tmr is photoshoot and i hope after that i can go meet twinny cause i miss him. Goodnights!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
days have been good. school reopening for some tmr. i've been enjoying or using my holidays to the fullest cause i know when school starts its gonna be hell tiring. endless projs, assignments etc. its gonna be one full repeat cycle. lesser meetups with everyone and more time spent on books instead. i promise to start revision even much more earlier this coming sem 2. its good to have goals and pushing yourself. cause this was actually the first i felt my exams were what i should get cause of the amount of effort and time i put in. regret of not putting in even earlier if not i could have scored another B.
im finally getting Samsung Soul tmr! can't wait. its tempting me so much. anyw i've lost most of my contacts due to the fact that all of my contacts are in my old w850i phone which passed away recently. so mind me if you text me someday and i reply asking who you're k. i realise my heels hasn't been much use nowadays. one of these days i wanna get all dressed up to go out with my heels. haha. i must be mad. i miss people and i always do which i wonder why. i hope we could meet soon since holidays for me are ending. i had family dinner with my father side today. it was average food and company. i spoke little through the dinner. ate little as well cause the food apparently sucks ): but i had fun in the noon in town my 2of my boys. B and D kept me companied for the whole noon till 6 when i left them for dinner. we had shopping spree. for them and a little for me. photoshoot on tues night with family. not really excited. so anyw its 1230 now and i think my nose's a lil irritating and that i should hit the sheets. Goodnights!
it doesn matter who
but i really dont bother having a sis like you.
im finally getting Samsung Soul tmr! can't wait. its tempting me so much. anyw i've lost most of my contacts due to the fact that all of my contacts are in my old w850i phone which passed away recently. so mind me if you text me someday and i reply asking who you're k. i realise my heels hasn't been much use nowadays. one of these days i wanna get all dressed up to go out with my heels. haha. i must be mad. i miss people and i always do which i wonder why. i hope we could meet soon since holidays for me are ending. i had family dinner with my father side today. it was average food and company. i spoke little through the dinner. ate little as well cause the food apparently sucks ): but i had fun in the noon in town my 2of my boys. B and D kept me companied for the whole noon till 6 when i left them for dinner. we had shopping spree. for them and a little for me. photoshoot on tues night with family. not really excited. so anyw its 1230 now and i think my nose's a lil irritating and that i should hit the sheets. Goodnights!
it doesn matter who
but i really dont bother having a sis like you.
Friday, June 20, 2008
happy 11th birthday fatfat (:

don't these small soccer figurine sweets look adorable? (:
i have the urge to just eat them all up but they taste yucky :/
so anyw i stayed in for today. i guess there was a terrible downpour in the middle of last night. the thunder woke me up and so you can imagine how loud it was. plus i guess it was really heavy cause i can actually hear the pattering of the rain drops on the windows. somehow i freaked out which i dont know why either. im just afraid the thunder might be too strong and break the windows or something. silly me and i felt back asleep soon aftermath. so few of fatfat's friends crashed my place in the noon to celebrate his birthday. tsk, how fortunate can this pig be? fancy getting a psp for his 11th birthday. so they totally own the place with their laughters, heavy footsteps etc. it came to a point where it was considered noise and i found it pretty irritating. we ordered excess food -.- all thanks to my kan-chiong mummy. apparently for the while noon i just played a nice host, keep on eating non-stop, watching dvds. zomg im gonna gain a few pounds after today and i feel so sick when i see those fastfood now :/ lastly happy 11th bro! (:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
back from b-r-i-s-b-a-n-e ((:
we wanted to make the food seems yummy and that explains the pose ;D
lovely qy & me
tsk, she's having more and more piercings, daphne and me
take 1
take 2
i trying to act retarded to grab his poky head :/
see the hoodie im wearing? he --> got it for me :D
then i tried to act diva and steal the limelight :D
& i dont care by just pinching his breasts.
& he give that sad face saying layss-love-to-pinch/grab-my-breast.
intimate shot 1: FAILED! can't even see me, bodoh!
intimate shot 2: notice the couple behind us? we're trying to act like them but he's more like molesting me :/
ah beng & ah huay.
purposely ask slut to take for me, i stole the limelight! heheh
last of all, he tried to give me a big mega kiss but luckily my hand came fast if not ...
ah beng pose with ah huay's fingers.
i wonder what the heck he was posing for.
4w1h take 1 (:
4w1h take 2 (: & to our wanhua no.1 wife, we miss you so badly and hope you'll get well soon ok? & we will meet up :D
done with photos. slut & me went cotton's on cause she wanted to get shorts cause he current one was irritating her as she walked. but went off empty handed. waited for the rest over at Raffles place then we walked to lau pa sat. had a rather filling dinner but not doing back there anymore cause the service totally s-u-c-k-s. updated each other quite a lot on our lives and b's whole trip there. then we strolled to esplanade to digest our filling dinner. that fellow actually walked on his own and we walked on our own. called him and he told me i've got 6mins to find him. & we bumped into him outside esplanade with ice cream on his hand. so we found a place to sit while he proclaimed to be going to get cup corn but turned out ice creams (: sweet him. so we talked, camwhore and everything. im so h-a-p-p-y now :D after so long of not meeting up with b, he's still the same and everytime we all meet, we really enjoy ((: goodnights!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
yestersday was spent over at kbox (: D & the rest came along to join us aftermath. it was total madness and fun. B & me were rather high. we keep dancing and singing. then they started the memory poker game and got even more high. followed by fortune telling game using poker. left around 130 for home. cabbed home and i was damn tired fell asleep quite fast.
anyw finally meeting b tmr & the rest at LPS for dinner (:
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