back from b-r-i-s-b-a-n-e ((:
we wanted to make the food seems yummy and that explains the pose ;D
lovely qy & me
tsk, she's having more and more piercings, daphne and me
take 1

take 2

i trying to act retarded to grab his poky head :/

see the hoodie im wearing? he --> got it for me :D

then i tried to act diva and steal the limelight :D

& i dont care by just pinching his breasts.

& he give that sad face saying layss-love-to-pinch/grab-my-breast.

intimate shot 1: FAILED! can't even see me, bodoh!

intimate shot 2: notice the couple behind us? we're trying to act like them but he's more like molesting me :/

ah beng & ah huay.

purposely ask slut to take for me, i stole the limelight! heheh

last of all, he tried to give me a big mega kiss but luckily my hand came fast if not ...

ah beng pose with ah huay's fingers.

i wonder what the heck he was posing for.

4w1h take 1 (:

4w1h take 2 (: & to our wanhua no.1 wife, we miss you so badly and hope you'll get well soon ok? & we will meet up :D
done with photos. slut & me went cotton's on cause she wanted to get shorts cause he current one was irritating her as she walked. but went off empty handed. waited for the rest over at Raffles place then we walked to lau pa sat. had a rather filling dinner but not doing back there anymore cause the service totally s-u-c-k-s. updated each other quite a lot on our lives and b's whole trip there. then we strolled to esplanade to digest our filling dinner. that fellow actually walked on his own and we walked on our own. called him and he told me i've got 6mins to find him. & we bumped into him outside esplanade with ice cream on his hand. so we found a place to sit while he proclaimed to be going to get cup corn but turned out ice creams (: sweet him. so we talked, camwhore and everything. im so h-a-p-p-y now :D after so long of not meeting up with b, he's still the same and everytime we all meet, we really enjoy ((: goodnights!
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