Totally screwed up my first day of school today. First, I woke up at 715am when my class starts at 830am. I decided to just go school with specs and nude face today so I managed to get outta house around 730am. Luckily, the bus didn't screw me up too, I managed to get on and squeezing myself with all those chestnut drive kids. But I felt something was amiss when I left the house and until I reach the bus stop I still couldn't figure out and it was then I realise I left my phone at home! ): I was left with no choice but to go school without my phone and I was meeting tiff 815am at the sch bus stop. I waited from 810am to 830am and I didnt see her alighting from any buses so I started to panick and luckily I bumped into one of my diploma classmate who knew I was stuck waiting for tiff there. I think she bumped into tiff outside the LT and tiff literally rushed to the bus stop to find me :) Phew! I was still thinking I managed to make it to class on my first day, was on the dot man!
Who knows we met some bunch of irritating foreign girls in the LT who "chopped" seats for their beloved friends. We saw that the 2 seats was empty and went down to sit and only upon sitting did one of them actually told us they chopped it for their friend. But it was already 830am and the class was starting. Worse of all, there were no more seats left! So we just sat down and went ahead with the lecture without bothering them even though their face was like "tsk" but tiff's face was much more fierce so they didn't dare argue back or something. I'm alright with chopping seats as I do that too. But come on la, it's like already 830am and the class is starting and there were NO seats around so where you expect us to sit?! Sit on you is it. Stupid or what, never use brain to think. I really can't tahan some of the foreign girls in my class, irritating to the max.
Well tiff and I became the bitches on the 1st day of school. LOL. I fell asleep during the first half of the class and after the break I was better because I had my power power(coffee). But it ended up with a upset stomach):
After my class,I called my mom up and decided to meet her and my sister at Jurong Point to get some tonic and birdnest for my poor popo who is hospitalized in M'sia. We're all visiting her on sunday morning:) Popo, get well soon. Me love you! Mummy spent alot today. We went to SK to get my cousin's wedding gift which cost around 300bucks, ended up my mom bought a diamond ring for about 500? and adding on my sister too bought herself one which is around 200. Awesome much! Next time I also wanna get myself a diamond ring! I feel that the feeling is super shiok when you wear one and I believe all girls look nice with diamonds! :) Heee, my sister bought me a levis jeans! WOOOO! Love her!
Hopefully nothing goes wrong tmr and I can meet Mr Fu because he's flying off to Tokyo on fri morning and I'm waiting for him to come back with my magazine and my white chocolate biscuit!:)