'09 has been a pretty good and bad year for me. I made new friends, been overseas, started uni, people leaving my life, gaining back what I've lost blah blah blah. Many changes took place this year. I'm proud to say for myself that I've changed for the better throughout this whole year.
JanuaryFor the first time, my happy pills came over to my place for house visits! And we went round and round everyone's place and ending up at Amos's place for bbq :) I'm glad I had met them during my diploma times and we actually went through many things together! We go club, pub, hand in assigns tgt, copy each other work(sometimes), steal food from the canteen, left class for lunch early, bbq together, supper tgt and everything under the sun! Really glad they entered my life, even though we've a pretty wide age gap but they're all like my brothers and sisters to me. We share and have fun together always. For my 20th birthday, I made a pact to celebrate it with them as well :]
FebuaryMy 19th birthday was also spent with my baobeis for the first time :D Entering CO was indeed a good choice. I met and made ALOT of new friends. Some who are always my Hi-Bye friends at work, some who are the ones who never fail to ask for a drink after work @ Indochine, some like my jie-meis who're the best and im glad we shared a pretty strong bond. Thanks to god for letting me met them and build sucha strong bond between us :]
My happy pills are always the ones who're so lovable when they see me drunk upside down. For my 19th birthday was also my first time spending it with them and went hit dlb O for good drinks. I had a 7 series which nearly killed me. Basically I wasn't gone at all but only tipsy. Whereas Brandon was totally gone. They had to kinda "carry" me to Amos's house for the night and we ended up waking up late for class the next day. I was having alcohol inside my head still :/
And then not forgetting, I will always have my best friend around for birthdays. This year, he got me a really biggg gift :) Having to be able to celebrate my birthdays with him around every year, is something I look forward to. Because it marks another year into our twinyship. Thanks for being around all these while when I was in my down moments. Thanks for all those advices that you gave me when I needed to sort out my life. Feel so glad to have you as a twiny beside me ;]
I still rmb V.day this year was definitely something very impromptu. As twiny was still working in Tantric then, I decided to spend the V.day there with them! And my baby, qy texted me asking for a meetup. So in the end, I met her down at Tantric and we spend 09 V.day together. Baby bought me lovely rochers bouqet :)
Then it was meetup with Ben who wanted to treat me to a meal since my birthday has just passed by. I rmb he was having this CLEO Bachelors meeting over at City Hall mrt. I met him after he was done. Got to know a new friend by the name of Gary through him as well. Had a wonderful time in Shokudo at Raffles City eating and making jokes around.
MarchIt was our first virgin trip to Zirca. I still rmb we popped quite alot of bottles that night. Dancing our night through with alcohol and fun company. It was kinda the first time we 3 went club together :)
On March 13th, my bestie for 12yrs aka twiny enlisted into the army to serve the nation. The night before we went in, he went to shave off his precious hair he had been having for the past 18yrs. I was still laughing at how bigg his head was. And this photo was taken during his first book out and we went to dined in at our all-time fav Waruka @ Heeren's. Still rmb we hit Tantric to have a drink or 2 after that. From then on I know, twiny had become a real man ;P
AprilBasically most of my jie meis birthday this year was spent with me :) really love them :DD
Sparky-the-forever-hyper dog, passed away in April. I still rmb Brandon was kinda affected by it. He was Brandon's fav dog though he's naughty but still he never fail to make us smile and laugh at his silly action :)
Estee's 25th birthday over at Top One @ bugis :)
MayIt was also through working in CO that pulled me and Fel to be closer. Initially when she first entered CO, i thought she was super guai lan as she didn't smile and her face is like totally black -.- so I didnt felt like talking to her. It was only after when she started to open up to all of us and we started to mingle around, I find her actually pretty awesome. She's someone who I can share my thoughts or problems with. And one thing is that even though we don't really hang out as much as compared to the past, but we never fail to update each other once in a while. Thats something like a deep bond inside :) Happy to have met her in 2009
MIKAL CHONG! He's one of the awesome new friends that I've made in 2009. He entered CO to work while waiting to be enlist. Time really flies and now he is already done with his 3 months BMT! :D Steady la you brother. I'll never forget the good old times we have in CO :)
That was our annnually awards night over at Indochine. I still rmb G sis won "The Best Part Timer" award! I was sooo happy for her as her efforts for the last 2yrs really paid off. And now, she's a 3rd IC for her shop :)
My lovely sister, Sandy Ng! She's the first friend of mine to be married and I was part of her sister band! Even though we didn't had a blink the night before but we managed to pull through the whole day and still looking as good as ever in the night for the dinner. I still rmb that was how I became her wedding dinner's MC.
JuneMy lovely sister band is one of those awesome people I've met in 2009. I still rmb we weren't very close in the beginning but as time goes by, we actually build up a strong bond among ourselves. We went from being colleagues at work to being sisters who meet up regurlarly for bowling sessions, supper, dinners, ktv and shopping. With the addition of the 2 new guys, Aaron and Wenhui, I'm glad we could actually bond well and we could click really well. They're all like my big brothers to me:) Thank you girls, without you girls, part of my life will never be soooo fun!
JulyWin's breatfriend 21st party at Ascotts @ raffles place. He was the first person that I attended a 21st party:)
Farewell to my sister, Candy. We held a farewell supper for out beloved SM, Candy as she was transferred over to Novena Square. I still rmb they were still saying that I was bout to cry when I was saying what I wanna say to her but I wasn't and in the end, they made me cry. I was both sad and happy for her. Being transferred out to a mega store meant a promotion in a way and of course I was happy for her but at the same time, I wouldn't be able to work with her anymore. Miss those times we chiong work tgt:)
AugustMy dearest G sis who has the same temper, same attitude and same thinking as me was transferred over to Ion):
September23rd Sept marks my mommy's 51st birthday. Thanks mom for being there always and being sucha awesome mommy!
On the 17th Sept 09, I gained back something which I thought I had lost forever. Thank you for giving me this chance to mend back the friendship and make everything right again. You guys are really part of my life which will NEVER disappear. We might hardly meetup but as long as we know when we need each other we're there, thats more than enough:)
My first ever trip to KL with twiny and Noel&co. It was really a awesome 3D2N trip that I had. I'll miss those times and hopefully we can hit for a trip in 2010 again!
NovemberIt marks G sis 21st birthday party. And her life as an adult begins now :)
The annually awards night over at Dunston Hill which got all of us confused. But it was a good night with awesome company and beer:)
18th Nov 09 was the big day for my beloved sister, Candy. I was her bridesmaid and for the whole day it was really super tiring and busy. But I am really happy for her as she found her true happiness and someone who is going to spend her life with down the road:)
Xmas this year was spent very meaningfully and peacefully. Thanks for the great night peeps:)
I've thought about what my new year resolution would be for 2010.
1. Achieve a 2nd upper honours in studies
2. Make better progress @ work
3. To be a better friend towards all my loves
4. To be a even better daughter to my parents
5. Able to save up more this time round
6. Go on a trip with my friends either tw or bkk is fine:)
7. A surprise birthday party for myself, never had one before.
8. Achieve more things in life
9. Cultivate the good habit of reading
10. Hopes for all good things to come and bad things to end:)
I am ready for 2010, are you?:)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ready for 2010 :]
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