before i start blogging, pls visit GLAMOURORSWEETS, it's a new online shop, th link is inside my LINKS area, thks!
stayed at home th whole day. dinner at monster's nest along with Roy and Yi Jian. Kenneth came afterwhich.left with Roy, he headed f work while I went home. I managed t hitch a ride from him (; thks daddy! Anyw I'm uploading th photos from ytd's outing with Terry and Miyake (: I found myself eating so much everyday and very lazy t work out. I'm seriously getting fatter ! DIET DIET & MORE DIET T COME! guess I won't be heading out t anywhere tmr or even th weekends, I feel so lerthagic and lazy t go out. I'm seriously lazy t th extend of thinking of what t wear.where t go and what t do. moodswings are seriously th worst thing that you could ever get and maybe thats pretty much of th reason why I'm not into th mood of going out. alright I need a JOB badly cause I neeed money! :/

& yes, rmb im always with you (;
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