Friday, September 7, 2007

my ulcers are killing me, can someone like tear it away? :'((

town f dinner today. roy came slighty later t join us at th foodcourt. i saw my baby today! alright my baby refers t none other than my beloved, qianyu! gave her a warm & big hug. we jammed at cine while waiting f terry t come. aft much decision we decided t head home early tgt since everyone is tired. waited f ages f cab & got one, like finally. i was so high that i did alot of funny & unglam actions t those who attempted t cut th taxi quene, NEH~ i shall capture it down someday and post on my blog. th cab ride seems t take forever t reach hm and i ponder alot on my way~

and thanks t my ulcers which ruin my mood completely :(

if silly was used t describe you, then wad would be me?

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