Saturday, September 29, 2007

yesterday night at partyworld was awesome! i had so much fun there and i drank alot and got myself sooo high. but i did enjoyed myself w my loves; mummy,monmon,yunyun lover (:

monmon was busy snapping our photos. i got really so high that i tied my fringe like some small girl

afterwhich th whole singing session ended and we cabbed down t maxwell market. ate some soup prawn mee but i know im soo irritating that i kept on talking nonsense :/ then cabbed back home t mon's place f overnight (:

had the evening dinner tgt like what we 4 would do in th past. then Roy left f work while we headed out t th mart t buy groceries f tonight's supper! back t mon's place t place all th things before walking t my hse f mahjong session. monmon jus left and im still waiting f daddy t come bck before i can sneak out t monmon's place! :D i know i know im sucha bad girl, fancy sneaking out. alright I'm offf and bck w photos later

sigh, things wont get bck
it jus seems alright on th surface yet inside it's still th same old feeling

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