finally i've done up my OTQM assig(: feel so proud of myself, really. i've been way too slack/lazy/lerthagic and anything you can think of to kick start the assig. i guess im still in the CNY mood and not in the right mood for school yet. and this is really very bad. should stop playing around so much and start working hard for feb's exams. woooh! i really really can't wait to graduate. it's gonna be exciting? hahahaha.
and also i finally picked up myself to blog. realise i didnt blog much for the previous 2 post? simply didnt feel like blogging. was too lazy to think and upload the photos. the uploading part was still fine but the blogging part got me so lazy. right now, i think im back to the right blogging mood again.
think im too stressed up this month. my xxx came really late. it really suck.
i misss twinny_bestfriend ALOT ALOT ALOT lah! havent seen him for th past week man. he, busy working and me busy working and schooling. we hadn't had much time for each other nowadays. its so sad seeing it. we used to spend so much time together but now we hardly have the time not t say to do those stupid things we always do last time. must find time alreadyyy. most prob tmr if he is freee(: & he's going to throw me in this island from 8th feb to 12th feb and elope to bkk with roy and andy.hahaha!
this year's ang bao's money isnt bad either. plus the addition of some who gave, like my sister!:D was surprised at the amount she gave me and my brother luhs. nevertheless my wish in getting myself a new bag is coming true just in weeks' time. yet to see but have one in mind. can't wait can't wait! next up, i want to get myself a wallet after march. SAVE SAVE SAVE!
goodnights! off to watch hk showwww
Saturday, January 31, 2009
met up with Shimin last evening. been very long since we met up for dinner. dined in over at hk cafe and from the moment we met, we never stop talking till i lighted off from the train at jurong east. this really shows how much catching up we had to do. her boyf,wei hao came along as well and hope we didnt bore him out from those gossips from our secondary school days. a well spent friday night(: can't wait cause we're going night cycling just next tues!!

backtrack a lil. around 3days back? which is wednesday, happy pills crashed my place with oranges. so for that day we went house visits all around. didnt managed to crash geraldine,win&tiff's. ended up over at Amos_buddy's place for bbq in the night. cpx & co came over.
we the girls(:
& the boys
look at how man they can all get(:
and how gay they could be. hahahaha!
malt_pooney''s tummy is really BIGGGG luhhh
hahaha, we were laughing so hard when we were trying to capture their tummies, no one could ever win Amos(:
he is 24/7 irritating me,my dearest pooney
sparky and pooney.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!
happy new year to all!! finally managed to upload everything up here. this year is rather special, did many things which we dont normally do for the past years. but as usual, the first was spent visiting my ahma and then to m'sia to my popo's place in JB(: caught up alot with all my cousins over there,had so much fun gossiping with them and also reminiscing those childhood memories.awww!ate alot there, i mean ALOT. all we do is to gamble, eat,sleep, gamble and eat again. the cycle goes on and on. my god that is super scary and i do not wish to step on the weighing machine after CNY!!hahahaha. and then my cousin told me, if you're caught gambling in m'sia, you'll be caught, locked up and they will shaved off all yr hair! my sisters and i laugh until peng when we heard that. weird uhs?
First day of CNY. sis&me
da jie& er jie
er jie& me.
momsie&er jie

tried camwhoring, but my face was cut off lah!!
nevermind try again, pro ok!
da jie driving(:
my dad's like so stern when directing my sis lorr
found that irritating fly outside the window. so poor thing.

JB here we come!!
second day of CNY(:
my sis and me loved taking pictures even under void decks!

she went to drag my dad in.hahahaha and look at my dad, act cute luhhh

Like father like son.
got to admit,we're super camwhore bitches!!! on the way down to sentosa flower carnival(:
so many yatches there!!! wish i own one there.
the weather was a killer man.

everyone thought we are twins! do we?
again! see my big sis, act cute only lorrrr!
they damn good, ask me take for them and take without me lorrrr!!!):
love my hair here, loooks longggggg.
quene for the bus to beach station was bad but it was moving continusously so not that bad lah
and we even got seats on the bus.
trying to act chio.hahahhaha
the crowd.
wanted to snap the poster but this act-cool-guy happened to walk past lorrrr. still adjusting his shades somemore!

my irritating brother.

wah lao, the flowers damn chio eh. though im not a big fan of flowers but stil they looked prettaye!

aiyo no shy, take my face until so BIGGG!

this is sweet and many people were quening up just to get snapped with it, mostly were couples luh

ferror rocher -> flower rocher?

wah pro lor, take me scratching hair so unglam!!
toilet also snap. piang my mom ask me when are we going to stop.hahaha!

coooool! the chewssssss. ai si ni men le!!
this yr was rather special cause we had dinner with my paternity side, all my cousins, aunties and uncles. then caught the movie, the wedding game with my cousin,Huixin and my sisters just now over at Lot 1. rate it 3/5stars, certain parts indeed make you laugh till peng but still it was just an average show, no climax and everything. it's going to be 1am soon and happy pills coming at like 11am tmr!! ((: happy and we bbq-ing at amos_buddy's hse tmr night. school calls on thurs): reminds me of all the untouched assigns.
First day of CNY. sis&me
my sis and me loved taking pictures even under void decks!
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