anyway it is the stressful proj week again. indeed this week had been kinda fucked up. with people not willing to do work to having additional member in the grp and giving crap work to members in the grp not doing their work seriously(i feel they're copying and paste).and for a moment i felt pissed. i remembered what Malt told me bout proj and friends and i decided that i shld set the line. when it is work, it is work and there's no such things as we're bestfriends in sch and thus it gives u the priority to not do so. there's still this last grp proj which i've yet to meet the members and i hope they seriously do their work. this timd round, im not giving anymore face, when im nice, people climb over my head and now i've to work by the rules. tmr's submission of econs proj and next fri is finance. finally 2 heavy load off my shoulders(:
everytime when it is proj, i feel so lost somehow. but i make sure i do get back on the right track.
ok,my sis came back with a bagful of things from cold storage. i thought it would be some new yr goodies again but it turned out that she bought baking things. so she dragged me along to the kitchen and i was "forced" to bake with her ok. we had quite a fun time thou(messing up the kitchen) HAHAHA! and when my mom got home from my neighbour's place, she was worried that we might turn the kitchen over. im already urging my mom along with my sisters to get an oven so we could all bake as and when. but my dad's the issue, he is super naggy(old man).hahaha!
it's saturday tmr and there're classes!!)): whats more, work to add on after sch and i guess i'll only be home around 1am and the next day,got to wake up effing early for work and rush down to reunion dinner in the evening with my aunties from my dad's side.ok it is so not cool cause im not really anticipating to see them every time of this year. well braggings braggings and more braggings and it becomes irritating.
happy pills are coming over my place on chu san for house visits! night time bbq over at Amos_buddy's place + mahjonggggg! HUAT ARH!!this CNY isn't that bad after either(; another thing, i can't wait to go my popo's place in JB where i'll see my lovely small cousins!:D
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