Monday, September 29, 2008
I seriously think that there's something majorly wrong with my body system. I've been getting sick so easily whereas I wasn't like this in the past. Could still remember how I used to make myself sick just to skip school, oh those secondary school days. And we, the whole big clique in our class would skip school together. hahahaha. Don't know what went wrong with me last night, before we went to catch the Best Friend's Girl, we were at PS and I wasn't feeling very well. Started to feel cold and my head was aching so badly. I felt like banging against some wall to make it better. The movie was nice but the ending was wtf. So I was shivering the whole time in the theatre, so badly. Wanted to cab home cause I was still feeling so cold but walked to the bus stop and saw the bus, boarded it with alot of regrets. The bus was super cold, even colder than the cinema! So you can imagine how terrible I felt the whole journey home and how hard I was trying to cuddle myself up to get some heat. Mommy came over to fetch me cause I told her I wasn't well and her. The night was the worst! I had a temperature of 38 and it shot up right to 39.3! I thought I was not going to see the sun tmr. Oh well, felt super terrible and my head was the bad thing, it was so heavy and painful. Waking up countless times and then managed to fall back asleep again and finally my temperature dropped back. I think its time I get some Vit. C from the mart to build up my immune system. Majorly sick ):
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Mommy and me are currently watching a korean drama series together in the living room now and we both got so excited over it. I love watching korean and hongkong drama series. I can spend up to a day watching it without going anywhere but just keeping myself occupied with it :)
Anyway pay day has yet to come, im quite anticipating but this time round I've promised myself to save up for a new wallet. Not intending to do much shopping but at least a little retail therapy ;) I wanna go to ralph lauren kids and get the kids size girls dress, effin' adorable!
Today had a last min decision to meet up with D. We had lunch at Mac over at Lido before I popped by Cotton's On to drop off Serena's comics and getting my work schedule for next week. We ended up at Cine, for what fuck I didnt know. hahaha. We just kept talking when we were walking and ended up abruptly at Cine -.- grabbed a drink over at BK and settled down to talk more again! i know i know, we talk alot. Then R came down to find us. Helped him with the choice of twinny's and his anniversary presents, came to a decision of a shirt in G-Star. Left to Meridien to find Andy & Vins. Subway for dinner at PS while R left for work.
D dropped me off at Tantric while he went home to get changed and pick up his stuffs to get ready to book in. Sex and the city is a super nice show! I wish life was like that inside the show itself. But urgh, reality hits on me so heavily. I swear im gonna borrow from R after he's got done watching with it.
ok, I need to go school tmr still to pay sch fees and then collect the damn notes. Yay! Meeting buddy, bestfriend and tiff tmr afternoon ;D miss 'em badly! Update tmr!
Anyway pay day has yet to come, im quite anticipating but this time round I've promised myself to save up for a new wallet. Not intending to do much shopping but at least a little retail therapy ;) I wanna go to ralph lauren kids and get the kids size girls dress, effin' adorable!
Today had a last min decision to meet up with D. We had lunch at Mac over at Lido before I popped by Cotton's On to drop off Serena's comics and getting my work schedule for next week. We ended up at Cine, for what fuck I didnt know. hahaha. We just kept talking when we were walking and ended up abruptly at Cine -.- grabbed a drink over at BK and settled down to talk more again! i know i know, we talk alot. Then R came down to find us. Helped him with the choice of twinny's and his anniversary presents, came to a decision of a shirt in G-Star. Left to Meridien to find Andy & Vins. Subway for dinner at PS while R left for work.
D dropped me off at Tantric while he went home to get changed and pick up his stuffs to get ready to book in. Sex and the city is a super nice show! I wish life was like that inside the show itself. But urgh, reality hits on me so heavily. I swear im gonna borrow from R after he's got done watching with it.
ok, I need to go school tmr still to pay sch fees and then collect the damn notes. Yay! Meeting buddy, bestfriend and tiff tmr afternoon ;D miss 'em badly! Update tmr!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Work, Vivo
I couldn't sleep yesterday night. I didnt know why too. Just toss and turn all the way from 1am to 3am and finally getting to sleep and then my alarm clock goes off with "peeeeeeeeggggggg" urgh, so annoying and I wish I didn't have to wake up so early on a saturday morning for work. ): but nevertheless, I can replenish my sleep all tmr since Im having my off day :) Something to be happy about. I finished up 5 comic books from yesterday till today. I dont know why my heart can't seem to stop thinking bout the outcome of the extensions which is coming my way this monday. I just hope it will turn out natural and ok? hahaha. I'd loveeeeee long hair and never cut it short again till the day I vanished from the earth :D Tmr's sunday. I've got errands to run around evening time and lil retail therapy. Had dinner with mommy, sisters and my brother at vivo after my work. Rushed my way down to meet 'em since I was off from work a tad bit later. I had really nice japanese cuisine just now! Definitely worth the price my sister paid for :D We had B&J too, oh a happy day :)) but it makes me feel fattttt now ):
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Not my day
Today isn't a very good day. I was woken up by mommy in the early morning for breakfast. Followed by the weather was a killer when I was on my way to work. Aftermath when I started work, I forgot to give my customer change and voided quite a number of items all thanks to those blind customers who can't seem to read the big signs we had for sales. Then I served this nasty lady who was super annoying and she ridiculous-ly made a complaint bout me to Eddy. Before we closed the store, I was being mischievious and accidentally hurt my earhole ): Oh well this is definitely NOT my day. But of course, my lovely workmates all cheered me on and makes my mood way right up :) I hope tmr will be better. Nothing more to blog bout, Goodbye then!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Daddykins happened to chance upon my blog link inside his laptop as I used to go my blog using his laptop ages ago. Urgh it was super embarrassing. My sis and brother walked past and saw it and I literally jumped up and went to check it out. He was teasing me bout me having boyfriends. And I was explaining to him non stop bout they're not even straight and how could they be my boyfriend? Whats more to add on, my sisters and brother was laughing so hard in the living room. I'll blog much more carefully nowadays :)
I can't believe holidays ZOOM past me just like that ): I spent one week working and this week working as well and next wednesday, school commences! But I miss going school, really. Walking up the slope though it makes our hot & sweaty, laughing out so loud during break times, getting lil snacks f class, checking out guys and everything. And time flies, it'll be the end of 2008 soon and I can't wait for x'mas to come! I mean im gonna spend x'mas with lovables this time round, all together. So much fun awaiting in dec :D I've decided to be more hardworking by working/schooling when school starts. I dont like taking allowance from mommy and thus I wanna support myself for all my expenses. And from now till dec, I must make sure I saved like 1/4 of my pay to ensure I have enough money for all those x'mas presents that's gonna burn me a hole in my pocket. 'm getting myself a lil treat too and I can't wait. It sounds weird but who says you can't buy yourself a x'mas gift to pamper yourself? ;)
And then again, work has been happening. I look forward to work everyday. Seeing those smiling faces of them, I never think work is tiring and hard but enjoyable! :)
Oct and Nov are gonna be work and school for me. &&& 'm getting down to BBDC tmr to get my basic booked. Daddykins wants me to take it up asap. And I found a new hobby, COMICS :) thanks to my lovely colleague, Serena, she recommended me some nice comic books and lends it to me. Good way of killing time on long bus rides to school and work. Alright Goodnights! :)
I can't believe holidays ZOOM past me just like that ): I spent one week working and this week working as well and next wednesday, school commences! But I miss going school, really. Walking up the slope though it makes our hot & sweaty, laughing out so loud during break times, getting lil snacks f class, checking out guys and everything. And time flies, it'll be the end of 2008 soon and I can't wait for x'mas to come! I mean im gonna spend x'mas with lovables this time round, all together. So much fun awaiting in dec :D I've decided to be more hardworking by working/schooling when school starts. I dont like taking allowance from mommy and thus I wanna support myself for all my expenses. And from now till dec, I must make sure I saved like 1/4 of my pay to ensure I have enough money for all those x'mas presents that's gonna burn me a hole in my pocket. 'm getting myself a lil treat too and I can't wait. It sounds weird but who says you can't buy yourself a x'mas gift to pamper yourself? ;)
And then again, work has been happening. I look forward to work everyday. Seeing those smiling faces of them, I never think work is tiring and hard but enjoyable! :)
Oct and Nov are gonna be work and school for me. &&& 'm getting down to BBDC tmr to get my basic booked. Daddykins wants me to take it up asap. And I found a new hobby, COMICS :) thanks to my lovely colleague, Serena, she recommended me some nice comic books and lends it to me. Good way of killing time on long bus rides to school and work. Alright Goodnights! :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It's 8am and your feet thud to the ground and your body reluctantly follows them to the shower. Makeup's applied as you frantically go through your fifth outfit choice and just looking at your wardrobe and wondering what makes you stuck on five kilos over the past years puts you on edge. Then, because you push the snooze button four times, you have to grab a piece of toast as you run out of the door. At work, your stress level soars - all those endless piles of stocks to be displayed and folded, endless stream of customers, all since the 14 hours since you left and you still have to deal with the same "situation" daily. At 10pm your head hits the pillow and you're out cold. Exhaustion sets in. You woke up at 3am, even though your body's aching for rest, your eyes are wide open and your mind is racing, you finally fall back asleep, your alarm sounds, its 8am again...
I can't believe I spent away the first week of holidays doing this. Non-stop working since day 1 when I started in the store till now, nope no off days yet. Sales drives me(or rather us) crazy. Here, you'll meet different types of people whom you'll have different emotions about. Sometimes you'll get so stressed up and feel like screaming at 'em but you know you can't. But still, there's always the good side to work. Fun-loving colleagues, nice music and sometimes you'll meet lovely people. And you'll feel all satisfied at the end of the day when you're on your way after work :) I haven't had more than 6hrs of sleep everyday since I worked. Though its killing me but the thought of payday comes way first. Anyways, I've been not out much to anywhere. The most time I spent nowadays is Wisma rather than home or anywhere. Sunday's finally approaching and I can finally sleep in and spend the rest of the day working out, facial, resting, watching endless dvds etc.
I've a piece of good news to share as well!Amazingly, I passed my accounts! ' m pretty surprised and staisfied with the results I've gotten this semster even though no A's. I guess my worries paid off and those prayers :) I even thought of pouring in 600 of my pay for the module if I'd to retake it :/ But now I can eat,shit,sing,bathe,sleep,work,play happily with no worries. Time really flies and I can't believe I'll be in Sem 3 when school begins in Oct! Looking back, I really made much changes and sarcrifies to schooling. 2 more semsters and we'll all graduate together smiling our hearts out.
Other than work, nothing much recently. Been making references to taiwan's fashion mag nowadays. Really good! :D I wish 'm as fair as those models and its everything all inside! :D I think 'm gonna get a book and paste those photos in it. It works ok. I think its getting rather lengthy and I shall turn in. Goodnights muffins :) its only 10.32pm
I can't believe I spent away the first week of holidays doing this. Non-stop working since day 1 when I started in the store till now, nope no off days yet. Sales drives me(or rather us) crazy. Here, you'll meet different types of people whom you'll have different emotions about. Sometimes you'll get so stressed up and feel like screaming at 'em but you know you can't. But still, there's always the good side to work. Fun-loving colleagues, nice music and sometimes you'll meet lovely people. And you'll feel all satisfied at the end of the day when you're on your way after work :) I haven't had more than 6hrs of sleep everyday since I worked. Though its killing me but the thought of payday comes way first. Anyways, I've been not out much to anywhere. The most time I spent nowadays is Wisma rather than home or anywhere. Sunday's finally approaching and I can finally sleep in and spend the rest of the day working out, facial, resting, watching endless dvds etc.
I've a piece of good news to share as well!Amazingly, I passed my accounts! ' m pretty surprised and staisfied with the results I've gotten this semster even though no A's. I guess my worries paid off and those prayers :) I even thought of pouring in 600 of my pay for the module if I'd to retake it :/ But now I can eat,shit,sing,bathe,sleep,work,play happily with no worries. Time really flies and I can't believe I'll be in Sem 3 when school begins in Oct! Looking back, I really made much changes and sarcrifies to schooling. 2 more semsters and we'll all graduate together smiling our hearts out.
Other than work, nothing much recently. Been making references to taiwan's fashion mag nowadays. Really good! :D I wish 'm as fair as those models and its everything all inside! :D I think 'm gonna get a book and paste those photos in it. It works ok. I think its getting rather lengthy and I shall turn in. Goodnights muffins :) its only 10.32pm
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Looks like 'm always sick. My body system is getting way weak. I fall sick so easily. I've been busy and tired for these few days. Non stop working and I love working. This is the first job 'm happily working so far. Fun-loving colleagues makes working life so much better :) Anyw 3 of my boys enlisted alr. I'll miss you 3 alot and meet up when you guys are out cause I can't wait to see your botak :D heee. Im working later and my fever came back again ): what's more to add on, my skin allergy at my back came back and its even worse than the 1st. How shitty things can get when you're all down and sick )': I miss so many people. I shall go shop before I go work to brighten up my mood later.
twin, you're missed!
twin, you're missed!
Friday, September 12, 2008
A day filled with love.

Today seems so much of a day filled with love. I dont know why I sound so random & all but I just feel it this way. I love today, I'm disciplined and did whatever I should or maybe not yet since I havent uploaded those photos into bucket for nanny. Anywho, I spent my afternoon cleaning, wiping, scrubing away every inch of dust in my room and tadah, it looks clean and shiny now! Maybe not much of shiny but clean ok. We all crashed down to YS's chalet over at Pasir Ris in the evening just now. Filled with so much fun on the mrt ride down, almost died. Xinya and I laughed non stop for many reasons, I guess she still loves the fav word I always say to her. haha. YS's son is adorable and the school bookshop aunty came down with her adorable son as well! We were like retards waiting for the bus when we happened to realise that the last bus was long time ago and we just took a cab, zoom and im home:) I love today, where its filled with love.
With love,
rach :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sentosa love!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Benno's Day.
I had a fun day with brother Ben. Crashed borders for some magazines but nothing caught my eyes and went to starbucks with him. The person actually only got his order and not mine ): but they gave me a complimentary coupon to make it up and Ben wanted to snatch with me la, TSK. We sat and caught up so much and forget the time for his tattoo touching up. Luckily the artist called to change the time t 5pm as well :) We decided to pop over to Zara before we head to Skin Canvas at Cine level 9 . Waited for an hour plus for him to get his tattoo all touched up. Looking at the procedure you won't feel th pain unless you're one doing it. I felt the pain for him when I saw how the person actually "colour" it. Subway for dinner and then to Kino! :D We each got the books/mag we wanted to. And left home by train today. It was definitely great company with him around. And we miss HAOYANG as well! Faster faster let us all go out together! Goodnights :) And my brother has got a SQUARE hairstyle.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So without any sleep the whole night, I went down for bbq at ECP in the evening. It was super tiring and Angie and me were so smart to find our way down there. hee. Had so much fun with them. eat and drink and eat and drink and eat and drink non stop. And in the end, they got me to so something stupid which made everyone burst into laughter and there goes my face ))): But nevertheless I love them and had lots of fun. Good food, company and laughter!

My soulmate, twinny and my best friend,
you're the best friend one could ever asked for. holding on to our 11yrs of friendship, i'm glad we made it through so many rains together. im always glad to have you. nevertheless you always brighten up my day with your retarded actions and jokes. i'll never let go this friendship cause i know you're someone whom i never want to lose.
On friday, crashed twinny's place in the evening. He had his cake cutting session with his parents and called me over :) His grandma was so adorable and she even asked us to wait while she pretend t be eating th cake then we take her picture. Baby as usual was greedy, looking around for the cakes we had in our hands and mouths. Movie aftermath with the rest over at Lido. Gave Midnight Meat Train 2.5/5 stars, another retarded ending. Headed off for supper nearby Tantric. The rain came in and we were all stuck there. Decided to cab down to speedy aftermath and we left for home only at 7am in the morning and managed to turn in only at 8plus.

We left down to Tantric behind PLAY. It was fun, awesome and everything you could use it to descirbe. Had a couple of drinks there also with the everyone working as well. Camwhored ALOT. And luckily there's photoscape for me to combine everything if not 'm gonna take years to get everything uploaded. Headed to PLAY only at midnight. It was packed, everyone was pushing and squeezing their way through. Sweetie was down also. We had a few more drinks there. Poor twinny, he was gone. So we took turns taking care of him and carrying him to speedy. He managed to sober up. We left at 8am and only managed to turn in at 9am. Super worn out.

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