Sunday, May 10, 2009

this weekend is badly screwed up. plans are not met and as a result were changed. could tell disappointment from a plenty of their faces including mine. so badly needed to drink and let loose but we changed over to kbox instead. not saying its a bad one but then again, still prefering drinking and games! after my papers, so going to hit the clubs with my cottons ;))

anyway couldn't meet twiny for a few reasons ): therefore i was feeling pretty low. probably because i've things to share with him and wanna spend more time with him. we always hit places for good food. bad thing now is he will only booked out frm his field camp 2weeks frm now. sucks so badly. and then we promised to meet up aft 2weeks to gobble down as many good food as possible! meanwhile, saving up is the thing to do. i don wanna eat brocolis again at the end of the month!

anw bad mother's day, my mom fell sick. we didnt have any dinner pertaining to today. but well everyday's a mother's day ;)

saturday night was more work and sleep, can't believe i woke up at 3pm in the noon, dinner and work then supper and nr-ed home. can't believe i actually took a nr home because normally cabs would be tempting me so much!

im so confused inside now. im bad at handling my emotions and affairs with the heart. i always suck so badly at it. and yes, i need someone to put me back into the right track where i was leading my life so good and simple. i hate it when i have to think alot or when there're just too much thoughts weighing so badly in my mind that i can't get them off. seriously a part of me knows i need to and have to let those unwildful thoughts get off my mind BUT something is pulling me bck. i guess its all things to do with the heart and the feelings. im always falling into th wrong traps and ended up taking a very long time to pull myself up. im happy with simple things and actions that all makes my day. but there're also certain things that makes me think alot. im so caught up right now. feli advised me to take th 2weeks off frm work to really do some reflections. think i need to really get myself settled down and do it. i just need time alone to think through what i really want. keeping myself busy is just smth tempoary, whatever it is, i need to start acting it now.

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