after some thinkings ....
i went bck to my old blog cause i didn't delete it away . so i went to read th old posts , i realise something , people only cherish when they lost it . so we haf gotta learn to cherish everyone and everything more now before it gets too late . only to realise i was such a person who could be so influenced so easily ! end up because of being affected and stuff i affected other things which are much more impt and leads to my future . soooo now , im not gonna regret , everything i do , i'll do to th best and to th fullest ! cherish everyone to th fullest too =)
i had a cry just now , i miss somethings too much . its been long since i cried . good or bad ? not sure either . lols . not to worry i'll be back to th old strong layss !
even stronger now (:
Saturday, March 31, 2007
went to town today . like finally , hasn't been in town for like 2-3 days alr . kinda miss hanging out outside cine . but i din manage to go cine cos we went far east instead . wanted to buy th handmade shoes but there wasn't any design i wanted . so i din =( we went off looking ard for bags cos im buying bags again ! even roy knows i haf alot of bags in my hse ! 1 whole box filled with bags and i still keep buying . must must must control . cnt afford to spend more money on bags cause i need them for my clothes , hair and lenses . & i hope mom will be nice to sponser me money for my lenses till i found a job (which i think is highly impossoble) LOL .
roy left for work and i left for home . mom wanted me home and join them for th night safari trip . costs like 20 bucks per person ? and all we did was to sit on th tram and tour one round and we left ! 20 bucks gone like that can ? soooo wasted . i could have enjoyed more with monster they all . alright , shall not dwell on it anymore since its over , am i right ? teeeheee . we left for home and here im blogging in front of my laptop (:
many things happened this week . hasnt been a very nice and wonderful week as well as a fruitful week as well . i must definetely get my ass moving to get some stuff done . like paying for my exams fees , reading more books , shopping for bags and clothes and shoes , re-vamping my room (if possible) etc etc . lots of things to be done right in front of me . sooooo i shld stop going out so often and help out mom more often and do th things i shld do right now . that would really help in my life alot if i were to be someone who is not sooooo lazy =x i admit im a lazy bum .
terry boy , cheer up ok ? *loves*
terry boy , cheer up ok ? *loves*
miyake qiqi , i misss ya !
zombie mummy , cheer up too alright ? *hugs&kisses*
seems like im worrying alot for others and not myself . i shld start to get worried too and not worry for other's stuff but mine ! seriously i guess im being th biggest prob here . communicate ? i hope i can learn to try and so things will work out . bad temper ? definetely need to improve on this ! and my schooling stuff , might be heading to MDIS . and from there work on to my ambition (: hope everything will go smoothly , can't expect too much cause im really sooo down on luck this yr =(
*i hope somethings will go back to its place , like th frienship we once shared* i feel smth is missing and aint sure wad it is . i miss lovers =(
somehow i see th old girl singing th same old song (:
Thursday, March 29, 2007
29th march (:
welcome back monster , roy , imran and nicole ! *loves*
woke up in th morning and looked at th classipifed section and found an admin job which is located at Tanjong pagar . so i decided to go for th interview before me and mummy go terry hse . sooo we took 190 to town and wanted to go mummy sch first by taking 518 but th bus is fucking slow and we took th train instead . i went for my interview and mummy went to tp . th interview was kinda long and aft which i think i won't be hired luh cos the boss was shocked at my age . lol . went off to meet mummy at aljunied to haf our lunch .
finally found a place which is nice for eating . so we ate and bus-ed to terry boy hse . missed th stop and walked kinda far to reach his place . he was playing warcraft when we reached . slacked ard and terry boy was figuring out how to kit th thing for nicole and his mom was very nice to teach him and she even showed us some of her work last time . really nice . ard 9 plus we left his hse and headed to th airport !
reached ! went to buy flowers and headed to mac to buy mc-flurry and headed to T1 . waited for them and wanted to surprise them so we called them telling them we are not coming . haha . when we saw them we hid and ran from 1 pillar to another . like mad kids . everyone was looking at us and we were so mad ! aft that we ran behind them and shouted ROY ! but he din turn and *details missing* . waited for th cab and headed to monmster hse . *details missing*
we went to haf supper and send mummy home . then we headed bck and slept . was dead tired . when i woke up th next morning , i found jeremy and terry sleeping on th mattress on th floor ! omg , i got to know i had occupied more than half of th bed and jeremy fell of th bed ! hahas .
alright i'll be back to blog later (:
i love monster , roy , mummy & terry boy !
welcome back monster , roy , imran and nicole ! *loves*
woke up in th morning and looked at th classipifed section and found an admin job which is located at Tanjong pagar . so i decided to go for th interview before me and mummy go terry hse . sooo we took 190 to town and wanted to go mummy sch first by taking 518 but th bus is fucking slow and we took th train instead . i went for my interview and mummy went to tp . th interview was kinda long and aft which i think i won't be hired luh cos the boss was shocked at my age . lol . went off to meet mummy at aljunied to haf our lunch .
finally found a place which is nice for eating . so we ate and bus-ed to terry boy hse . missed th stop and walked kinda far to reach his place . he was playing warcraft when we reached . slacked ard and terry boy was figuring out how to kit th thing for nicole and his mom was very nice to teach him and she even showed us some of her work last time . really nice . ard 9 plus we left his hse and headed to th airport !
reached ! went to buy flowers and headed to mac to buy mc-flurry and headed to T1 . waited for them and wanted to surprise them so we called them telling them we are not coming . haha . when we saw them we hid and ran from 1 pillar to another . like mad kids . everyone was looking at us and we were so mad ! aft that we ran behind them and shouted ROY ! but he din turn and *details missing* . waited for th cab and headed to monmster hse . *details missing*
we went to haf supper and send mummy home . then we headed bck and slept . was dead tired . when i woke up th next morning , i found jeremy and terry sleeping on th mattress on th floor ! omg , i got to know i had occupied more than half of th bed and jeremy fell of th bed ! hahas .
alright i'll be back to blog later (:
i love monster , roy , mummy & terry boy !
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

morning went swimming with zombie mummy at warren . we just used th normal way and got in =p then we headed to swim and tan but mummy was practically covering all over cos she wanna maintain her whiteness ! we played along with this lil girl whom we think is so poor thing cos she is a lil disabled in terms of her mental state and she cant really talk . so we managed to make her smile and stuff while her dad took care of her lil bro who is in th same condition as her . i ptiy her and her brother but she is so cute (:
we showered , prepared and headed to eat . went to buy my foundation which i dropped on th floor and it shattered , then i also discover i had menses ! was really suay . when dolling up , my eye shadow went all against me and headwire ! then we ate and mrt-ed to town , went to recruits express and were told that i'll be ring up . so went off to far east looking for clothes to match my vest cos im wearing it on thur when im out with aj friends (: bought a lolitha at 33 bucks ! ex can ? but i love it . i wanted to buy bag , but loooking at th num of bags i haf , im guilty and decided not to x)
we had GELARE waffle since its tues and i had th waffle basket sundae ! sooo nice . we left and headed to meet terry boy and jeremy . bus-ed to cine and shopped ard heeren and cine . they were late and while waiting we camwhored a lil and when they came , we headed to taka . terry hafta get some stuff and we went to eat and me and mummy left nf bus-ed home . im soooo tired . i bought those make-up mag and was so amazed by taiwan's make up products ! i loveee them so much and hope i can go over there and get them . they haf so much variety but i would rather love those cosmetics frm japan instead ! i need to get more lashes ! and also im waiting to buy my anna sui stuff *loves*
im tired and monster , roy , nicole and imran is back tmr ! double yayness !
i love my life (: but somehow of rather i dislike you
Monday, March 26, 2007

i never regret ....
hello ! acc mummy for her check up today . luckily i rang her up in th morning to tell her that not swimming anymore if not she bring her whole big bag of stuff for swimming . so i woke up early today , 1oam . early right ? im sucha goood girl :x aft that i ate and prepared and went out to meet mummy . th sun was shining so brightly la . regretted nvr go swimming .
we went to lot 1 to get her passport size photo taken and we train-ed to jurong east . waited 1/2 hr for th check up and we left for th x-ray thingy . waited another 1o mins for th x-ray and off we go . i went her hse to get th uniform im lending zoie jie . then we went lot 1 mac for late lunch . aft that we were super bored ! nth to do at all . so i told mummy w/o monster ard , less ppl to play mahjong with . super boring and th sun was shining brightly . sooo we decided to go home early and be a good gurl and be out tmr with terry boy (: soooo we bus-ed home from lot one .
alright monster , roy , imran and nicole is coming bck in 2 days time ! (:
Sunday, March 25, 2007
they flew off . argh ! gonna miss monster and roy like mad . shall await for their presents and their arrival on wed (:
soooo we went to send them off . first time aft not schooling for soooo long , i woke up at 7 ! and i dragged myself up la . initially was supposed to sneak out to monster's place but couldnt wake up so i din . lols . headed to meet mummy and went to monster's hse and find them . all had arrived except imran who is meeting us straight at th airport . waited for banana to come and we went down to wait for th cab (:
some misunderstandings between th cab company & us so end up we took 2 diff cab to go . terry boy was so mad in th cab . oh ya i forgot to mention he was in th same cab as us la ! haha . well he taught us some new dance by ayumi ! somehow im starting to like ayumi (: we were supposed to show monster later , to give him a surprise before he flies . we reached and waited for them to checked in and went for breakie . aft that they hafta head in cos the time was 11am and their flight was 12pm , so we hugged and bid them goodbye . we headed to tke the train to terry boy hse ! (:
reached and lixin was still snoring away . then we borrowed her swim suit and off we went swimming ! sooooo happy cos th sun is shining brightly ! im learnin swimming bit by bit alr . aft swimming we went up for a shower , left a note for terry boy and we left to bugis . cabbed there and went bugis street . i found th vest im looking for alr . then i went to buy eyelashes and the glue . i bought a shorts but regretted . nvm im buying new ones . gonna get money frm mummy (:
im sooo tired out by swimming .
gg swimming tmr again =)
Saturday, March 24, 2007

finally qianyu persuaded me into going for th GAP gathering at hua's place . i met her in town and we went to get my cap . went off to GAP and saw some of th ex-gappers . i miss them and the working days so much =( well , i got to know something funny when amin told me , i was laughing really loud . there was this new gapper named JASON . he's damn retarded . he brings a BIBLE to work . he's an EMO freak . he has TATTOO on his back . he's a NERD . his bag is full of TOYS ! omg , he seriously so retarded ! and i couldn't stop laughing at his retardedness !
qianyu and me windowed shopped a lil before hua , daph and marcus came over to topshop to find us . i bought a shorts for $11 and daph helped me with th discount (: sooooo nice of her . then we headed to meet daph's friends to get her cam and bus-ed to hua's place . i loveeee th view from her house window ! freaking nice , esp at night ! hua went in th kitchen to prepare th pasta while we slacked outside , daph went in to help . i did helped too ! i went over to th supermarket and got th TOMATO SAUCE but then we knew we were supposed to get PASTA SAUCE ! and i went to th supermarket for ice and pasta sauce .
i left at 9 and cabbed to bugis . ming came over to fetch me . he nearly lost his way but luckily he found it and found me of cos ! haha he drove me over to monster's place and they waited for me outside his condo (: thanks sweet ! we headed to his hse to slack cos he's flying to Thai tmr with Roy . take care alright ? *misses* aft which cabbed home cos it was raining and was damn tired and pissed when i reached home . shld not mention why anymore . hope things get better =)
im tired =(
Friday, March 23, 2007

swimming on 22 march** (:
couldn't wake up in th morning , mummy texted me and i was woken up. she told me she had postponed her check up and so i told her that we'll head to monster hse at 12 . met her and we send her sis off for sch and we strolled to monster hse . th sun was shining very BRIGHTLY ! i loveeee th sun .
rang roy up and he helped us with th door and stuff and he went back to slp . terry & qiqi was slping too . roy woke up at 2 and we planned to go down for a swim tgt first while they sleep . monster joined us later (: roy tried to teach me swimming but im tooo kan chiong ! haha . so end up im still a dumbo in swimming . haha . left and went up to monster's hse to shower before roy & mummy went to get our dinner . had mee sua cause im somehow craving for it . terry & qiqi then woke up and we all had dinner tgt .
watched tv while eating . mummy and me left early to town for my CHECK interview and also to the recruitment agency . then we headed to heeren and cine to walked ard . monster , terry and qiqi came to meet us aft tat . aft which , me & mummy cabbed home while monster , terry and qiqi cabbed to qiqi's hse . was damn tired due to th swimming earlier on .
23rd march (:
flipped thru th newspaper and somehow found a job . rang it up and went down for interview. so not knowing where th hell th freaking place is , i took a cab . th cab driver drove me there and i seomhow found th place . so i wanted to call th place and confirm it , end up th number is alr cancelled ! so freaky . and i decided not to go for th interview anymore . so i went to explore th place myself . all alone at tanjong pagar .
so i walked and walked not knowing where i was heading . but somehow i feel TANTRIC is just nearby . so i just continued walking . end up i really saw TANTRIC and i know th way to ttown . took th mrt and alighted at orchard . went to find eunice to talk for awhile then i left to cut my hair at 2-way . aft that came down and talked for a while more before i left . bought a skirt , a necklace and a ring today (: all paid by mummy(my real mom) . *loveee her
im tired :(
roy&monster is flying off on sun
meeting them up tmr (:
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
21 march *
woke up and found out that it wasn't raining . so damn happy . went preparing happily and went to meet mummy . went up to monster's hse . roy scared us with baby . haha -.- aft which they prepared , mummy helped me with my hair and we left to take cab to vivo city .
walked ard while waiting for qiqi and terry boy . end up th rain came and dampen our mood . went to eat at CARL JR'S and i went mad inside , terry boy too ! all thanks to my beloved roy la . haha . he took us his phone and took all our pics when we were eating . and qiqi did th same too and captured one of my ugly pics . they even zoomed in la . omg . well go her blog for my UGLY PHOTO ba . lol . so we decided to window shopped a lil . qiqi was looking for her bikini . went ard and looked for it , din see any nice ones , so she gave up on buying . th rain den stopped and we decided to head with th old plan : SENTOSA ! monorail-ed there and we went to play the LUGE (: i loveee the LUGE ! so fun can ? omg , i wanna haf more rides pls ?? x) we left to th beach aft th LUGE . th sun was shining not very brightly so was kinda disappointed . but still we went in th sea and had lotsa fun . nearly kena throw into th water but managed to get myself outta it . haha .
terry boy din play and helped us look aft our stuff and take pics too . aft which we headed to shower and went to th musical fountain . they are demolishing th musical fountain on th 26 of this mth . so hurry to watch th musical fountain for 1 last time before we cant even see it anymore . we left aft the show ended and headed to vivo city thru th monorail express . wandered ard looking for places to haf our dinner . and finally settle at the kopitiam . had korea cuisine . damn full aft tat . im thinking of doing hair extension (: hope it will look nice and natural (:
i had so much fun with mummy , monster , roy , qiqi & terry boy ! (: loveee all of them ! we'll be gg swimming tmr ~
woke up and found out that it wasn't raining . so damn happy . went preparing happily and went to meet mummy . went up to monster's hse . roy scared us with baby . haha -.- aft which they prepared , mummy helped me with my hair and we left to take cab to vivo city .
walked ard while waiting for qiqi and terry boy . end up th rain came and dampen our mood . went to eat at CARL JR'S and i went mad inside , terry boy too ! all thanks to my beloved roy la . haha . he took us his phone and took all our pics when we were eating . and qiqi did th same too and captured one of my ugly pics . they even zoomed in la . omg . well go her blog for my UGLY PHOTO ba . lol . so we decided to window shopped a lil . qiqi was looking for her bikini . went ard and looked for it , din see any nice ones , so she gave up on buying . th rain den stopped and we decided to head with th old plan : SENTOSA ! monorail-ed there and we went to play the LUGE (: i loveee the LUGE ! so fun can ? omg , i wanna haf more rides pls ?? x) we left to th beach aft th LUGE . th sun was shining not very brightly so was kinda disappointed . but still we went in th sea and had lotsa fun . nearly kena throw into th water but managed to get myself outta it . haha .
terry boy din play and helped us look aft our stuff and take pics too . aft which we headed to shower and went to th musical fountain . they are demolishing th musical fountain on th 26 of this mth . so hurry to watch th musical fountain for 1 last time before we cant even see it anymore . we left aft the show ended and headed to vivo city thru th monorail express . wandered ard looking for places to haf our dinner . and finally settle at the kopitiam . had korea cuisine . damn full aft tat . im thinking of doing hair extension (: hope it will look nice and natural (:
i had so much fun with mummy , monster , roy , qiqi & terry boy ! (: loveee all of them ! we'll be gg swimming tmr ~
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