i had alot of fun this 3 days !
i must definetely thank roy , monster , mummy and von for this !
loveeeee them lots ! BIG BIG THANKS ! =D
mummy and me met up and off we went to monster's hse . the 2 pigs are forever sleeping so me and mummy entertained ourselves in th living room . congrats to mummy who got in TP (: &&& also to gf aka khookohwei who got into SP ! we ordered mac delievery and baby kept barking at th delievery man ! i tried to attract him with food but doesn't work and his barkings woke roy up . anyw we headed town in th night . wanted to catch a movie but there wasn't any nice ones . so we headed to partyworld to sing sing sing ~ had lotsa fun in there with terry boy along (: we left at 3 and headed to meet imran & friends at newton circus . we had late supper tgt (: *yummylicious* cabbed home afterwards . dead tired .
14th march
woke up ard 2 plus . feeling hungry , mummy and me suggested cooking noodles but we don't even know how his hse stove works ! and we used more than 1o mins to figure it out . but then in th end , we decided to on th gas and light it using th lighter . and aft like 1 hr or so , we finally had our noodles cooked ! vonne came ard 6 plus and we headed to town aft preparing . town
again ~ haha . slacked there and walked ard . went to th arcade and i saw JULI ! (: miss her damn lots . gave her a hug ! catch up a lil and we left . headed to th kopitiam near cine and ate supper ? terry boy came and we continued to slack . left ard 12 plus and cabbed to monster's hse . had 1 pot of mahjong as usual . th main highlight of th night was : truth or dare ! roy and me drank and we both were superb high la . roy is super duper high . haha . well he's my 15 yrs of hubby ! LOL . we've been married for 15 yrs . slept only at 8 in th morning !
15th march
woke up ard 3pm ? argh , super tired and super cold la ! caught slight flu . showered and everything , woke both of them up . headed to lot 1 for dinner , buy hair dye etc etc . packed dinner back and roy dyed his hair while we ate . then ard 8 plus left and headed to lot 1 and monster had his dinner . we headed to kodak and get their photos washed and they headed to night safari and they cabbed and dropped us off . super tired :x
had so much fun within this 3 days with them . monster somehow got our msg . and frm wad roy told us , im glad that actually he treasured us alot too . glad that our zhoujia 1st anniversary celebration was a successful one . much thanks to roy aka my 15 yrs of hubby , he really helped and gave in alot to this celebration . our frienship will forever stay strong and never fall . a wonderful 3 days with them . thanks monster , we love you too (:
i loveee cookie MONSTER ,
i loveee mummy ,
i loveee vonne ,
i loveeee roy
&&& i loveee them real lots ! thanks ! (:
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