swimming on 22 march** (:
couldn't wake up in th morning , mummy texted me and i was woken up. she told me she had postponed her check up and so i told her that we'll head to monster hse at 12 . met her and we send her sis off for sch and we strolled to monster hse . th sun was shining very BRIGHTLY ! i loveeee th sun .
rang roy up and he helped us with th door and stuff and he went back to slp . terry & qiqi was slping too . roy woke up at 2 and we planned to go down for a swim tgt first while they sleep . monster joined us later (: roy tried to teach me swimming but im tooo kan chiong ! haha . so end up im still a dumbo in swimming . haha . left and went up to monster's hse to shower before roy & mummy went to get our dinner . had mee sua cause im somehow craving for it . terry & qiqi then woke up and we all had dinner tgt .
watched tv while eating . mummy and me left early to town for my CHECK interview and also to the recruitment agency . then we headed to heeren and cine to walked ard . monster , terry and qiqi came to meet us aft tat . aft which , me & mummy cabbed home while monster , terry and qiqi cabbed to qiqi's hse . was damn tired due to th swimming earlier on .
23rd march (:
flipped thru th newspaper and somehow found a job . rang it up and went down for interview. so not knowing where th hell th freaking place is , i took a cab . th cab driver drove me there and i seomhow found th place . so i wanted to call th place and confirm it , end up th number is alr cancelled ! so freaky . and i decided not to go for th interview anymore . so i went to explore th place myself . all alone at tanjong pagar .
so i walked and walked not knowing where i was heading . but somehow i feel TANTRIC is just nearby . so i just continued walking . end up i really saw TANTRIC and i know th way to ttown . took th mrt and alighted at orchard . went to find eunice to talk for awhile then i left to cut my hair at 2-way . aft that came down and talked for a while more before i left . bought a skirt , a necklace and a ring today (: all paid by mummy(my real mom) . *loveee her
im tired :(
roy&monster is flying off on sun
meeting them up tmr (:
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