finally qianyu persuaded me into going for th GAP gathering at hua's place . i met her in town and we went to get my cap . went off to GAP and saw some of th ex-gappers . i miss them and the working days so much =( well , i got to know something funny when amin told me , i was laughing really loud . there was this new gapper named JASON . he's damn retarded . he brings a BIBLE to work . he's an EMO freak . he has TATTOO on his back . he's a NERD . his bag is full of TOYS ! omg , he seriously so retarded ! and i couldn't stop laughing at his retardedness !
qianyu and me windowed shopped a lil before hua , daph and marcus came over to topshop to find us . i bought a shorts for $11 and daph helped me with th discount (: sooooo nice of her . then we headed to meet daph's friends to get her cam and bus-ed to hua's place . i loveeee th view from her house window ! freaking nice , esp at night ! hua went in th kitchen to prepare th pasta while we slacked outside , daph went in to help . i did helped too ! i went over to th supermarket and got th TOMATO SAUCE but then we knew we were supposed to get PASTA SAUCE ! and i went to th supermarket for ice and pasta sauce .
i left at 9 and cabbed to bugis . ming came over to fetch me . he nearly lost his way but luckily he found it and found me of cos ! haha he drove me over to monster's place and they waited for me outside his condo (: thanks sweet ! we headed to his hse to slack cos he's flying to Thai tmr with Roy . take care alright ? *misses* aft which cabbed home cos it was raining and was damn tired and pissed when i reached home . shld not mention why anymore . hope things get better =)
im tired =(
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