Happy 21st birthday my awesome sister! :) Even though you're sucha a whiner cause you niam niam niam everytime, peel your finger(like no one's business), have gao gao eyeliner and white shimmering eyeshadow plus you always carry yr CO monk's bag and with your m)phosis flats(which goes piak piak when you walk down the steps) and even though you always bitch and suan me BUT I STILL LOVE U! Hope you enjoyed yrself last night and the present from us:)
Your fav signature pose :PCO!
Look 2 her cute little rabbit foam ears. HAHAHA
Kena sabotaged by us like shit, worse of all, her cousins all came in to join the fun:D
And this is us, love you sisters!(and brothers!)
Trying to be funny here to see who's taller. Lol!
Alright, on friday night aft PMKG class I went down to town to meet monster twiny, ked and noel. Virgin experience to shisha @ nabins. The ambience and company was almost close to perfect. We had beer and mixed fruit flavoured shisha. Omg, it's totally induglence man :D The night was really fun as usual with me and noel around. I'm going there again!!
They all say I look like a secretary with the specs onSexy secretary ? :p
Noel is good at that! :D
Fellow sailor moon and noel:)
Mon chao, you better stop stalking my mole with my camera ok! I smack yr tits then u know.
Ked ked ked:)
Noel's stunts all starts coming in :)
Here's to you; twinnies!
I like this picture cause I look petite size here :DD
Yo, hip hop rocker !
Mon chao, last warning hor, u better stop using my camera to self shot yrself!
Da gary:)
Ending off with lovely sexy company ; twiny&noel :)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ginnie's 21st ; Shisha @ Nabins
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I had been busy for the past few days. Okay, got to admit that I was too tired sometimes that I skipped classes. I felt so guilty on wednesday morning as the night before(tuesday night) I was @ ming's housewarming, it ended pretty late. By the time I got home, I spent 2hrs on last min revision for accts. End up, I overslept the next morning and couldn't make it in time for sch ): I really need to have better time mgt and more self discipline for the next upcoming week. Need to stop skipping sch, like seriously.
I think I'll be so busy during the first 3 weeks of Nov. G sis 21st birthday bbq this weekend, then hens night with the ladies next saturday over @ PH and yy's birthday celebration, followed by one week before Candy's wedding, I need to go down Yishun to get the brides maid gown tried again to confirm it fits perfectly and lastly would be Candy's wedding. Oh ya! I forgot about awards night on the 23rd Nov! :x Packed schedule all waiting for me man. I need more time, pleaseee.
After spending some time to calculate how much time I need to set aside for self study, I realise it's practically EVERYDAY! I need 2-3hrs to get one lecture done. By next year April, I need to be prepared for prelims, I heard from rebec that it's optional but I'd really wanna go and try to see how well I can do. Exams would be around May or June and then my 2months holidays. I really hope I can plan a tw/bkk trip with monster twiny, ked and yy! Omg, time really is going way too fast. Urghhh
I need to get G sis collage present done up tonight as I'd be out beforehand tmr with my family. Evening time would be meeting up the rest to get her present and down to her chalet at downtown east. My sis's thumbdrive is screwing me up now. Anyway I got to run along already. Meeting monster twiny, ked, noel and sailormoon tonight :D
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Last weekend
Okay, finally I found some time to sit down and do a proper post. The past weekend was so hectic for me. I was practically rushing from sg to malaysia and then from one end of sg to another. Now that it has passed, I can finally get some rest :) Backtrack a little to friday night.
Friday nightSupposingly, monster twiny and me were planning to crash Kino sweetie's birthday party @ Siloso beach resort but we were too tired from the night before. Instead we just met up for dinner over @ lot 1. Decided to meet my girlfriends for supper in town. Met up with Ginnie first before Estee and Candy joined us. We went back home at around 12am.
Woke up late and had to cancel away the hair appt with Alan :<>The brothers drove us over to the groom's place over at Sengkang(kill me pls). Hanged around for a little while before my sister's bf came over to fetch us over to Raffles City Convention Centre for my 2nd sis concovation. It was pretty grand and the tea reception was yummy :P My parents left first as they were too tired. So my sisters and I all hanged around taking photos before my sister's bf sent us home. I was so tired that I took out my contacts and fell asleep on my bed without removing my makeup! Lol! Woke up 2hrs later to shower and prepare for the wedding dinner over at RELC hotel. The food wasn't that fantastic. Anyw the night was still good with my cousins around :)
And countless people just got to keep asking whether my biggest sis(on the right hand side) is my twin sister or is she my younger sister. HAHAHAHA! I feel I look so old now :x
Congrats to myself, I'm officially a driver on the 26th October 2009 :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I had a pretty packed weekend; rushed from sg to malaysia and malaysia back to sg for sis's concovation and laslty relc hotel at night for cousin's wedding dinner. Feeling super shag now, i'm gg to get a hot shower, dry my hair and turn in early. Fight for the last battle tmr :D
Keeping my fingers crossed for tmr:)
(i'll blog when I've more time this weeek)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Finally managed to meet yy up for dinner yesterday! Dined in over at Waraku @Heeren's. For the first time I tried their udon(not really a big fan of udon here), thumbs up! :D Shall try their other udon flavours next time round when I dine there. Omg, I'm still thinking of their Doriyaki Ice cream!! It's way tooooo good! :pWe had a good solid catch up session. It never fail to be filled with madness, laughters and bitchings. Hahaha, we(me, twiny and yy) are good at that! Ked joined us too, yy finally got to meet him. After the dinner, we sat outside Heeren's to lepak and continue talking. I think we're really chatterbox-es. So yy left us(me,twiny and ked) around 10plus. While we continue walking back to fep to collect the car.
Wokay, don't get it wrong here, we're not a couple :>
Happy belated birthday sweetie!(it's after 12midnight anyw). Headed down to Kino sweetie's pub ; TGIF(i likeee the name :D) over a boat quay for his birthday celebration. He had this very big strawberries-filled heart shape birthday cake :p It tasted yummy! Everyone sang him a longggg birthday song when it was midnight. Hanged around and had a dew drinks before we left for home around 1am. Thanks ked for dropping me off at my place :> Had a rather enjoyable night with a good catch up with yy and the celebration for kino(i get to see him once in a blue moon). Hahaha. In the end, I skipped Maths class this morning as I was too tired. I woke up telling myself "Aiya today 1st lecture confirm nothing much". BOOM, I fell back asleep on my bed. My last driving session for today and Mr Ho is pretty confident in me. Good luck to me on Monday! :> Gonna be in Malaysia tmr for cousin's wedding on sunday. Oh man, another wedding and I think im turning into a Malaysian soon, I've been going Malaysia for 2 consecutive weekends!! :x
Back for more updates:>
(facebook is annoying me much nowadays :<)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
KL trip, bridesmaid gown fitting, sch, work, life
Basically I've too much things to blog on, I will do a proper post once I've more time. So for now, toodles :)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Basically I'm feeling much better now. Sorry for the very emotional-filled post that day. I was just feeling all fucked up inside that I had to vent it out by writing everything there.
Just hope that things all get better in time to come. Say school, work, parents and basically everything. Sometimes I dont know what I'm thinking inside, I find my thinking way too absurd. And I don't like to go about thinking too deep into everything, it gives me a bad headache. What will be, will be. I think life is so much better if we live on with this thinking.
The weekends were burnt working and a little shopping. Even though things between my mom and me aint still as usual but then it isnt that bad anymore. Managed to do a little shopping with my mom and sis today in town. Bought a few tops and dress :) I need more clothes. Talking about school now, I need to get my assignment complete by tmr. Holy cow, I haven't really started on it. I'm so dead. And tues I've work, I've not bloody pack my luggage to KL. Everything I need to get done by tmr or tues(latest). If not I'm gg to screwed up my school and KL trip which is definitely a BIG NO. I've stuffs to get tmr, things to get done and places t run tmr. Busy day ahead of me. I think i got to rest now:)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
stress, parents, school
I feel so pressurized now. Don't know what to do now, I was filled with anger just now but now I've cooled down. I know my temper mgt is really bad, esp when I'm home and I tend to just shoot everything outta my mouth without thinking whenever I'm angry. And then whenever I think back, sometimes I find myself so stupid with all the words that I've said. Seriously speaking,I don't even know whether I'll be able t make it through year 1 of uni. I'm worried not because I'm not able to catch or anything like that. It's just that probably like what alot said, UOL is one of the top certs ard and am I going to be able to get a 2nd upper honours which I set myself to do before the start of sch? It is either I do very well and secured a 2nd upper honours or it's gonna be like shyt. People around me always tells me, "i believe u can do it" and things like that but I highly doubt myself. And I know it's not just about being smart will help but also 10times more hardworking than everyone around me. I'm trying to push myself to work hard now, I've self study on my own outside. I revise after lectures everyday. But I can't help having those neg thoughts swirling around me.
Another factor would be my parents. They make me feel so suffocated till I hardly can breathe. Yes, you can see me blog about me hanging out till as late as 5am sometimes. But that doesn't happen often, it's probably once a month when my dad happens to be away in M'sia that I've got the chance to hang out with my friends until so late. The point is that sometimes even for the whole week other than school, I don't go out and instead I'm home either doing up things due on hand, resting myself or having driving lessons. And when I just wanted to go for a late night movie with my friends after work on a saturday night, I was being scolded. I feel so WHAT THE FUCK can. The moment I asked, my mom goes "why you everytime hang out so late? How to tell your dad? Later he will scold. Everyday go out, I NEVER SEE YOU STUDY AT ALL" IT IS A EVERYTIME-QUARREL-LINE she will bring up! Like hello, I was probably only out once that week and she kp that I HAD BEEN OUT FOR THE WHOLE OF THE FUCKING WEEK! You tell me, will you be angry? I admit I did hang out till pretty late sometimes and I really felt bad, so I will probably not head out or hang out for the next few days or next one week. Everytime we fucking quarrel over this and she fucking say the same thing I NEVER SEE YOU STUDY. I do study but not at home! I know myself well, I can't study at home if I do I will end up watching tv, use my laptop or laze ard. Must I be like a primary school kid, get my books and assessments all laid out and study in front of them or maybe I need to be like what some parents do; they do up a timetable for their kids. It is also because of this factor that makes me feel like I do not wish to continue on anymore. I feel like giving up all these shit about studying now. They say things " I NEVER SEE YOU STUDY" is because both my sisters used to study at home when they were in their uni life. Probably to them, im too havoc for my age. Without fail, they always compare. Saying things like my sisters werent allow to be out till so late when they were 19 or when they were in uni, they were either at home studying or working. Here comes the part about job. They will start things like asking me to change my current job because it is just not good la, cause they want me to work in a bank and blah blah blah. Esp my dad, listens to what his so called friends say and everytime he will say things like go look for a bank admin job. They've the good intentions but that isn't what I want. I thought of what field I'd like to work in; events or marketing field. I'm someone bubbly and active, not someone who can sit behind the fucking computer and type for the fucking whole day. Just because my sis is working in a bank, they think that I should. It's obvious because they kept asking me to ask my sis for help to get a job in the bank. I SERIOUSLY CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. What the fuck is wrong with their thinking. I know they're my parents and they always want the best for me. But it just doesnt make sense that if I'm a uni student, i can't wear makeup to sch, I can't go out aft sch, i must go home straight aft sch, study in front of them. U know its suffocating me so much nowadays. I thought maybe it will get better if I just be quiet and not retaliate but I seriously can't take all these anymore. Even when I just wanted to go to meet my friends nearby my place, my mom is like " everytime meet friends, so many friends to meet." I dont know what is wrong with her la, she totally don understand what im feeling now. When I try to explain, she don't understand. Alot of things, I need to explain to her in chinese but sometimes somethings are too diff to translate. She can be very nice at times but then whenever we turn nasty on this issue, i really feel that she's so nasty and I dont know what she wants. I love my parents but then I dont know what they want from me. Sometimes its just difficult to be me.
I just don feel like talking to anyone at all. My mood sucks because of this. So suffocated.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Am pretty much in love with "Angels Cry" by Mariah Carey :> woots, she's the diva!
Backtrack to last night first, twiny and I met up for early dinner @ 302. Then we headed to popular to get plastic cardboards. That asshole didn't know how to take the cardboards properly, I was whacked twice! :x Headed back to his hideout to help him with his "new curtain cum photonbooth". Check it out man :) it's nice ok! Cause I did up the letters(only). Haha. I was googling on some impt events I'm planning. The funny thing is, he managed to dig out many old stuffs and we had fun with it. I was laughing so badly and loudly. Shiok you know, having sucha bestfriend is good! :D
Anyhoo, went for in JB for a day trip today with my mom in the early morning. Good thing is, the JB custom is so so so much better than what it was before! I still remember 3-4years back, my mom used to bring my sisters and me over to M'sia frequently during the weekends to visit my grandma and grandad as they lived there. I always dread going through the JB customs as it is usually packed with humans(mostly singaporeans as m'sians had the privilege of using the thumbprint machine) queneing up just to get their passports stamped. Plus due to the crowd, the aircon wasn't of much help to us. Everyone was using their passports to fan and cool themselves. Only after when you finally get outta of the custom, you'll feel super shiok. Luckily now the new custom is alot bigger, better and improvised. Next was getting the cab over to my uncle's place. This uncle offered a rate of 20rm. So we decided to take his offer and as we were walking to his car, he told us his car is a private car not cab. Me and my mom freaked out immediately and looked at each other helplessly. That moment was funny. We had no choice so we took it, the whole ride I was holding onto my seat belt and ensuring the door wasn't locked(in case anything happens). Hahaha, I know that was uncalled for but I was super scared ok! You never know the dangers of Malaysia. Hahaha.
Grandma and grandad as usual were very happy to see me :D Cause they know that we're always busy with work/sch and hardly have time to make it to M'sia to visit them but they never once blame us :) I greeted my grandad and grandma in my loud, hoarse voice; AH GONG! AH PO! I always loved calling them loudly, i feel that they feel happy hearing it. And they really do ok!
Left to the facial palour at ard 10am for facial. Btw my cousin is working as a beautician there so my mom suggested to go there for facial. My very first time going to facial and it's good :D Just that the part where they sqeeuze out my pimples and blackheads were very bad! I was gek-ing my face thorough but I know if I endure now, I will thank her for that when my face looks better. Indeed, it's really cleaner now. My mom bought me $2xx worth of facial products for me. Felt so bad for making her pay for everything including the facial. In total we spent 1xxxrm on the whole facial and products :x Ok la, it's a once a month thing so I find it pretty worth :) Thank you mommy!
Headed home, reached sg ard 2pm. I was watching "first impression" and "growing up" till 5pm. Had packed dinner tonight then watched tv all the way till now. I'm goin to sleep early as I need to wake up early tmr for sch, POA! Goodbye!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Actually I feel pretty helpless looking at my own situation that I'm caught in now. I pretty much know that I can't help to make it better except just letting this whole issue cool down for a period of time, no one brings it up and I can see everyone being happy and having fun all together again. In fact, I wish there was something that I could do to make things better. But I know,we can't please everyone in the world. There're bound to be compromises; give and take. We accept those comments, but we can choose to either accept and then learn to move on or we stay stuck and get emotional over it. Be it being moody or crying it out to someone whom we can pour to. Sometimes I wish I've all the power in the world to make everyone around me stay happy as ever and everything around me to stay the same. Right now, I just feel helpless and really wonder what might happen next, definitely not for the worse. I really wish I've the power to make things right when they go wrong, really.
M's enlisting tmr, goodluck dude. many things are better left unsaid :>
I've a handful of things that need to be completed. Like my self-study which is going to be on wednesday, alone in sch. Hope that I survive and not sleep halfway. 2hrs will be a good start i guess. In the evening I might need to go down to collect those uniform of mine, i'm thinking whether I should just do it tmr instead. Yea, maybe I should. I've not transferred money over for th $xxx amt of apparels I've bought online. Spent so much money just by clicking, i'm really a shopacoholic. Basically I'm having so much things on mind, I worry for my tp(coming in 3weeks' time), worry for my studies, excited for clubbing&kl trip, anticipating for my clothes t arrive badly, hoping t have more money t spend(seriously think I might need events job), wish xmas to come faster, rushing for all the gifts, contemplating what I shld get for each and everyone, thinking of what would be a good move t the situation, planning for different events etc etc. Endless things.
It's 12am, I should get a good sleep now, tmr's waiting for me to begin. Goodnights.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
My ulcer and wisdom tooth is causing me a bad headache nowadays :< I felt like as though my whole mouth is swollen and I can't open my mouth too big whenever I eat/drink. The worse thing it could ever be is when you've a ulcer on the left side of yr lips and wisdom tooth on the right, leaving you no room to eat.sucks.
Trying to stay as cheerful and forget the pain as much as I could. It is just so painful sometimes, I feel like my gum is going to burst anytime lor. And I've this very aching feel at the back of my teeth): I need to get away from all the heaty food as much as I can now!
Okay, basically yesterday we dined in over at Crystal Jade @ Imm for my sis's bf farewell dinner. Had the all-time fav PEKING DUCKK :DD and my fav veg with salted egg yolk! Even had room for desserts as the portions for the dishes weren't very big. Really love Crystal Jade's dishes, forever so yummy! After dinner, my sis dropped us home. Went home, changed and met ming at her new place at Jalan Teck Whye. We're neighbours now! :) She dropped her parents home before we drove over to Yishun OCC to BOWL! This time round we've 2more new players. And everyone wasn't performing at their best, basically just playing around. Hahaha, I nearly had strikes a few times lor! :< Bowled till 3plus before we all left OCC. As usual, ming dropped me home, xie xie ni baober! Slept at 4am, woke up at 10am. I was feeling super sleepy when I was otw to work.
Luckily, time passes fast today, after work ended, took the bus home and we cancelled the plan of going SOHO. Changing it to nextnext wed at Mambo@Zouk ;)
Meeting all my baobers later to OCC again for pool and bowling:] This is how we're spending our mooncake festival tgt.
Before I go, meatball twiny get well soon!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Today I managed to do up better curls. But I'm just puzzled why does my curls don't last, maybe I didnt iron curl them long enough. Think I need more practise on that, maybe I'll curl it when I go dinner with my family tmr night :)
I skipped Psoc class today because I was too tired from the morning Pmkg class. This bad habit of me skipping class must come to a stop. No more doing it next week! I wanted to change classes for Psoc, just worried that I can't get the same lecturer. 330pm is seriously too late in the afternoon, everyone feels lethargic in class, not to say it includes me as well. Moreover with tiffy's withdrawal from Bsc, I'm practically a wondering soul around the sch. Hahaha, I go classes alone, buy food alone, go toilet breaks alone, tutorials alone, break alone, go office alone, go library alone, go popular alone, pay sch fees alone, bind my notes alone. There's so many alone things I'm doing now. You will ask me, why not socialised with the rest of my classmates, I think it takes time but basically I think being alone is better. In class, I've no one I can talk to, so I concentrate in lessons/tutorials. After school, I'll definitely head str8 home and save the money for lunch. Even though it feels a little weird sometimes but I'm going to pull through my 2years in SIM :)
In the late afternoon, met up with monster twiny, we headed over to Lot 1 to get mooncakes(for zombie:>) then we bus-ed down to Hill View Green Condo. Followed by a walk of around 15minutes from the bus-stop cause I mistook the condo and therefore ended up taking the bus which stops way further away. Hahaha, it's okay, luckily the weather wasn't THAT bad. Moreover when you walk with someone, it seems so much nearer. Even though I didn't managed to have much great buys for today, basically just bought a pair of pretty cute ear-rings from zombie's stall. Left to railway mall "Ramen Ramen" for dinner(zombie's recommendation). The ramen is seriously SO MUCH MUCH NICER than Aijisen! *Thumbs up* I really love the spicy ramen with extra chilli added! Even though it's too spicy for me but I'm enjoying it:D Thanks to zombie for the good recommendation! Shall find a day where we(me, twiny,zombie&banana) go there for a lovely dinner and chilling session.
When I got home, I still had a little dinner that my mom left for me. In order not to let her nag, I just had to finish up the food :< I FEEL LIKE I WEIGH LIKE 500KG NOW LOR! I stupidly edit the photos we took without saving the orginal version. Trying to figure out what I can do to get the original. I'm still shopping for my handmade xmas gifts materials. Intending to start doing it end of Oct, I've got around 10plus odds handmade xmas I need to complete! That is gonna be super tedious esp when I'm sorting out the alphabetical pastas :s
Shall go PS tmr to sign up for MWL classes for Oct(hopefully got lor). then to Spotlight to buy some lace materials:) Must remember to buy my alphabetical pasta, sunblock SPF 70(for body), SPF 50(for face). I need to majorly block the sun thoroughly! Facing very terrible uneven skin tone between my face and body :< Blackhead removal, hand cream, lip gloss, masks. The rest of my cosmetics will be left for next week when my pay comes in. So much feel like doing my nails but im working on saturday noon so NO NO!
Got to run along for bed, having a busy day ahead tmr. Gonna study some Pmkg later! BYE!
Photos taken when we went Ikea:)
*yawns*, pardon me for that just at the start of the entry. Yesterday was my busiest day so far this week. I had school in the freaking morning, luckily tiffy came if not I'd have died. After class had lunch with some of the pills and left school around 1pm to town for work. Eyed on some stuffs in Etude House, think I'll get them next week :D After work, I saw my lovely Candy! :D Met ming, estee, candy and aaron. Meanwhile ming and estee worked, candy me aaron went to Taka mooncake festival fair to buy mooncakes! I was damn sad cause I didn managed to try some of the very tasty mooncakes lor! :< Junction 8 with ming to finish up her work then her dad came to pick us up! :D Home, ate a very late dinner before I finally turned in. Super tired. Heading out to meet my meatball twiny then to the flea! BYE!
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