Wednesday, March 31, 2010
3rd :]
Marche doesn't taste as nice as it used to be. But anyw, bin and I went Marche for dins for our 3rd mth tdy :>
I like the whole layout of the place, very warm and cozy. But too bad, the food kinda spoilt it. The choices were really limited as compared to the past and it doesn't taste that great. We had grilled salmon fillet but it was just alright only. Ordered quite alot and we had trouble finishing them, luckily we didnt order the salad in the end, if not I think we'd have died suffocating ourselves w food. Was kinda busy eating so didnt managed to snap much on food.
Anyw tdy wasn't really a great day. Firstly bin had some work probs so he only managed to knock off at 8pm. Then halfway thru dins, he received a call and we had to make our way back to Wisma to pass something :/ I was kinda moodless after that but he was trying his best to cheer me up and I know it wasn't totally his fault. But I still had a great time with him, even if it is jus eating a simple meal tgt and doing nth special :]
Keep the faith within and keep the love going :]
Monday, March 29, 2010
Stay home monday
Okay, just finish eating one tau sar pia, am going to eat one more later cause I'm pretty hungry!!
Woke up early this morning to go over Lim Chu Kang to pay respects to my ah gong. Luckily the weather wasn't too hot and aftermath headed for breakfast w my parents. Showered when I got home and hit the sheets. Woke up in the noon and helped my mom w all the housework, super tiring.
This week is a busy week ahead for meeee.
Tues-meeting G sis, ky and bin for dins after their work
Wed-3rd mth w bin, havin dins @ Shokudu RC :]
Thurs-RWS w bin, he promised to bring me go and walk ard ^^
Fri-Meeting the pills to celebrate Geraldine's belated birdday :]
Sat-Having rev class frm morning 830-3pm, evening dins w the clique at Holland V
Sun-Rev class from morning 830am-3pm then home to rest my drained soul.
Need to try to turn in early if not I will die in my rev class this weekend. April is finally marching in and I promise myself to place mega focus on studies till May. I don't wish to flunk my pp/disappoint my parents. Goodluck to me for my pp in May!
April would be nothing but mugging everyday. No more spending time on tw dramas or gg retail therapy, all these would be in May. I need to work hard.
K, it's raining, so im gg to watch tv!
Woke up early this morning to go over Lim Chu Kang to pay respects to my ah gong. Luckily the weather wasn't too hot and aftermath headed for breakfast w my parents. Showered when I got home and hit the sheets. Woke up in the noon and helped my mom w all the housework, super tiring.
This week is a busy week ahead for meeee.
Tues-meeting G sis, ky and bin for dins after their work
Wed-3rd mth w bin, havin dins @ Shokudu RC :]
Thurs-RWS w bin, he promised to bring me go and walk ard ^^
Fri-Meeting the pills to celebrate Geraldine's belated birdday :]
Sat-Having rev class frm morning 830-3pm, evening dins w the clique at Holland V
Sun-Rev class from morning 830am-3pm then home to rest my drained soul.
Need to try to turn in early if not I will die in my rev class this weekend. April is finally marching in and I promise myself to place mega focus on studies till May. I don't wish to flunk my pp/disappoint my parents. Goodluck to me for my pp in May!
April would be nothing but mugging everyday. No more spending time on tw dramas or gg retail therapy, all these would be in May. I need to work hard.
K, it's raining, so im gg to watch tv!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Bugis ; cheap loots day :]
Tdy was "t-shirt day" for bin & me :]
Caught the movie "How To train Your Dragon"(3D) w bin tdy. Would rate it 4/5nacho chips. Though I'm not a big fan of cartoons but the movie got me into it. Anyw, saw the thriller for Toy Story 3!! Coming out in July and I'm sure to be catching it! :DD Tdy was really my day man. I got a few cheap loots; harem pants, shoes, skirts,top and all are under $20! A few of them is even under $10! Material wise is acceptable cause it's not those cotton type whereby it gets outta shape aft wash. Can't wait to go back soon on wed? :]
We ended up in Suntec City in th evening. Walked around but still cnt figure out what to eat for dins. So ended up bin brought me to Crystal Jade, no XLB though(cos they dun serve?) instead we had wanton mee and prawn paste chicken(which taste yummy but because we were full so we ended up wasting it :/). Bin always bring me for good food whenever we get to spend the day out. I'm really glad he makes the effort to spend his day off from work w me, going to places which I wanna go, eating things which I craved for and paying for some of my shopping sometimes :DD Love you baby.
It so happens tht th Fountain of Wealth was playing music and waterworks so we sat at one of the benches,cuddled up and watched it tgt. Love moments like these cause it's jus a very warmth feeling of having someone you love beside you enjoying it :]
Tmr(TGIF!) i'm staying in. Need to tutor fat on his studies. It's so funny when I myself is alr struggling w my deg studies yet I still have to tutor him :/ All thanks to my forever-naggy mother. If I don't she will nag me from morning till night, from when im out till home, from my sleep also! Anyw fridays no longer seem happenin' to me anymore like it used to be in the past where I'd look forward to fridays alot cause I will go party/drink/club/sing/town like mad. Time and change, for now I'd prefer to stay in.
Weekend(Saturday)is burned working. While sunday will be another rest home day to charge up for a tiring monday morning. And then looking forward for wednesday cos it's our 3rd tgt :] Time flies, in jus a blink of an eye, we're tgt for 3mths. Can't believe it either. Somehow if we both keep the love and faith gg, im sure we can make it through whatever that will be an obstacle for us in the future.
Need to turn in now, bye!(hope for no nightmares tonight!!)

Tmr(TGIF!) i'm staying in. Need to tutor fat on his studies. It's so funny when I myself is alr struggling w my deg studies yet I still have to tutor him :/ All thanks to my forever-naggy mother. If I don't she will nag me from morning till night, from when im out till home, from my sleep also! Anyw fridays no longer seem happenin' to me anymore like it used to be in the past where I'd look forward to fridays alot cause I will go party/drink/club/sing/town like mad. Time and change, for now I'd prefer to stay in.
Weekend(Saturday)is burned working. While sunday will be another rest home day to charge up for a tiring monday morning. And then looking forward for wednesday cos it's our 3rd tgt :] Time flies, in jus a blink of an eye, we're tgt for 3mths. Can't believe it either. Somehow if we both keep the love and faith gg, im sure we can make it through whatever that will be an obstacle for us in the future.
Need to turn in now, bye!(hope for no nightmares tonight!!)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
New haircut ; new phone ; KOI
Catching "How to Train your Dragon" tmr with bin. Meanwhile autumn concerto! :D
Monday, March 22, 2010
When you've a few of yr besties around with you, even a simple macdonalds meal could taste so awesome :]
Met twiny, banana & Noel over @ Lot one. Settled down for dins at Mac. We're loving the new Hot&Spicy shakerrr :D Aft the dinner, twiny played ard with his new toy;Black Canon S90 baby! Sexy shit, I will say! I wanna own my own DSLR soon!!! Anyw, got to say we had tons of fun and laughter when we were at Cck Park. Esp with the merry-go-round spiderweb and round swing. So much of childhood delights. I'm lovin' it! More meetups soon!! :]
Love him, we always talk crap tgt and do all those nonsensical things and laugh till our stomach cramps. We look good in this :)

My hair looked abit chui today, bad hair day. But we had our childhood lollies for supperrr :DD
This is one friendship I'd hole on tight and cherish it w all my heart :] 13years and going.
It's never easy to find true friends who will stay when everyone leaves you, when others lose the trust in you, they're the ones who still have the faith in you, when no one is there to offer you a shoulder, they're there, when you need some love,they're there to give and you know you can always count on them :] Recent years made realise how much true friendship means to me and how many people are yr true friends. I've seen people leaving and entering my life but some always stay and the some are the ones very close to my heart. Love them always :]
Iphone tmrrrr and bangs here I come :]
Met twiny, banana & Noel over @ Lot one. Settled down for dins at Mac. We're loving the new Hot&Spicy shakerrr :D Aft the dinner, twiny played ard with his new toy;Black Canon S90 baby! Sexy shit, I will say! I wanna own my own DSLR soon!!! Anyw, got to say we had tons of fun and laughter when we were at Cck Park. Esp with the merry-go-round spiderweb and round swing. So much of childhood delights. I'm lovin' it! More meetups soon!! :]
It's never easy to find true friends who will stay when everyone leaves you, when others lose the trust in you, they're the ones who still have the faith in you, when no one is there to offer you a shoulder, they're there, when you need some love,they're there to give and you know you can always count on them :] Recent years made realise how much true friendship means to me and how many people are yr true friends. I've seen people leaving and entering my life but some always stay and the some are the ones very close to my heart. Love them always :]
Iphone tmrrrr and bangs here I come :]
Friday, March 19, 2010
Lunch; meatballsss :PP
The weather is super coldzxzxzxzx today, freezing to an ice soon.
Instead of early lunch, it turned out to be a late one. Lol. I was late in meeting bin :/ So we ended up reaching Ikea only at 4-ish. And the first thing we did was to hit for the cafe and settle our hungry stomachs. Ordered quite alot and we stuffed everything into our stomach in the end, causing ourselves way too full :/ Spent around 2hrs in Ikea and hit over to Anchor Point. So when we were inside Anchor Point, it was raining heavily outside. When the rain got smaller, we went over to Queensway. Wanted to get our shoes but in the end we decided to hit Leftfoot @ FEP but turn out they don't have my size!! -.- Dinner was over at PS, Ajisen then we walked to Cityhall, otw I was feeling too tired so we caught a cab home instead. I'm so much of a cab person nowadays. Gonna get those lazy bones outta me.

Love it when we cuddled under yr small black umbrella under the rain, with our legs getting wet due to the puddles of water. Sometimes its amazing how alike we think. Like the other day when we were out, we hunted around for this Casio watch and it suddenly dawned on us to walk to Mustafa from Bugis and in the end, aft so much efforts we found th watch we were looking high and low for. Love you darl, thanks for everything :]
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Finally friday has arrived!! Last day of th week and its also one of the days whereby I get to enjoy myself and let my hair down. Heading to Queensway later with bin to search for shoes then to Ikea for meatballs and lastly maybe catching a movie at night if possible. Can't wait! I love rainy days, so cooling and don't have to worry about sweating and getting smelly :] BYE!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Today I spent my time tidying up my room, throwing away those dip exam papers, driving lesson books, unwanted notes, ear-rings which have been really old and a lil rusty and sort out those unwanted bags and clothings to be donated away. Went through my old stuffs which mainly included things like notes/letters/cards where we used to write to each other in sec sch. Those are something I'd feel that it can't be bought with money. Something which is so close to the heart. I decided to read through the letters/cards/notes and was laughing to myself at times, thinking how naive we all were last time. We could just write a card/letter to make up for a quarrel. But those were the days. We're now all in our own lives busy with our own stuffs.
The climax during my cleaning-up tdy was I killed a lizard! It was lying on the dettol spray and when I grabbed the dettol spray intending to spray it to clean my table, I felt something crawl away swiftly and when I looked on the floor, I saw a tiny lizard frantically crawling away and stopped at my shoe rack. When I pushed away my shoe rack, the lizard wasn't there anymore. Being kinda freaked out, I wore onto my slippers as I was cleaning my shoe rack and vacuuming the floor. It was then the lizard crawled out of no where and I instantly took the instecticide and sprayed on it continuosly but it didnt killed him. So I went to get some old newspapers and as I charged towards the tiny lil thing, I screamed and crashed the papers. But it was still on the floor as the instecticide had made it stuck onto the floor. So I gave a second try and successfully managed to get it into th papers and ran for the dustbin in the kitchen. Lol, it was that drama and my sis was laughing non-stop -.-
Anyw my whole room is now cleaner, dust-free and neater. I also realised that my paper bags are gonna explode soon, overflowing. Cleared off some accessories, im getting new ones either tmr/fri. And finally I'm working tmr since Ky is on MC :] I need cash badly as I've 3 birthdays falling in April(sucks big time). One of which happens to be Bin's.
On a side note, I went to research on RMIT and Curtin tdy to find out more about their deg courses and to realise that Curtin cost freaking 44,XXX(T_T). This is just my backup plan if I didn't make it for my Yr 2 exams. For now, wish me all the best into getting every sub thru. Off to Study now, ciaoz!
The climax during my cleaning-up tdy was I killed a lizard! It was lying on the dettol spray and when I grabbed the dettol spray intending to spray it to clean my table, I felt something crawl away swiftly and when I looked on the floor, I saw a tiny lizard frantically crawling away and stopped at my shoe rack. When I pushed away my shoe rack, the lizard wasn't there anymore. Being kinda freaked out, I wore onto my slippers as I was cleaning my shoe rack and vacuuming the floor. It was then the lizard crawled out of no where and I instantly took the instecticide and sprayed on it continuosly but it didnt killed him. So I went to get some old newspapers and as I charged towards the tiny lil thing, I screamed and crashed the papers. But it was still on the floor as the instecticide had made it stuck onto the floor. So I gave a second try and successfully managed to get it into th papers and ran for the dustbin in the kitchen. Lol, it was that drama and my sis was laughing non-stop -.-
Anyw my whole room is now cleaner, dust-free and neater. I also realised that my paper bags are gonna explode soon, overflowing. Cleared off some accessories, im getting new ones either tmr/fri. And finally I'm working tmr since Ky is on MC :] I need cash badly as I've 3 birthdays falling in April(sucks big time). One of which happens to be Bin's.
On a side note, I went to research on RMIT and Curtin tdy to find out more about their deg courses and to realise that Curtin cost freaking 44,XXX(T_T). This is just my backup plan if I didn't make it for my Yr 2 exams. For now, wish me all the best into getting every sub thru. Off to Study now, ciaoz!
Monday, March 15, 2010
quality companionship :]
After so long of not meeting up, we finally met up over at Crystal Jade Palace @ Taka last evening for a good dinner. Feels so long since the 4(terry, twiny, yy and me) of us met up for dinner. Looking back, we used to do that every other weekend but everyone's now busy with their own life; twiny: army and school, yy:her new job over at MBS and terry: army. But nonetheless, we still try to squeeze out time to meet up once in a while for a good dinner :] Yesterday was yy's treat because she had just gotten her first pay :>>
Roasted meat :DD
Peking duckkk, ytd's one was a bit too fatty for the skin, wasn't really as awesome as it used to taste.
Advert for Peking Duck
They've changed pretty much over the last 3years.

Thanks yy for the awesome treat ytd!!
Wasabi prawnsss
Diced beef with garlic, AWESOME MUCHHHH!
Mapo tofuu
He stuffed th whole wasabi prawn in his mouth!
Lady Gaga; paparazzi

Stuffing himself to finish up the foodd, we ordered too much.
Kinda wasted that I didn't touch on the roasted duck as I was far too bloated :/
Terry with his new look.

After dinner, we headed outside Taka to chillac awhile. We were catching up about out lives and the past :]

Bin called me around 930pm to check on me. Then I suggested to take the train home tgt when his work ends. Waited for him outside the Mrt station, sitting down with my book. Managed to finish the last few chapts of "A friend like Henry" last night before I turn in.
Freaking neighbour who is renovating his/her house, the stupid drilling starts as early as 9am in the morning! It has been 2days since it started and I'M DYING FROM IT!! I was awake by the drilling and then fell back asleep when it has gone off and then awake again and the cycle continues on for hrs, managed to wake up around 1pm today. I hope the renovation ends soon cause I need my sleep badly!!
Anyw I got another new book recently called "A piece of Cake". Gonna start on it later in the noon and chiong my studying tonight. My parents & fat went on a short trip to Genting, leaving both my sisters and I alone at home. So the house is now peacefully quiet(only for now, I hope the drilling doesnt start!). Have a good day earthlings, till im back!! :D
Bin called me around 930pm to check on me. Then I suggested to take the train home tgt when his work ends. Waited for him outside the Mrt station, sitting down with my book. Managed to finish the last few chapts of "A friend like Henry" last night before I turn in.
Freaking neighbour who is renovating his/her house, the stupid drilling starts as early as 9am in the morning! It has been 2days since it started and I'M DYING FROM IT!! I was awake by the drilling and then fell back asleep when it has gone off and then awake again and the cycle continues on for hrs, managed to wake up around 1pm today. I hope the renovation ends soon cause I need my sleep badly!!
Anyw I got another new book recently called "A piece of Cake". Gonna start on it later in the noon and chiong my studying tonight. My parents & fat went on a short trip to Genting, leaving both my sisters and I alone at home. So the house is now peacefully quiet(only for now, I hope the drilling doesnt start!). Have a good day earthlings, till im back!! :D
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Just like yesterday, we didn't plan for a meetup in advance and last min we decided to meet up. So we crashed twiny's crib around 8pm and in return he cooked a simple yummy baked macaroni for us as dinner :] Miss his cooking much, because it's been long since he cooked or we actually cooked in at his place. After dinner, we mahjong-ed. Lost 12bucks :/ Oh well, sometimes its not the money that counts but the company and fun we had. We chillac at his crib for awhile aft mj, doing all sorts of tricks we used to do when we were young and ended up with laughters. Baby became our source of laughter as well. Fat waited for me to get home, showered, studied till 3am before I turned in aft reading a chapt of "A friend like Henry". Bin called me this morning and I was awake aft I put down the phone with him. Rainy sunday noon, sumptous dinner tmr w yy(can't wait)! :D
Monday, March 8, 2010
Ubin cycling trip
Went Pulau Ubin yesterday with loves!:] We got there in the early noon around 12pm when the sun was at its best. Cheaponeh bicycles they've, $6 for the whole damn day. You can cycle until your butt cracks :/ Anyway we set off to the temple first for some praying and then went ahead in search of Lanrang(which apparently they say there is in Pulau Ubin)but we didn't find it in the end instead we cycled for solid 2-3hrs until the HOT sun. Thank goodness, I had my sunblock on which helped ALOT! Cause I didn't get burnt in the end :> Anyw we explored quite alot of the island, aftermath we were all dead shagged! But the mama shops there reminds me of good old school times. Iced pops, coconut juice, mamees.. Feels like back when I was young. Had dinner over there at one of the tze char store before we head back by ferry. Ked dropped me home, thank god. My legs were jelly, sandy(because of the freaking sand), dirty, smelly and sweaty. Jumped into a cold shower when I got home and I slept at 10pm because I was too tired and had a good 12hrs of sleep.
Back to work/sch life today. It feels dead and boring but exams are coming in 1mth's plus time! Im really freaking out. Exams are the horror now :/ Goodbye world, till im back again :>
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hello! Today was a pretty good morning to start off the day with. I had my brows trimmed(FINALLY!) @ some cheapo neh place near my house for only 5bucks! :D In the noon, met bin in town. I was looking around for a backpack and a shoulder bag suitable for school but then none of it caught my eyes. Not even any clothes, basically left far east plaza after an hour.But bin and I decided to get a pair of Vans tgt:) The weather was a KILLER!! Man, we were persipiring like mad when walking from far east to wisma. Didn't stay in town for long and we trained down to Vivo around evening.
It has been a pretty long time I came to Vivo. Used to shop at the F21, TS and candyempire here because its biggg. But now, orchard have even bigger outlets. Lol. Well, we got stuck at this place for close to 2hrs before we hurried over to GV in hope to cancel our tickets. Lucky us, the person was nice enough to allow us to cancel and we headed to CO to visit my dearest auntie nini before we head to Sushi Tei! :)Ordered pretty much food and ended up feeling so bloated! Hmm, actually I've never really eaten Sushi Tei before so I guess I really find it nicer than Sakae and any other sushi places. Plus I used to think it is pretty costly but it turns out alright. After the dinner, we shopped around but didn't have any catch and ended up sitting at the roof garden to enjoy the scenery and we had a heart-to-heart talk :] Feels wonderful. Left vivo around 1030 and caught the train home. Saw an old auntie who was scratching her armpit so openly in the public. And it was not just once but many times! I was laughing the whole time when I saw her doing it cause her pose was too funny.
It feels wonderful to have a heart-to-heart talk with you today. Sometimes I really feel blessed that I've met you. Whenever I'm angry/hot-headed you'll be there all calm to cool me down and then make me smile when my anger goes off. And I may be really unreasonable sometimes but yet you don't complain. You let me have my way. I'm glad to have you with me for the past 2months. It was great and im sure there're many more to come by :) Love you.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sometimes I really feel so dejected when it comes to my studies. I had my Accts prelims paper the other day, the questions inside the paper are manageable and I know I was able to do it but my mind literally just went blank when I flipped through the question paper and everything I've studied the previous day was jus a waste. I kept on telling myself that I shouldn't be too affected by prelims and not give up now because I havent even try my very best. Instead I should be more motivated to study and study even harder, pushing myself to my limits. But the question pops out "What if I didn't make it through the 1st year?" I will be left w 2 chocies; retake or quit and join RMIT. Definitely I do not wish for either to happen because I do not want to disappoint my mom nor my sisters. Sigh, is it that im not working at my very best now? Or did I make a wrong decision to take UOL? I guess it's not the right time to get these thoughts through my mind but to work really hard for it and see how everything goes aft results are out. Meanwhile for the next 2months, home is my most often to be place, mugging every other day. Goodbye world, update soon :)
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