hello people, im feeling oh-so-bored right now
i hate saturdays noon cause the weather is so hot
making me feel so uncomfortable and lerthagic
btw ben is back in s'pore alr!
fucking miss him! gonna meet him up soon
before he goes back to aust in aug luhs
my mango jeans are outta stock alr :((((
*goes into depression
the sales lady told me they might be bringing in stock next mth
which is like 12389831098243 yrs later
sigh sigh sigh i wan my mango skinnys!
i saw a nice red top from F21 (:
& it cost 48 bucks but im still getting it
also my tubes from F21 , im coming!
i wanted to wake up at 3am ytd
but i couldn't bring myself to stay awake
so ended up i went bck to sleep
& i misss my show :(
th weather is pissing me off so much
sometimes i wish we could just have an air con in my whole hse
hate the weather !
alright im gg to watch more movies at crunchyroll now!
Friday, June 29, 2007
somtimes goodbye thou it hurts is th only way to destiny (:
ooooh im so so so in love with S CLUB 7-say goodbye
freaking nice & the lyrics are god damn meaningful
i guess the song is kinda long alr but still i love it
thanks to monster for the song <3333
i had work today as usual luhs, BORING -.-
most of the time im doing NOTHING again :( its like so boring
read the papers, checked my mail countless times, eat alot of prunes
listen to th radio, try to walk ard, play hp games
take photos ( but nth turn out nice )
i did everything i could do alr but it's of no use!
time trickles so slowly :( i will just die !
luckily im leaving on tues ( my last day ) i will miss everyone
actually i don't really bear to leave cause somehow there's feelings
even though it was just a 3mths job
BUT i learnt so many things & got to get in touch with alot of ppl
people of different types, bad & good luhs
also i met new people like my sweets in the company
made many trustworthy sweets and also BEST boss-es
many memories over at there & i will always be back to see my sweets
special love for bess,maewyn,choon,kiat,shirley,ana & kim!
also to my beloved bosses namely JEN,ROS
to the forever patient colleagues : zarina & jess
to the cheeky RAHMAN (:
to the super duper dumbdumb mark (:
to auntie wendy who always seems so cheerful
everyone inside there , thanks for all !
anyway a new job and a new start soon
meantime i need a rest luhs, been playing too much
& having little rest and work alot
well also i must ask god to bless this special person
her name's Juliana (: she's a supplier that i've know
cause she feels that she was troubling me alot but which isn't at all
she bought me famous amos cookies wrapped in a box!
my first ever gift frm suppliers so far!
im really really touched by her & its my fav cookie
may god bless her
yeahs i super duper love it & treasure it
every piece of cookie i eat it with care , im serious!
anyway today happen to be Kiat's last day
so we went pepper lunch for her farewell lunch
we bought her a cake and ate it tgt
anyway the lunch was great luhs (:
some photos for you guys to seeeeeee

i have no choice so i wore my electric blue cardigan
cause i feel that its so you-know-what
well, i will wear it occasionally so as nt to waste it
i loveeeee spaghs and tubes tops now!
thou i have flabby arms and chest
i don't know what you call those fats popping up at the side
so i just name them the chest which is rather dumb
i wanna get wedges! you know those shoes, i love them
aft see-ing kim's shoes, im so tempted to get one too!
pay is coming and time for shopping!
ben is coming back to s'pore!!!
i miss him so much!
dearie give me a BIG call and hug when u're back!
meeting my sweets frm gap tmr
hopefully qian and daph is freeee
i misss them both so much (:
sometimes i feeel im always the thorn amg them :(
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
boohoo my last day will be on next wed
ooooh i will misss everyone there!
im sure i will , yes! everyone inside Robinsons
3 months was neither long nor short
but through the 3 months, i've learnt & grow
also i made so many sweet peopl whom i will not forget
thanks to everyone for giving me this chance , esp : Jen
indeed i met up with monster today ard evening
poor boy, he hasn't been sleeping well this past few days
hope he rests well tonight and sleep well too (:
we went to dine at fish&co and i took the cheapest thing
in order to save money cause im broke
after we dine, we went CP to look for sweets!
but i couldn't find the one i like so we left to cine
at cine we talked and smoked outside
then met up with Andrea to talk and the rest of the people
till terry came over and we went in to lvl 9 awhile
soon they gg off to paradiz while i headed home
im too tired and sleepy
decided to go home early to rest
my senses telling me smth's nt right
smth's gone wrong
but what's wrong, i really don't know
maybe its the trust thats gone
all i know is even though so many things changed,
some people will still remain (:
byeeee & im off!
Monday, June 25, 2007
bad bad bad x 100000000000000000 news !
i might be jobless sooon !
Diana( th recept that i took over) is coming bck frm her maternity leave
sooo if Robinsons doesn't have anymore job vacancies,
which means i will go jobless real soon
actually it isnt that bad to go jobless
since i've worked so hard for 3 mths, i shall pamper myself
by resting for weeks and lots of retail therapy
then i will also pamper myself to more facials and manicure
also all my lack of sleeeps !
seems like life is goood when im jobless
it also means i will need to re-find a job
plus i will need more time and effort to go for interviews
also to mean, it will be tiring
& i will need money while doing so
i will also misss all the old colleagues & the office
even thou many things took a change
but i still love the god damn cold office so much !
esp my sweets over there (:
what shld i really do? oooooh no !
quit or stay ?
i shall let god decide, if i shld stay or not
if there's vancancy i will stay but if nt, BYEBYE :(
somemore its been a great learning place for me
also J is a very nice bosss (: love her tons !
i shall not brood over too much since it will soon be decided
anyw im sooo tired now that i wanna go bed!
but i have a bump on my face
it's painful *stares at monster*
time to sleeeeep (:
Sunday, June 24, 2007
*screams and drummm roollll
woke up in the evening, the sleep was superb (:
with all my precious sleeping ard me, i feel a whole!
anyw we had so much fun during the sleeep & so many jokes
plus a new found PAPAYA!
*someone shld know who he/she is *evil grins*
while nicole & mon went to fetch roy, we stayed in the hse
so like they were really nice to pack food for us due to some reasons
appologies for the inconvience caused
while dining, we watched tv , a funny&scary ghost show
poor yvonne darling, she got scared the hell out by roy TWICE!
so we were like deciding where we shld head since it was a saturday night
after many attempts to find midnight parties cafe, we gave up
we decided to go for a movie - surf up *whooo*
so all headed to shower while roy & nicole went to meet rayray :x
left me,yvonne darling,mummy & mon
we cabbed down to town straight to cine to meet up with them
nicole & roy was playing dota while mon was looking
so mummy,me & yvonne decided to go and find heels for mummy
she finally bought her heels at tinkerTOES (: pure white!
very very nice, goes very well with her stockings & her dress(of cos la, i buy one lehs)
hahas, kidding la, so we saw TERRY DARLING!
went straight to talk to him ah, talk in a weird english tone ah
with a AH in every sentence ah, like now ah
soo tgt we went lvl 9 to find them & saw rayray! *blows whistle
then we acc terry to meet imran outside cine, saw many people ooh
talked and chatted outside then we went B1 to find imran whose eating
mon came down not long after
sadly the time slot for surf up for 11pm is gg full
we decided not to watch since not everyone is watching plus its FULL!
roy & all came down and we planned our nxt destination
after some discussions, we finally made up our mind
me,mummy,yvonne & mon will go mind cafe
while roy,nicole,terry&rayray will go dota-ing (:
soooo off we went in seperate ways
on th way to mind cafe, we stopped by MAC for a meal!
&&& we cam-whored there (:

then we walked all the way to mind cafe
was sucha hot & tiring walk cause it's kinda far
luckily for us, they had seats for 4 people so we went in
ordered some drinks & munchies to cool ourselves
during th whole 2 hrs there, there was nvr a moment of quietness
even if we didn't shoutl, others were screaming loudly
i admit i was one of them :x
we didn't managed to take a group photos cause they were closing :(
mummy suggested we shall come again soon (:
soooo we went to meet up with the rest & cabbed back to mon's place
we slept at 6 and woke up at 2 plus for me,mummy & yvonne
then we watched tv & ate noodles while mon&roy slept
stupid enough i came up with taking photos!
but we must tie really childish & act cute hairstyles
sooo we really did it since there was only th maid with us in the living room
&& we camwhored like mad, enjoy those dumb photos
presenting to you proudly by th 3 dumb shit,horny & exercotic!

see how dumb we were?but i like it!
anyw i had fun with my 2 gfs namely yvonne darling & mummy
enjoyed the whole sleepover so much at mon's place
hahas, mon , you know what i meant right?
hope mummy haf a wonderful advanced 17th b'day!
hope you like what we all gave you & prepared for you
we just wanna say WE LOVE YOU TRUCK LOADS TOO!
special love for the peopl below:
mummy,yvonne,monste,roy,nicole,terry,qiqi (:
Saturday, June 23, 2007
oooooh i had sucha wonderful sleeeeep last night with my precious!
we had a sleepover at monster's place
it was wonderful & we had so much fun tgt (:
went over monster's place to place my stuff before we went town
then bought food up, aft he ate, we cabbed to town
we went to wisma and got my forever 21 top & mummy's dress
then to paragon to buy flowers!
the flowers were tulips and were really nice (:
me & mon took some photos (:

afterwhich we headed to cine to meet up with mummy first
gave her the flowers,board & the dress i bought for her
then nicole came along, mummy was really happy with the gifts!
thats like sooooooo gooood!
we went to hk cafe to eat first while waiting for terry&yvonne
after we finished, they came, just right!
headed over to to partyworld next at paragon to singgg
it was damn fucking fun i swear!
i enjoyed myself to the max x 100000000000000000
we made a new friend called DOLLY !
she's really pretty (: check it out guys, she's hot

did you guys see it?! she's damn hot la
oooh yah my twin sister came along, her name's rachel (:
she's th one with the brown hair in the pic above
cooool right? hahas
well DOLLY had so much fun dancing away, esp her MOOBS!
to add on to th excitement, there was a fight in the rm nxt door ytd
all of them were frm china and 1 of them got drunk
& he started to threw things, make the managers upsat and beat up the friend
ohmygawd la, totally ridiculous
but we were such KPOs standing at the door and cheering in our rm!
it was really an eye opening esp for me (:
oooooh i think the partyworld guy is interested in our DOLLY~
he kept on talking to her & looking at her
omg, i think DOLLY attracted her so much with the MOOBS,
he even wanted to take a photo with DOLLY!
as you can tell, it was really fun, HOORAYYYYYY (:
after partyworld, we went cine, they wanted to play dota
before that they went to have cup noodles first
while they were gaming, me & yvonne sat there looking at them
i can tell you, i could just sleep right away
was so so so tired , my eyes were really gg to close
we left the place at 6plus and trained back to mon's place
after everyone showered and ate, we went to bed!
ooooh yah i have smth nice to share with your,

enjoy the photos~
hahahs, see how curly my hair was last time
oooooh man i couldn't stop laughing at my old self look either!
anyw those photos are what mummy broguth along ytd
it's kinda heartwarming to see such photos aft so long
anyw im gg off!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
*sorry people for the lack of updates once again
& also for the lack of photos being posted
today i shall post up those photos i haven been posting alright
&& big thanks to those who tagged me asking me to jia you for work
you know who're , really thanks (:
im feeeling so much better at work alr
well i forgot what exactly happen on wed, so i shall blog about thur instead
as usual i went to work
but i was kinda sick, no choice dragged myself up and went work
the whole bus journey i just slept to make myself better
in the end, once i reached the office, it took turn for the worst
i feel so weak and lerthagic all over
my body was aching like no one's business
my throat was hurting tooo :(
still i plucked up all my energy to work & answer th calls
i kept on walking ard to make myself feel better
cause i found out that, the more i sit, the worse it gets
until to the extend, i can't take it anymore
so i just told Z that i wanted to go hm
& R came to talk to me about it
she asked M to take over me and i will go off at 2
thanks to M who took over me (:
after that i cabbed home cause i feel so sick & weak
went home, showered and slept
mom then came home, asking me to to the doc's
but i was too sick to walk so i continue sleeping
until i feel so hot all over
i knew i had fever & it was 38 degrees!
ohmygawd la, it has been so long since i've got fever alr
the last time was during last yr
when i kept on crying and crying & i got it
so i went to the doc's at night & he gave me MC for the next day!
so went home, took my medicine and felt so much better
my fever subsided a lil, i was so happy
cause if i don't get well, i can't go for the sleepover
so i slept early and woke early today (:
my fever has alr gone but flu and throat is still there
went to get my lunch just nw, th weather was freaking hot
hot enough to just kill me !
alright im so much better now (: & mom allows me to gooooo