rainy day again :( urber urber sad , which means NO SUN = NO TANNING !
when will the rainy season end ? i want the sun !
anyway i hope saturday won't rain cause i'm gg tanning
sooooooooo may god blessss me to be able to tan myself (:
didn't really felt energetic today , im not sure either
maybe im in neeed of more sleeeep
sometimes i wish i could fall asleep the moment i lie on bed
BUT it's impossible , sleeping has somehow been a prob to me nowadays
im not sure why either , tooo much problems inside me ?
or maybe im used to night life , sleeping only in th day ?
every night i seem to force myself to sleeeep , its bad , real bad :(
i hope to be able to sleeep well again
cause even if i managed to fall asleeep , i end up waking up at times
then i'll be back to sleeep and wake up again and bck to sleep
how bad could it get to ? maybe i should see a doc :x
town was all about today , been ages since i went town
urber boring is what i can say bout town , i dont like chilling there anymore
dinner with them was great ! things are fine (:
went to eat th-always-sinful waffle again -.-
it tastes sooo nice whenever i eat it but it cost a BOMB
so it isn't an often treat sort of thing , just occasionally
cam-whoring with my loves ; mummy&monmon
im feeling tired & sleepy now but im afraid once i lie on bed
i will be awake and nt tired at all :(
& my eyes seems to be growing smth somewhere causing a lil pain when i close it
i'll try to be a gd gurl & sleep early today *provided if i can

now till forever (:
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