Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008
just imagine spending your life in total darkness. everyday is like night time to you. you can only use your hearing, touch and your voice to actually find your way. and that actually happened to me moments ago whereby i spent a few mins in darkness and it scared the shit outta me cause it was sooooo eerie! i bet even your grandma would jump and scream. damn the lift construction which disrupted the electricity for my block TWICE. and for both times, my brother and me were practically screaming out ass off ,running towards each other (cause apparently he was in the kitchen making toast while i was in the room), hugging, bumping into things around the living room and falling on the sofa. i swear at that moment i nearly wanted to cry. its just so dark and we thought you-know-what is in the house. so i dial to my sis, half-crying and asking for HELP. and apparently she was in her class and so she told me she'll rush home asap. i was totally disheartened cause it means we gotta stay in that house for an hour before she's home. she actually suggested my brother and me to go out of th house and wait for her downstairs. and that was the first time i understand and experience what you call wobbly legs. so i dial to my mom who's still overseas and once again so kan chiong-ly speaking and at that point of time i seriously wish my mom was with us and not in c-h-i-n-a ): . then she suggested for my uncle who's a technician to come over, like seriously i thought she was kidding. but she actually call me back and told me my uncle will be coming in later. so we sat still in the living room sofa, holding on as tight as ever together and that moment made me feel so bad cause i actually yell to my brother earlier in the day. so in order to chase away the silence, i turned on the volume of the tvee to the maximum and i was still thinking there was you-know-what luhs. tried to pray along with my brother. totally retarded. so around 930, my sis finally came to our rescue and i actually felt so much better that she's home. and she explained to us, th kuku asses, that the life construction disrupted the elcetricity. called up and uncle and told him not to come in anymore. and called bck mom to let her know everything's fine. everything's back to normal and my brother and me were actually laughing so hard about our sillyness just now. and i can't believe he actually landed his whole weight on me just now and you know he isn't as light as you think he is.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008
ohoh i wanted to blog bout this. i bet many would know of the earthquake that hit szechuan recently? so like everywhere is hav ing fund-rising programmes, even on tvee. happened to chance upon this real life story of this mother and her 3-4months old baby. when she was found by those rescuers, she was alr dead and lying in a awkward position. so after they moved those rubbles away, they actually flipped her away and saw that in her arms, she was holding her 3-4months old son! and the son was actually still wrapped in a towel, sleeping soundly. and after they carried the baby out, they actually found this phone on him, and on it reads a text message that says : dearest, if you're alive, remember i love you , by his mom! i bet that moment was seriously so touching, tears just welled up my eyes.
at that moment i wanna tell everyone that i love, i love you (:
Saturday, May 24, 2008
its been so long, still i miss your presence.
Friday, May 23, 2008
off for the tvee! :D
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
i've been pretty busy recently. exams, friends and some personal stuffs. so little time and so many things to do. thus this left me no time to even ponder over unneccessary matter. but my appetitie dropped majorly. im now only having one meal per day. i dont know whats wrong with my body. i used to have like 3meals per day and snack alot, now i dont. anywoo i've been subway-ing for th past 2days, frequent far east trips and so much nonsense. dark eye rings are getting bad and i've been using concealer when i go out nowadays. all thanks to those midnight oil i've been burning for exams. vesak tmr which means no school and happy me :) most probably to be out studying and meeting loved ones for dinner. i hope th plan goes something like that. ohh burning midnight oil tonight, anyone?
its time to get my camera out :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
i need temper management so badly and im serious. it has been so long since i was this angry. and i guess not one of them have seen me this side of me before. but one thing i gotta say is im sorry t shocked you guys. but this is the side of me that you guys have seen it and now your did. i guess when im really angry, no one bothers and they actually let me cool down myself. the bus ride home from school today was a long one? thoughts just ran through my mind, many in fact. upon looking back it was something small yet the tension is high now. i guess lets all cool before we actually speak it out again. i dont wan anymore unhappy school days cause i know myself, for then i will hate school. i fear lonely and in fact i never like being alone thats why im always surrounded with friends. nevertheless they always seem to replace the emptiness i feel inside. i may have been harsh with words but i never meant it. i guess no one would really have a right mind when they're angry. instead sometimes i wish to be like some, being neutral and knowing so lil. it does you no good to know so much. i never wan to flare up so badly. but i just did. what's done is done and now lets all cool, i guess thats the best.
oh well enough of emo nemo! i met twinny todayyyyyy ((: he's gotten himself a really vok hair colour, sliver. but apparently it looks more of a white-ish blonde. everything was good today. things went smoothly and nothing bad happened. i love today and its nice seeing everything so wonderful. we had so much fun today. even i was a lil tired from school and bad things happened but after seeing them, the sad side of me went away. i guess i was never really happy like today after so long. ((:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
my stomach hasn't been well ever since i woke up in the morning for school till now ): i just feel so nasueous and other than 2 small puffs i had during break, i had nothing else at all, yes nothing. and yet i still feel that my stomach is weird. sigh, i hope it gets better anytime soon. today is like the worst walk i had to school. the rain and wind make it so hard for me to balance my file and umbrella and also making sure that i don't get wet. and whats more i got splashed by a car which zoomed past me and it wet my shorts )): so i was really glad when i actually made it t school. blackout again during class. so our maths lecturer actually spent awhile telling us his life stories. heh. unpleasant events happened today and i dont wanna mention any tad bit bout it. happy thing that keeps me going is twinny and all is coming bck! :D after school went mugging as well and then headed for home cause i just felt terrible. i hope i'll be fine sooon (:
sometimes i would rather the old
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
school was good. time passes rather fast for today. celebrated clams birthday in school. bought him a super yummy cake and a card from happy pills. we skipped english class today after break. took some photos but sad t say its nt with me yet. bestfriend hasn't send any of us. so i'll post it up soon! :D after school was to Mac t mug! amos and me did maths str8 for 3hrs with a lil break here and there. its a nice place to study and i concentrate best without falling asleep. heh. going there tmr after school again cause exams are coming in 2weeks time? so tired so tired. and one thing being happy bout it TWINNY IS FINALLY COMING BACK FRM THAILAND TMR! :) even though i won't be able to see him cause i'll be schooling the next day but still im happy! i'll update soon ;)
Monday, May 12, 2008
i know i was supposed t post this ytd but i was too tired so here it goes
HAPPY MUMMY'S DAY! i love you (:
everyday's gonna be mummy's day and not just yesterday.
i miss twinny, roy, delong and brian so much! bet they're enjoying themselves so much in thailand right now. i hope wednesday faster comes and they're back! and probably i might get t see them on thur? hee. school was good. nothing much bout it. but sometimes i dont dare to give my full trust a not so close friend jus like that. i dont know why either maybe because im someone who fears disappointments. and even little actions shows it all. i'll update again soon [:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
see you when i see you ((:
My first time going to the airport as early as 4am in the morning! I didn't catch a wink at all and i left my house at 3am. Super freaky to be out in the VERY early morning and there were hardly any cars and not to mention people. I got freaked out by some homeless malay guys who sat under my block being so annoying. Got on the cab and felt much more relieved. Check in with their luggages and then to T3. Snap some photos here and there. And then it was time for time to go in sooooo hugs, kisses and everything (: im really going to miss them! We all headed home by train and I was so deep in my sleep that my head kept on leaning to people's shoulder and i swear it was embarrassing. School nearly killed me then town. Thanks to Amos for driving me there and fetching me home once again (: Met loverrrrr after what like seems to be ages! :D Spins to study maths and then SHOPPING! It was super crowded, never shop on a weekend i swear. Dinner at CJ and then far east before home (: Im so worn out now. Mom's day dinner tmr (:
Friday, May 9, 2008

i would love to sit down in th balcony with a lovely cup of coffee in my hand and enjoy the rainbow. today's TGIF and i didn't plan to spend the night out cause im too tired. the moment i reached home, been stuck with my laptop till now watching shows :/ gonna hit the sheets early tonight and send twinny and all tmr morning off. so i guess tmr's gonna be a long day for me?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
School was good today. gave 101% attention for MPO. anywoo lunch with happy pills. then Roy called and met up with twinny and him. cabbed down to Golden Mile aka Little thailand. I swear I've never been to there before and it was my first today. Flooded with many thai restuarants, food, thai and everything you can think of bout thailand. The building is seriously damn old that anyone could ever think of. Headed down to bugis and then we went around looking for V3 movie cafe but it turned out to be V8! -.- Dined there and aftermath went down to Tantric. Spent the remaining evening playing Bluff and im a lousy liar ): Twinny and i left as early as six plus for home cause he isn't all well from his illness yet. I think i sleep well on the bus and i dont feel as tired when i get home, weird me. O'ya Hy is back from Taiwan and im meeting him on Monday for a movie and catching up (: TGIF tmr and im gonna spend my friday night home with my fatty brother cause there's sch the very next day. I need to wake up as early as 2am on saturday morning t meet twinny and all to send them off at the airport then afterwhich I will head t sch ): I'll misss them all so much and I can't wait for them to be bck, seriously (:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

twinny, when the skies are grey, you know im here with you [:
anywooo school was fine today. i had an early lunch with dear babe, angie. so the rest of the happy pills came over to find me after they did their lunch. madness tension going on inside the studyroom, everyone was mugging so hard t finish off Ca2. haha. so i left around 230 to go over to meet lesbian to go over twinny's. R's place and then back to fetch twinny. seriously felt the heartpain when i saw his finger and hands )': i miss him still even though i just saw him a few moments ago. im pondering bout getting a pair of gladiators. but because i might be lazy to strap them on and off my feet. hee. i finally get to go and get my stuffs tmr in town! ((: and i hope twinny is meeting me ;)
the thorn in my heart was mentioned, outta sudden my heart felt damn heavy once again
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
walking away just means i've lost
its hard t say what might happen
but i know thats not my best.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008

I wanna haf a nice lil puppy to keep my fears away