Some days I'd love to find someone whom I love and fall in love madly and deeply with him. Probably fall head over heels for him. Have a good taste of love and end it happily. But sometimes I hate relationships cause they're complicating in a way. It's good to love and be loved. It's always the ending up part that suck us up so badly. I've been single for 2years! God, I can't believe it too! There're many passerbys along my life but I realise I never seem to give any a chance to enter. Or is it I always meet weird people? Like younger than me, if not way older say 10years? Ahh, whatever, I'm good right now, I don't need a lover:) something very random.
Sunday is always so freaking warm. And as usual town is packed with FMs! Or should I say everywhere? Down to flea @ Mt Sophia today and I spent 30bucks on ear-rings, bracelet and a dress(cost me effing $10 for the dress!!!) Cheap thrill! Thats why I love fleas. But it's never easy to get something you really like but I'm SUPER satisfied with my caught today :) We had to leave after an hr because work starts at 530 and my dinner was still not settled. Spotlight to get some ribbons before Fel and I trained down to Food Republic for laska, prawn mee and KICKAPOO! Don't know why but I must have kickapoo whenever I'm eating at Food Republic. It all started with Candy(inside joke). For the whole of 5hrs during work, I just hate my tongue. Because I'm under medication now, my whole taste bud is so bland! I tried drinking sweet stuffs or eating things to keep the bland away but doesnt help!): Very annoying. And guess what? Omw home I saw Mr Foo! God, I miss him so so so much! Sometimes we get so busy till we forget we have friends like foo. He always never fail to cheer me up:) I'll see him very soon for dinner.
I wish I was born ignorant to many things in life. So sometimes I've lesser things to worry about. But life is about ups and downs right. I feel that I've not been eatin madly like how I did weeks back. Some said I seem to become thinner but why do I feel fatter? Sounds so wrong but true. I just see food as nothing now. Or maybe I'm under too much stress. People don't understand. They deem it as a small lil girl's over-worrying. But do they really know me?
Enough of my random rants today. Gossip girls now!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I woke up feeling aches all over my body and having a really bad headache that I decided to give school a miss today. After I text tiffany about it, I went back to bed and around 12plus I decided to get out of bed dragging my body(that seems to weigh tons). Mommy suggested I visit the doc's after seeing her half-dead daughter. So apparently, the doc says that I'm down with throat inflammation and that it's way tooo dry. I should down more water and have ALOT of rest. He even gave me 2days of MC to allow me to rest myself completely from work. Thank god, I've awesome SM like Candy:) I guess I really have to kick my bad habit of turning in only at really late in the night. My pimples comes out the next day due to the late nights I had. And my immune system is very weak nowadays. Just 2weeks ago, I was down with flu and now?
Anyway I suddenly realised half of '09 has passed(not almost but soon). Looking back it was half a year filled with my last lap of DMS studies, first step into uni life, another 6mths of hardwork in CO, bonded even more with my colleagues, having new people in my life, my twin enlisted in NS. At the same time, many unhappy things did happen in my life. People around me getting hurt, upset, depressed. But I realise bad things that happens in my life makes me grow to someone more mature. I've sorta mastered the skill of life; to take things in its stride. No matter what is gonna happen, I can't stop it. If I do, I will always make sure I do it. But if I can't, let's all face the fucking fact then. Just like my dad's case. After a few mths, I've decided that this is him and his fate or rather this is fated that he is my dad. So instead of brooding over issues that can never be solved, just let things be. No one interferes with each other. In fact, it is so much better now that we don't give a damn. I mean now I've learn to love my mom more and give even more respect to my sisters( not that I never did but I wasn't that in the past).
In fact, I was shocked at how well I seemed to handle certain issues when things were broke out to me. I did not even breakdown(that was how I'd have reacted 2yrs back then). Instead I listened and moved on to a more realistic solution that I know would get the problem solved. I really learnt that one may cry, to let out all the anger and sorrow but crying is just crying. Once you dry yr tears, you're back to square one and nothing is solved. So instead I've learnt to listen and move on with solutions. Giving my loved ones the support they need and not through words only. Actions always speaks louder than words, this is something I believe in. Show to the people you love, you love them. Let them know you're there when they fall. I believe you'd love to have someone there just when you need a shoulder.
To my forever so irritating, cute, silly, funny, disturbing (many more words could have described you) twin, you're forever the best twinny in me alright. Even if that you're in NS and time isn't always there for us but I believe we make the time rather then we allow time to decide. We may not seem to spend as much time as before or probably be there for each other all the time. But I assured you, just when you need someone, I am always here. This is the roughest time for you, I can promised, I'll be there for you alright. BIGGGEST HUGS TO YOU! You will never walk alone alright :)
And im going to bed now, I need resttttt
Anyway I suddenly realised half of '09 has passed(not almost but soon). Looking back it was half a year filled with my last lap of DMS studies, first step into uni life, another 6mths of hardwork in CO, bonded even more with my colleagues, having new people in my life, my twin enlisted in NS. At the same time, many unhappy things did happen in my life. People around me getting hurt, upset, depressed. But I realise bad things that happens in my life makes me grow to someone more mature. I've sorta mastered the skill of life; to take things in its stride. No matter what is gonna happen, I can't stop it. If I do, I will always make sure I do it. But if I can't, let's all face the fucking fact then. Just like my dad's case. After a few mths, I've decided that this is him and his fate or rather this is fated that he is my dad. So instead of brooding over issues that can never be solved, just let things be. No one interferes with each other. In fact, it is so much better now that we don't give a damn. I mean now I've learn to love my mom more and give even more respect to my sisters( not that I never did but I wasn't that in the past).
In fact, I was shocked at how well I seemed to handle certain issues when things were broke out to me. I did not even breakdown(that was how I'd have reacted 2yrs back then). Instead I listened and moved on to a more realistic solution that I know would get the problem solved. I really learnt that one may cry, to let out all the anger and sorrow but crying is just crying. Once you dry yr tears, you're back to square one and nothing is solved. So instead I've learnt to listen and move on with solutions. Giving my loved ones the support they need and not through words only. Actions always speaks louder than words, this is something I believe in. Show to the people you love, you love them. Let them know you're there when they fall. I believe you'd love to have someone there just when you need a shoulder.
To my forever so irritating, cute, silly, funny, disturbing (many more words could have described you) twin, you're forever the best twinny in me alright. Even if that you're in NS and time isn't always there for us but I believe we make the time rather then we allow time to decide. We may not seem to spend as much time as before or probably be there for each other all the time. But I assured you, just when you need someone, I am always here. This is the roughest time for you, I can promised, I'll be there for you alright. BIGGGEST HUGS TO YOU! You will never walk alone alright :)
And im going to bed now, I need resttttt
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I've been working non-stop for the past few days. And today(thursday) is my only off day. Time check, 3.30pm. I just got up from bed. heee. I think my sleep will never be replenished and will never seem enough. I've been feeling tired almost everyday without fail. My cough is also getting worse, my lungs somehow hurts when I cough.
Last min cancellation of work yesterday evening \M/ After bridging I headed down to town to meet M for kfc! Aftermath to CO to get the roster things settled before I know, fel, me and angel were sitting at Toast Box with each of us having a teh peng. I was finding programmes so badly for the night cause my parents aint home. Many people went through my mind, even my twiny who is in camp. Right after that, around 5mins later, twiny texted me! He's out from camp as he was on MC! SUPER YAYNESSS!! So I left for home at around eight from town. Showered and had durians. Now my whole house smells of durain because my mom bought 5 HUGE bags of durains back from M'sia. It somehow stinks but shiok!
Crashed twiny's place after that. Watched the tv with his parents till it was around 11plus and went to the stairway to have a good talk since it was quiet. We talked on and on for a good 1hr and didnt know time passes so fast! He shared many things with me from the bottom of his heart. I felt guilty? Or rather, I do not know how to describe the feeling. It's just that seeing my bestfriend being like this and yet I couldn't even do much for him but just being there to listen to him. I hope whatever it is, is going to help him get through all these. And people around him would show more concern to him and giving him the support he needs. Probably they know who they're. It hurts to see him being so depressed and yet I couldn't do much. I hope everything bad goes away fast for him, I'll pray for him.
Friday tmr=work.
Last min cancellation of work yesterday evening \M/ After bridging I headed down to town to meet M for kfc! Aftermath to CO to get the roster things settled before I know, fel, me and angel were sitting at Toast Box with each of us having a teh peng. I was finding programmes so badly for the night cause my parents aint home. Many people went through my mind, even my twiny who is in camp. Right after that, around 5mins later, twiny texted me! He's out from camp as he was on MC! SUPER YAYNESSS!! So I left for home at around eight from town. Showered and had durians. Now my whole house smells of durain because my mom bought 5 HUGE bags of durains back from M'sia. It somehow stinks but shiok!
Crashed twiny's place after that. Watched the tv with his parents till it was around 11plus and went to the stairway to have a good talk since it was quiet. We talked on and on for a good 1hr and didnt know time passes so fast! He shared many things with me from the bottom of his heart. I felt guilty? Or rather, I do not know how to describe the feeling. It's just that seeing my bestfriend being like this and yet I couldn't even do much for him but just being there to listen to him. I hope whatever it is, is going to help him get through all these. And people around him would show more concern to him and giving him the support he needs. Probably they know who they're. It hurts to see him being so depressed and yet I couldn't do much. I hope everything bad goes away fast for him, I'll pray for him.
Friday tmr=work.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy 12th fat!

We celebrated fat's birthday cum father's day today at Long Beach for dinner. Food was awesomeee! Way too awesome to describe! It's been way too long since I had so much crabs for a meal! Seafood for dinner soon, twin? :) After dinner, we headed back. Well got fat a cake and hope he loves it. Cut the cake and everything. Feel that we haven't been doing that for sucha long time! We used to do that on every of our birthdays but not now anymore I guess. Now it is more to having a good dinner will be perfect.
Anyway I was in town with fel the other day. We purposely met up early because she was sucha a sweet to accompany me to get all my things. Like my toner, accessories, nail polish, eyelashes and everything else. But good thing is, I never buy any clothes on that day :) I feel good because I've 4-5 pending pieces in my wardrobe, all new and yet to be worn. My mom passed me her card just to pay for everything I bought that day. Love you mom! You're always so so awesome!
And then it was also Ming's 23rd:) The other day, the girls from CO body organized a dinner for her over at Giraffe opp PS. It was funny because we lied to her that we're ALL not going to turn up since we were on budget and she ended up getting so disappointed. When she saw us, I swear she felt like pushing us all into the pond :/ HAHAHA. We didn't join the rest for clubbing, instead we head over to PS to wait for Clement and Aaron to come and pick us up for a good supper at S11 Amk. It's really good to have a car, you can always travel where you want to.

Followed by D's big 21st that has passed. I'm so so so sorry to only be blogging about it now. But I bet he doesn't have any mood for this now. He's like getting into some sort of depression resulted from his recent breakup? I wish he'll be ok soon, getting drunk doesnt help in anywhere. It just makes the pain away for a night and next day you'll wake up with even more pain that you will get from the hangover. Anyway not the whole D family was there since twin was in camp :/ Look at D's face, he was so badly sabotaged by us. Cream all over his face and he still smell of cream even after he washed his face, eeeew D!

I dont know who got him the cake. But it was funny because it's mermaid. And it's usually for girls. But well, they're all like girls to me already. HAHAHA

This was few weekends back when twin and I met D, brian and R for dinner after my work. FIsh&Co at glasshouse. Awesome seafood platter!!! I want more sotongs please :D

Fel and I went Ikea weeks back to look for my storage spaces for my wardrobe. She's sucha a sweet because she never fails to keep my company when she can! I love you fel! You're my best signature-smile-partner ;)
And lastly to twin: don't get too demoralized, im always here! :)
Anyway I was in town with fel the other day. We purposely met up early because she was sucha a sweet to accompany me to get all my things. Like my toner, accessories, nail polish, eyelashes and everything else. But good thing is, I never buy any clothes on that day :) I feel good because I've 4-5 pending pieces in my wardrobe, all new and yet to be worn. My mom passed me her card just to pay for everything I bought that day. Love you mom! You're always so so awesome!
And lastly to twin: don't get too demoralized, im always here! :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Examination result for subjects taken in the current academic semester
Intake | Semester | Subject Code | Title | Grades |
22 | 5 | BUS015 | BUSINESS LAW | D |
22 | 5 | ECO003 | MACROECONOMICS | C |
I know it might not be as fantastic as it should be. But still, I'm very contented already. Based on the fact that I k-ed law only a week before exams then I started to understand what the fuck is all the laws about and didn't even try to attempt to the revision qns or past yr qns. Plus I'm VERY happy for Econs because I proved that bitch right. It doesn't mean that we're one of those locals that you're actually looking down upon. Even I might not seem as hardworking as those indonesians in my class but I do my work during exams period ok. Anyway I still don't understand why would people rack their brains for law. It's just so hard, probably only for me :/
Well, finally it's over! :) I'm SUPER glad about it, really. No bragging. Because I can say my 9k plus school fees are not wasted. Plus my time isn't wasted at all! And most importantly my efforts were all paid off! I think it is really something I should be proud of myself for having make it through for my dip when 2yrs back I thought I hadn't any thing for books. & I met really awesome bunch of happy pills. So so glad I choose SIM because I met them. They made me school days so so so awesome! Love y'all pills! :)
Anyway I've yet to even wear my clothes that I've bought! So so so annoying! I don't seem to have time to go out for a day to enjoy a movie or shopping because I'm super broke now and I've work 6days per week. Tmr(thursday) is my only off day. I just wish that I could get the things I need to do done and then go for driving. See, work occupies so much of my time that I hadn't go for driving for months! :/ But when money rolls in on the 7thJuly I think all my whinings/rantings are worth it ;D Still thinking whether I should get an Ipohone though. Seems cool but I might not need it? It's more of a want than a need i guess.
And, I got to thank my awesome twin once again. I don't know whether you'll be reading this. But thanks for being understanding. Cause not everyone could be the same as you do. Probably not much people would really know how I feel but you do. You're like the best sister/soulmate/twin/bestfriend one could ever have. Talking/going out/movie trips/food hunting/dinners has all along been awesome with you! Even though we get so busy because of your army and my work but nevertheless I'm still very glad we made time for each other. Because you're just different. I promise for a big treat to make up for tonight's absence for ktv. Love you big time twin!
Anyway I'm off to bed. My eyerings are very bad! :/
Friday, June 12, 2009
My day wasnt as good as I thought it should be for a friday. I woke up with a bad sore throat. My throat was super itchy and pain till I wish I could just scratch it with my hands. Had lunch with my mom. And then a little dinner before I head out for work. Went Kino to get some stuffs before I popped and then to work. The shop was in a terrible state when I went in. Ended up with me signing out of work at 7pm because my throat wasn't able to take it anymore and I felt worse. Thank god, I left early. I was super worn out as though I worked for a good 8hrs or so. When you're sick, you'll feel that your tiredness just double or even tripled. Had a late dinner with fel and Moses before we all left to take the train home. I reckon the road would be congested since it's a friday night so I choose the train instead where I could rest myself. True enough, I had a good 3omins sleep till yishun where fel alighted. And when i'm home, i felt so relieved! It's never good to be sick and you're outside. Anyway I just took my flu med and am heading to the bed now.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've been out since wednesday but with no camera. Apparently my camera flew to hk with my sister thus that explains the lack of pictures. And my body clock is so screwed. I've been sleeping at almost at 6 or 7am in the morning and waking up at 3-4pm in the afternoon. This is very bad and my pimples are coming out because of that! So so so sickening. Especially for us girls, we'd whine and whine about how bad our complexion gets until we run out of saliva. Hahaha.
Twin's POP at Selarang and then dinner at lot 1 KFC with him. I hit Zouk with my cottons later in the night. And it was a pity because we got there late and Phuture was by then full already): No more entry man. Tiff was there and I didnt know until she texted me today! Hahaha. Zouk's music was good. Somehow, I'm starting to love mambo nights. At the very end, with a little of Nobody was the climax of the night. Anyway prata for supper after Zouk, oh man I was so so so drained. And we did something maybe not everyone could have done. But felt so proud of myself for managing to save that 10bucks :) I only got home at 730am and slept at 8am.
I woke up at 4pm. Power or not, tell me. I still didnt want to wake up cause I was still feeling so tired from the clubbing last night. And I even wanted to sleep on till 6pm but if I did, i might be having insomia for the night. Crashed twinny's place and then we cabbed down to Balestier Rd to get some things done before we head over to a place nearby for very awesome fishhead steamboat, egg yolk prawn, tofu, egg yolk with steamed veggies. OMG felt fucking high after I had my dinner. The food was wayyy awesome to the max that I couldn't resist. But we(twin, me and roy) got so full after the dinner until we felt like puking. Hahaha. We then cabbed over to Cine to get the tix for "Ghosts of the Girlfriend's past" before we met the rest of my boys. Bad thing is, we got the first row seats because it was so full that we had no choice. Laughed so much with kennethsolubeatriceweeweilun through the show. I was very very unlucky on my way home, 16bucks flew off. urgh!!
Im working today(friday) since it's past 12. But I don't feel tired now, shit man!): Good thing is my mom bought plenty of food back from hk and im going to be a pig very soon. KBYE!
Twin's POP at Selarang and then dinner at lot 1 KFC with him. I hit Zouk with my cottons later in the night. And it was a pity because we got there late and Phuture was by then full already): No more entry man. Tiff was there and I didnt know until she texted me today! Hahaha. Zouk's music was good. Somehow, I'm starting to love mambo nights. At the very end, with a little of Nobody was the climax of the night. Anyway prata for supper after Zouk, oh man I was so so so drained. And we did something maybe not everyone could have done. But felt so proud of myself for managing to save that 10bucks :) I only got home at 730am and slept at 8am.
I woke up at 4pm. Power or not, tell me. I still didnt want to wake up cause I was still feeling so tired from the clubbing last night. And I even wanted to sleep on till 6pm but if I did, i might be having insomia for the night. Crashed twinny's place and then we cabbed down to Balestier Rd to get some things done before we head over to a place nearby for very awesome fishhead steamboat, egg yolk prawn, tofu, egg yolk with steamed veggies. OMG felt fucking high after I had my dinner. The food was wayyy awesome to the max that I couldn't resist. But we(twin, me and roy) got so full after the dinner until we felt like puking. Hahaha. We then cabbed over to Cine to get the tix for "Ghosts of the Girlfriend's past" before we met the rest of my boys. Bad thing is, we got the first row seats because it was so full that we had no choice. Laughed so much with kennethsolubeatriceweeweilun through the show. I was very very unlucky on my way home, 16bucks flew off. urgh!!
Im working today(friday) since it's past 12. But I don't feel tired now, shit man!): Good thing is my mom bought plenty of food back from hk and im going to be a pig very soon. KBYE!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Today has been a pretty bad day for me. I slept at 4am the previous night due to BOF and freaking woke up at 745am for work! Worse thing is, I had to finish up some of the housework before I can leave my house if not my sister will screw me so badly. Anyway after getting all my things done up in a super steady and fast speed, I realise it was still early and my brother was up for his supp class, so I decided to bring him over to Mac nearby our place for breakfast. Thinking that I have all the time in the world, I only head for the bus stop at 930am when my work starts at 10am! I thought I'd be lucky because there'd be lesser people boarding the bus but I was so wrong! In the end, I was late for work. Nevermind that, work was a mixture of tiredness, sleepiness, anger, pek chek and everything bad. The air con in the shop was as good as not having it on. I felt so hot and caused myself to be so pek chek, worse still, the people seems to be all deaf, blind or even handicapped. They make me feel worse. Knocked off at 7pm along with Angelina. And then many last min things cropped up, the whole initial plan blew off. I hate it when things like these happens. I prefer to have my things planned out and follow by it. I got really pek chek and Angelina was patiently listening to me whine. At that point of time I just felt that the whole world turned against me and nothing is going on well. People just say things for the sake of it. I didn't know why I got especially pek chek today that I actually couldn't hide all the emotions inside and after I met D, on the way to MS, in his car I cried. I guess it must have all been bottled up. I couldn't take it and went to the extend of texting twinny, telling him how bad my day had been. You know small things, I dont and never like making people worry so I dont normally say unless im on the verge of going mad. I got to thank him for being there too. Even though it was through texts but it helped alot! :) And I realise I shouldn't be like this because twinny is so much stronger than me, he's going through alot of hard times now. I got better aftermath. The party was awkward in the beginning with few people and more came in afterwards. We had buffet, drinks, alcohols and beers. But I didnt have much though. Just kept trying to indugle myself into the party mood to forget the bad day I had and the many heavy thoughts in mind. I promised sis to be home around 1am and I was home only at 430am! I guess I made her really mad. And while she and my brother were preparing to go airport, my dad woke up. I stucked myself in the toilet for good 15mins before I came out realising he's back to bed. Didn't wanna get killed because I still need to hit Zouk on wed night! Ok, I think this is getting so lengthy. Im stopping here. I need a good sleep with no disturbance and to forget the bad monday and those thoughts. nights.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I think this week passed by so slowly. After having a hectic week at work, I just realised today is only sunday! And I have 3more weeks to go before GSS ends at cotton on. Money rolls in and my darkeyerings rolls in together fast ): Have been pampering myself alot, treating my body well. Doing facial mask, scrubs, foot scrub, foot moisturizer etc etc. I never do that before cause I always ended up being so dead at the end of the day when I hit my bed. But now, I think it's so impt to me. I don't want to end up looking like a dead fish. Hahaha and I think my second home belongs to wisma now. I spend more time there than my own house! And and and, I just spend money on online shopping since I haven't had time for any retail therapy. My money rolled in on thurs but its not much and I need to save $$ f my iphone. I've got so many things on hand I want but I might not need them. I know, im such a spendthrift and I should maybe stop. But it's actually to make up for my hk trip. The best thing is, I realise my fucking bridging course starts in end of June and my mom wasted fucking 4oobucks just to cancel my airfare!!! NBCBNNP! I think SIM sucks big time, they're so bad at their mgt. NB! I make sure I earn back my 400bucks for my mom! Enough of rantings, I need to finish up my ep 16 of BOF and go bed! I know im slow but who cares. JUN PYO FUCKING CUTE! I LOVE CURLY HAIR, BOING BOING!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
weekends, i need you
Can't seem to wait for weekends to dawn upon. I'm almost struggling with not enough sleep almost everyday! It seems like holiday isn't any different from normal sch days. I just can't get enough of sleep. I'm turning in almost close to 1am everyday and waking up at 11 the next day or sometimes even earlier. This is bad, my darkeyerings are worsening :/ Enough bout sleep.
Well, I haven't really have a "YAY!-EXAMS-ARE-OVER-AND-LETS-PARTY!" kinda thing yet. Time doesn't allow me to. For the remaining days of this week, I'm flooded with work. I can't wait for next wednesday Zouk with cottons! And this coming saturday's ktv with twiny and yunyun. I'm so going to enjoy myself totally, rewarding myself for working so hard for the exams and work :) This is yet another execuse to spend money, urghh.
My mom's flying off to hk later ): And the house will be owned by my sisters and my fat brother. HAHAHA, even he's out of town! Double YAYNESS! :DDD
Back to BOF! :)
Well, I haven't really have a "YAY!-EXAMS-ARE-OVER-AND-LETS-PARTY!" kinda thing yet. Time doesn't allow me to. For the remaining days of this week, I'm flooded with work. I can't wait for next wednesday Zouk with cottons! And this coming saturday's ktv with twiny and yunyun. I'm so going to enjoy myself totally, rewarding myself for working so hard for the exams and work :) This is yet another execuse to spend money, urghh.
My mom's flying off to hk later ): And the house will be owned by my sisters and my fat brother. HAHAHA, even he's out of town! Double YAYNESS! :DDD
Back to BOF! :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Finally crashed all my papers :) IM SO SO SO GLAD THAT WHATEVER I STUDIED FOR ECONS CAME OUT! :D Feel so accomplished now that I've cleared my semester 5's papers. Im just hoping that during mid june, i'll get good news! UOL bridging starts in June and I cancelled away my Hk trip because of this ): Studies are more impt though. I'm starting work tmr after not working for the whole 2weeks. It's GSS and everywhere is PACKED WITH PEOPLE! Hate crowds! Anyway I just spurlged close to 100bucks on skincare today, excluding another 100bucks on those I bought on behalf of my aunt. Madness it might be, but I need to get my skin back into the right condition. Exams drives my pimples here. Mom's leaving for Hk on friday and I hope he wont be home instead I pray he will be out of town. Zouk next wed and hopefully ktv this weekend with twiny and yunyun!
backtrack - Sandy's wedding :)
I'm finally done with uploading all the photos taken on last saturday and sunday. God, im very very tired! :( I'm glad my papers all ended this morning and I'm praying for a pass or C for every module :) Anyway backtrack to saturday night first.
Saturday night was a blast! Crashed Candy's place around 9-ish in the night. Had mac as supper, DIY our nails with the help of my beloved Candy :D We only managed to start mahjong-ing around 1am. So we had 2pots of mahjong within 5hrs from 1am-6am! Fucking crazy but we were still surviving. We all took turns to shower, eat our breakfast and makeup. At around 730am, we were ALL ready with the exception of our hair. Her neighbour was very nice to help us all get our hair done! :DDDD Loveeeee my hair on that day very much!
The brothers came around 9am and they took 10mins to get up :/ Within 1/2hr they were fooled by us so badly. Bittergourds, dancing, stripping until boxers, shouting "ILOVEYOU" etc etc. Poor brothers, pity them so much! But well, thats what they're here for! Anyway we proceeded to the groom's place aftermath. It was really a hot day, the place was packed and very squeezy. So we all ended up along the corridor trying to cool oursevles down with the paper plates and whatever we could think of! We spent close to an hour or two there. Oh man, our makeup literally melted and hair was in a mess! When we were leaving, I was feeling SUPER relieved! Headed back to Candy's place for lunch before all the tea ceremony begins. And before I know, an hour later we were on Aaron's car to the hotel. Pity Aaron, he was also super tired but he was driving all the way while me, g sis and Candy drop dead in the car.

Clement smiling so widely when we managed to clear all our rounds :)
Smiling so sweetly :)
Under the groom's place

See, we were soooo poor thing to be squeezed outside the place :)
but of course we made good use of the time to camwhore! :D
Aaron very annoying, but we allow him to join us! HAHAHA

We all rested ourselves at the hotel. I didnt even managed to catch more rest because I had to be down at the rehersal. So re-did my makeup and then I went down. The rehersal took an hour and by then it ended, it was already Sandy's solomization :) Got to admit, I felt a pinch of happiness when I witnessed the whole procedure. I just feel that it's sucha a wonderful feeling! Anyway my MC partner for that night was Simon, one of the brothers from the groom side. And right after the solomization, we headed to the open space garden for the bouquet throwing session. Right, you got it, yours truly got the bouquet. HAHAHA. And the air con man(inside joke) started :?
G sis and me :)))

During solomization :D

Look at my pretty sister, Sandy ng!
G sis and me!
G sis!
Mimi, Candy's niece. She's really wayyy toooo smart and pretty for a 7yr old kid ;D
Estee and me :D

Okay, this is Simon, my MC partner for the night.
Sisters at the reception!
And i love you baobei!

Loving the bearsssss

Derek came early and we managed to snap photossss

I think I screwed up the chinese speech so much! Esp during the names ): Didnt do a good job at all. Anyway after the dinner ended, we headed back to Sandy's room to rest and pack our things. OF COURSE TO CHANGE OUT OF THE GOWN. It was freaking itchy!! The brothers came up as well and we headed to the nearest 7-11 to get some drinks and vr.

We had some games in the room witht the companion of Martell :) I didn't have much because I needed to wake up for revision for Macro the next day. What a pity. But Clement made a mess out of himself. We cleared him up before we put him to bed and left. Cabbed home with ming and reached home at 2am! Showered and hit the bed only at 230am and I slept till 5pm the next day. Woke up for 5hrs of Macro revision and back to sleep around 12am.
All these are my baobeis! SANDY NG, WO MEN AI NIIII!!!!! <333333333
Saturday night was a blast! Crashed Candy's place around 9-ish in the night. Had mac as supper, DIY our nails with the help of my beloved Candy :D We only managed to start mahjong-ing around 1am. So we had 2pots of mahjong within 5hrs from 1am-6am! Fucking crazy but we were still surviving. We all took turns to shower, eat our breakfast and makeup. At around 730am, we were ALL ready with the exception of our hair. Her neighbour was very nice to help us all get our hair done! :DDDD Loveeeee my hair on that day very much!
The brothers came around 9am and they took 10mins to get up :/ Within 1/2hr they were fooled by us so badly. Bittergourds, dancing, stripping until boxers, shouting "ILOVEYOU" etc etc. Poor brothers, pity them so much! But well, thats what they're here for! Anyway we proceeded to the groom's place aftermath. It was really a hot day, the place was packed and very squeezy. So we all ended up along the corridor trying to cool oursevles down with the paper plates and whatever we could think of! We spent close to an hour or two there. Oh man, our makeup literally melted and hair was in a mess! When we were leaving, I was feeling SUPER relieved! Headed back to Candy's place for lunch before all the tea ceremony begins. And before I know, an hour later we were on Aaron's car to the hotel. Pity Aaron, he was also super tired but he was driving all the way while me, g sis and Candy drop dead in the car.
G sis and me :)))
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