I'm finally done with uploading all the photos taken on last saturday and sunday. God, im very very tired! :( I'm glad my papers all ended this morning and I'm praying for a pass or C for every module :) Anyway backtrack to saturday night first.
Saturday night was a blast! Crashed Candy's place around 9-ish in the night. Had mac as supper, DIY our nails with the help of my beloved Candy :D We only managed to start mahjong-ing around 1am. So we had 2pots of mahjong within 5hrs from 1am-6am! Fucking crazy but we were still surviving. We all took turns to shower, eat our breakfast and makeup. At around 730am, we were ALL ready with the exception of our hair. Her neighbour was very nice to help us all get our hair done! :DDDD Loveeeee my hair on that day very much!
The brothers came around 9am and they took 10mins to get up :/ Within 1/2hr they were fooled by us so badly. Bittergourds, dancing, stripping until boxers, shouting "ILOVEYOU" etc etc. Poor brothers, pity them so much! But well, thats what they're here for! Anyway we proceeded to the groom's place aftermath. It was really a hot day, the place was packed and very squeezy. So we all ended up along the corridor trying to cool oursevles down with the paper plates and whatever we could think of! We spent close to an hour or two there. Oh man, our makeup literally melted and hair was in a mess! When we were leaving, I was feeling SUPER relieved! Headed back to Candy's place for lunch before all the tea ceremony begins. And before I know, an hour later we were on Aaron's car to the hotel. Pity Aaron, he was also super tired but he was driving all the way while me, g sis and Candy drop dead in the car.

Clement smiling so widely when we managed to clear all our rounds :)


Smiling so sweetly :)

Under the groom's place

See, we were soooo poor thing to be squeezed outside the place :)

but of course we made good use of the time to camwhore! :D

Aaron very annoying, but we allow him to join us! HAHAHA


We all rested ourselves at the hotel. I didnt even managed to catch more rest because I had to be down at the rehersal. So re-did my makeup and then I went down. The rehersal took an hour and by then it ended, it was already Sandy's solomization :) Got to admit, I felt a pinch of happiness when I witnessed the whole procedure. I just feel that it's sucha a wonderful feeling! Anyway my MC partner for that night was Simon, one of the brothers from the groom side. And right after the solomization, we headed to the open space garden for the bouquet throwing session. Right, you got it, yours truly got the bouquet. HAHAHA. And the air con man(inside joke) started :?
G sis and me :)))

During solomization :D

Look at my pretty sister, Sandy ng!

G sis and me!

G sis!


Mimi, Candy's niece. She's really wayyy toooo smart and pretty for a 7yr old kid ;D

Estee and me :D

Okay, this is Simon, my MC partner for the night.

Sisters at the reception!

And i love you baobei!

Loving the bearsssss

Derek came early and we managed to snap photossss

I think I screwed up the chinese speech so much! Esp during the names ): Didnt do a good job at all. Anyway after the dinner ended, we headed back to Sandy's room to rest and pack our things. OF COURSE TO CHANGE OUT OF THE GOWN. It was freaking itchy!! The brothers came up as well and we headed to the nearest 7-11 to get some drinks and vr.

We had some games in the room witht the companion of Martell :) I didn't have much because I needed to wake up for revision for Macro the next day. What a pity. But Clement made a mess out of himself. We cleared him up before we put him to bed and left. Cabbed home with ming and reached home at 2am! Showered and hit the bed only at 230am and I slept till 5pm the next day. Woke up for 5hrs of Macro revision and back to sleep around 12am.

All these are my baobeis! SANDY NG, WO MEN AI NIIII!!!!! <333333333
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