Happy birthday babe!
Had so much fun with them eating, talking, crapping and laughing. Shirin didnt bring me a Koala bear bck from Aussie. But then she promised to get me smth when she goes Korea on Tues! :DD Thanks babe!
Later in the night, we went AMK S11 for sup w G sis, Estee, ky and bin. Only got home ard 1230am and I was really shagged to the max. Took a quick shower, didnt bother to wash my hair and went to bed before 1am. I guess I was really shagged out cause I had straight 12hrs of sleep till 1pm this noon!
Could have slept more if there were no classes tdy. Anyw Psoc class was good, I managed to mapped out how I am gg to start mugging for it. Tmr's friday and am having class from late noon till 10pm. And afterwhich supper w twiny&kedked! :D
I think im having some kind of flu. Need to turn in early tonight. Goodnights!
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