Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Feeling down

I just had to post what I'm feeling inside out. Probably I might feel better aft doing so. Everyone ard me all thinks I will be able to make it through th 2yrs rd I've chosen. I used to think that IF im more disciplined in terms of sch I will be able to do it. But it doesn't seem like it. Instead I need to be even more hardworking than everyone else, more disciplined w myself than what I thought I should have been. It was definitely a fact that I didn't managed to do any of th above that is mentioned. And now as my last lap is nearing,Ice doubts bout myself. Th thought of "mayb I'm not cut out for UOL" just came into my mind. I should have jus not been impulsive enough to rush thru my decision on my choice of uni. But th truth now is what's th fucking point of me receding into it now when I'm at this stage? All these shld be jus complaints and unneccessary thoughts which MUST be thrown aside. Instead I shouldn't give up now and give my best shot to it before I call quits. No one accepts things like "I've did my best". Sad t say not even my parents, instead they will probably think "why is it that you don study hard when we pay for yr studies?" contridicting to whatever I've mentioned earlier on isn't it. Tell me how I shld be feeling now. I had a breakdown jus nw,needed to vent it out. I'm jus afraid. Yet no one understands my fear.

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