finally tmr's the 2nd paper and after tmr 'd be 1more paper left! i really can't wait for the toughest which is MA to end! and im glad that im working only at 530pm on wed evening which means im able to go shopping before work! and i miss everyone at work esp my 4 scbs:) i bet they miss me too. quite worried for tmr's paper but nevertheless im going to put in my 101% effort in it. goodbye for now!:) and D is booking in, see you next weekend:)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
simple yet sweet:)
It has been really long since i had supper with loves:) daddy wasn't in s'pore so of course i took this time to go supper with them. basically met up with long-time-never-see botak D. we "toured" around cineleisure and bumped into his bunkmates. yeah right, so they(2 of them in fact) kept asking him to go drinking at some kuku pub at Bugis. well in the end we did joined them, luckily D droved cause that save the hassle of travelling down to Bugis which takes ages since it's a friday night and everyone is out partying. his friends all seem pretty normal? hahaha. so we just chill, play some drinking games, have a lil here and there and we left early. so we stopped by tantric and pretty much caught up with some of them. when they knocked off, D went home cause he was way too tired and we headed to maxwell for prawn mee!(all time fav). left after supper cause I was already effing tired to the maximum and my eyes were gonna close anytime soon. lucky me, i made the right choice to not have heavy make-up. and they all love my 10bucks cheap thrills shoes! :D woohoo basically very very happy me. Goodnights!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
1. I miss my twiny alot!
2. I haven't meet him for close to a week
3. I just exhanged text with him and he says he misses me which im very happy:)
4. I dont know why i've rashes around my neck-chest area.
5. I'm happy cause 2more papers to go:)
6. Loving every bit of my black hair now
7. Going ECP_big splash for cheap thrills chicken wings next tues!
8. DS lite relieves every bit of my stress from studying
9. HR paper today seems good, whatever I studied came out
10. im watching lil nongya now, so goodbye!
2. I haven't meet him for close to a week
3. I just exhanged text with him and he says he misses me which im very happy:)
4. I dont know why i've rashes around my neck-chest area.
5. I'm happy cause 2more papers to go:)
6. Loving every bit of my black hair now
7. Going ECP_big splash for cheap thrills chicken wings next tues!
8. DS lite relieves every bit of my stress from studying
9. HR paper today seems good, whatever I studied came out
10. im watching lil nongya now, so goodbye!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
my laptop is my biggest source of distraction when it comes to studying at home. so i promised myself not to on my laptop when im studying. won't be out tmr to mug with happy pills thus im going to burn midnight oil later till 3am latest:) and lastly spending the whole time tmr to revise my HR before thursday sets in and the paper is here. many mixed feelings for this exam but gonna make sure i really do well so i can party all night in dec:)
Monday, November 24, 2008
tiring weekend

it's pretty amazing that someone once so fragile inside could actually be doing all good now. no longer having anymore hopes for that particular one. this is really good and im happy for myself:) i managed to do it. i'll stick to my principles now, work hard, play hard, party hard and have alot alot alot of fun. meanwhile im using the time till when im 21 to do something for myself:) in 2009, it'll be a brand new start with a new me and anticipating for my 21st!:D
Sunday, November 23, 2008
amos_buddy's birthday dinner:)
had an advanced birthday celebration for amos_buddy. dined in at California Pizza Kitchen at Forum :) their pizza seems to taste so much more delicious than those normal pizza you'd have in pasta manias or pizza huts. give it a try and the price is definitely worth the food. im glad i had a enough share and i wasn't too bloated from it. we strolled ourselves down the streets of town, all filled with beautiful lightings for xmas. did alot of stupid things and we sat outside takashimaya to "lepak" while our dearest birthday boy(oh he's 2-4 btw not a boy anymore) to open his present. he had a really hard time doing it cause tiff_tsn and win_bestfriend wrapped th present into many different layers! he did had a good exercise while unwrapping. and we're glad that he loves it. next place we hit while geraldine & ivan left us for home was selegie!:D this time round, we chose drinks over tau huay. had a heinkein tower for th 6 of us that's left. many funny. mysterious, brain cracking and nonsensical drinking games followed aftermath. got home around 1plus and i hit the sheets after i packed and showered.
twinys day:)
3days back:)
Finally met up with my honey baby twiny!:) first to tantric before we make our way down to Novena Sqaure t meet terry_boy and gary, as well as to shop visit sadness. I wanted to collect my uniform at the same time but too many peole were there so i skipped th idea and instead twiny bought something himself there. While waiting for them to finish up everything on hand, twiny and me got a lil hungry and he had this craving for delifrance croissant tuna sandwich, so without any hesitation we hit delifrance bistro straight! Like 2 hungry ghost who has not eaten for 10full days. Eat, chill, talking and everything inside was almost like an hour? They finished up their stuffs around 10pm and we headed to hagen daz for ice-cream since terry_boy and gary were having sweet tooth, while twiny and me were too full from the meal just now. All left in seperate ways but twiny dropped off at outram to find roy_dad while i went home.

Finally met up with my honey baby twiny!:) first to tantric before we make our way down to Novena Sqaure t meet terry_boy and gary, as well as to shop visit sadness. I wanted to collect my uniform at the same time but too many peole were there so i skipped th idea and instead twiny bought something himself there. While waiting for them to finish up everything on hand, twiny and me got a lil hungry and he had this craving for delifrance croissant tuna sandwich, so without any hesitation we hit delifrance bistro straight! Like 2 hungry ghost who has not eaten for 10full days. Eat, chill, talking and everything inside was almost like an hour? They finished up their stuffs around 10pm and we headed to hagen daz for ice-cream since terry_boy and gary were having sweet tooth, while twiny and me were too full from the meal just now. All left in seperate ways but twiny dropped off at outram to find roy_dad while i went home.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
just a short one for now since im home early from the last day of school :) woohoo! well thurs night has been planned for today. im going down town later to meet my honey monsterous bitchy slutty nonsensical crappy lame twiny baby! and im going to go topshop to hunt for the top i saw(: well sometimes i need his advice. we'll be meeting a few later as well and moreover i do not have to worry bout tmr since there isn't school. been long since we snap pictures! stay tuned(:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
ok, this is bad news. i went to the dentist just now and he couldn't actually diagnoise the problem and he decided i should take an x-ray. well the first attempt wasn't clear and couldn't see a thing, so we went for another round. so the outcome was, i have a wisdom tooth growing right now )))): it's a superbly bad news! cause if the pain persists on, i have to do wisdom tooth surgery. and i've heard how bad & painful the whole thing could get. but the dentist was nice :) we talked like normal and hopefully if i need to undergo the surgery, i'll looked for him. anyway this whole thing isn't cofirmed yet and so i'll still pray for the best :)
goodnews is ...... mommy is upgrading her hp plan which means she's changing her phone and she might take my current phone and maybe (just mayb hor) i could get a new phone! :D mygod, im happy BUT like i said, it's just a maybe thing. so let's hope for the best as well uhs :) such a happy girl. and we've new uniforms for month of Dec! :) im going down novena to collect them tmr. topshop topshop, im coming! and im anticipating for my clothes t all arrive and my wonder BB cream. hohoho. then i'd need to start on x'mas shopping. im intending to spend only XXX amt. ok lah, i got to go!
goodnews is ...... mommy is upgrading her hp plan which means she's changing her phone and she might take my current phone and maybe (just mayb hor) i could get a new phone! :D mygod, im happy BUT like i said, it's just a maybe thing. so let's hope for the best as well uhs :) such a happy girl. and we've new uniforms for month of Dec! :) im going down novena to collect them tmr. topshop topshop, im coming! and im anticipating for my clothes t all arrive and my wonder BB cream. hohoho. then i'd need to start on x'mas shopping. im intending to spend only XXX amt. ok lah, i got to go!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
gum ache):
y'all know something. i really dont know what happened to my back gum, it hurts so so so badly whenever i chew my food on the right side of my mouth. th pain is soooooooooo bad like you've got a major cramp in yr gums. and it spoils my mood to eat totally. just take this afternoon for instance, i was eating macdonalds happily with amos_budy and geraldine and all of the sudden, th pain came so badly that i just had to stop eating and let the pain go away which normally take 5mins(if it isnt that bad) or 10mins(if its so bad). sigh, it happened again when i was having dinner just now)': and mommy's taking me to the dentist tmr!!! omfg, i fear dentist ALOT! because on my first day in primary school, the dentist plucked out my teeth! i could still remember how hard i tried to cletch my fist while on the chair to forget the pain. hope everything goes well and the dentist is nice :) i walked alot today, think i burnt like alot of calories just on walking. we went hunting for amos_budy present and finally got him a cool gaming keyboard that cost us 105bucks, worth the money cause it's chio and if im a gamer, i'd love it but too bad im not really one. so in the end me, malt_pooney and tiff_tsn sat at th bubble tea stall and we talked all the way till its 6pm! amazing uhs. in between this old man came to us and begged for money, same shitxzxzx. malt_pooney gave in and handed him 2bucks. i tell you, this old man must be saying the same old thing everytime he begs for money cause he can really go on and on till you bth and feel like slapping him. but he's just a poor old man anyway. i'll never treat my parents like that when they grow all old and haggard, never. it's such a pain in the heart to see how some could do that. oh well, im tired and im going bck to my books before i hit the sheets later. Goodnights!
Monday, November 17, 2008
I think my memory is getting so bad nowadays, soooo bad till I forgot I was supposed to meet my beloved twiny baby f dinner! )': boohoo, look twiny, i promised to meet you u very the soon cause im going bonkers from mugging already. I need some retardedness, noise, craps, jokes and everything else. Anyway I spent money on this BB whitening cream just only! Tiff_tsn gave me the link for this particular blogshop and I told myself to LOOK and not buy but ended up couldn't resist the darn cheap price of the cream and to add on, I want ultimate fair skin! :D My stomach is such fucked up bitch nowadays, i've been in and out of th toilet for 3times in a row! I think there must be some worms inside making my stomach so bad. Did a close to 2hrs of mugging for MHR, cool balls and i've a whole chunk more of words to write. Urghhh. Look, i got to stop complaining and move myself bck to my books. BUT before that im going to give me a whole 1hr break in front of the tv before i continue on :) Goodnights!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Rainy monday
It all started with this morning, whereby i woke up to my alarm clock(attached with buddy's voice) and i realise i actually left my laptop on for the whole night and i totally forgot to off it :/ thats VERY bad. Then while I was brushing my teeth, my ache in th gum came again, yes again ): same thing happened before I turned in last night. Tired of my sick hair, decided to make the old fake bob i used to do, but couldn't find the right clip to hold my hair and thus i decided to leave it. So breakfast with my mom and i had teh-ping and my stomach ache came at the wrong time. Worse still, went home to get my card before hitting th bus-stop but took 10mins and ended up taking the bus only at 9am. Then when i reached class, i was too engrossed with my sex and the city that I called malt_pooney and asked where he was when he is alr in class :/ I think it is all because of the lack of sleep. Urghh, and lastly i wanted to hit town to get some stuffs before i go home BUT it was raining cows and sheeps that i went home instead and i took a freaking cab! )': I think it has been a bad start for this week. We tricked malt_pooney that he danced with XXX when he was dead drunk on the dlb O night and he actually fell for it! It really gave us a good tummy exercise today :D im officially addicted to sex and the city, finishing season 1 and hopefully 2 soon :) I shall go for a lil retail therapy tmr since we're going to hunt for Amos_bud's present! :DD
Hello twinny, if you're reading this, i got to tell you im in th midst of preparing for my shitxzxzxx papers so i promise to meet you soon ok! :) love you lah, bitch.
Hello twinny, if you're reading this, i got to tell you im in th midst of preparing for my shitxzxzxx papers so i promise to meet you soon ok! :) love you lah, bitch.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
my hungry stomach and pee woke me up. I could have slept more. had a kitkat bar for breakfast and decided to hit lot 1 to get my lunch, subway! :) 'm seriously glad that they opened an outlet here which makes me satisfy my craving easily. came home not only with subway but chips as well, urghhh im supposed to be conscienous of my diet :/ and triple yayness for i've managed to dl season 1 of sex and the city and sync them inside my baby(ipod) :))) after im done with sex and the city, gossip girls 'd be up next! bimbotic shows, i likeee :D so the mood for studying came right today and im halfway making notes for HR, must get it done by tonight. I can't wait for my new laptop(another new baby) laterrrrr. i was through the books halfway while I realise i managed to do good for more than a week :) and thus i picked up my phone, deleted away every of th msg that was left inside for so long, so long that i never want to delete but today i made up my mind to do it. even though the reluctant feeling was there but my fingers just keep pressing. im happy for myself. i need to walk out of what is called th past. So enough of unhappy things, time to get back to my books now!
dlb o
Damn Malt_poonyey, while waiting for him at bugis t hit down to dlb o today, i went into topshop and i swear, im going back there next week, urghhh spending money again. how to save up in this manner?! Drinks were seemed to be on free-flow and on-going non stop for idk how long but for what I know it was longgg. Whisky dry, whisky coke, red bull volka, cranberry volka.... yadayada. Music at dlb o that night wasn't that good, its mambo baby. So we hopped over to O bar w blasting r&b. Danced your way through the night, Malt_pooney had a volcano for passing his tp :) another driver in the grp :DD Packed sardines and we could hardly breathe, what kept us going was the music. But my stomach fucked me up, so I left earlier while they continued. The quene was baddd, re-entry quene wasn't good either. Drank alot and danced alot, more to come after papers are down! & I bumped into my lovable brothers there just now! Goodnights :D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So worn out.
Never felt so worn out after so long, body aches all over and work today wasn't that good. Everyone seemed to be in a foul mood and when it's nearing end of the week, work will be extra tiring cause everything's simply not in control. But things to be happy about is meeting twiny & yun_lover tmr for dinner :) Followed by starbucks with yun_lover? Hopefully. I suddenly have the urge to go Ikea tmr after school, sounds good, yes? I shall go ask Amos_bud now! :D
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
This is what this fellow did throughout the whole bus ride t his place ; psp!
Zai lor, totally ignore me, only interested in his game, tskkkkkk.

Ok lah, at least my baby (ipod) kept me company through the bus ride :) fucking long, I think i'd never like to stay in the east. i still prefer the homely west though.
Woohoo! The lecture damn zai la, release us at 1120am sharppp! So we all happily skipped out of the class. Oh happy day~ Anyway during break, we played dai dee (which apparently I suck alot at it or should i say i dont know how to play!!) Nevermind lor, I gey kiang just play lor but luckily Malt_pooney helped me and we won! Amazing right. So we hitted Amos_bud's place after sch for gymming. Lunch at some ulu coffee shop. I tell you, the ban mian suckzxzxzx a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million and billion times! Luckily it cost me only 3.30. The thing to do when you're at Amos_bud's place is to grab his WII :)))) But I sucked so much at tennis and mario kart, bowling (I am the champion!) :D Tiff_tsn and win_bestfriend came down. Damn David, he never come due to the rain. Gymmed for say 1 and 1/2 hrs? They're damn hardcore when comes to gymming. Totally shag you know! I did a 1/2hr run, weights x 120 times etc etc. If I were to follow them for gym once every week, confirm muscles popping out after we all graduate from school. But it was all good, cause I never felt so good after so long of not working out. Amos_bud went back to shower and we all headed to the MRT together. Slept through the whole ride till Jurong East, people on the platform are like bees running for the honey when the train pulls in :/ It's going to be a very good night cause its raining :)
Ok lah, yesterday was feeling last min to find twiny at his workplace. So bus-ed down to Chinatown and lucky me, there weren't much tikopehs around. Accompany him t get his dinner and talk here and there. Chilled awhile there before I went home. Damn eerie, there was this man who was in his car just opp th road and he saw me waiting for cab then he wind his window and offer to send me home :/ Omfg, I faster turned him down saying im going somewhere really far and he went off after a while. But cabs were all hired yesterday, so bad till I waited for 15mins and i finally board on one. Damn happy to see twiny plus he text me something really sweet :) Love you lah, bitch!
Work tmr! :D Happy like one alibaba.

Ok lah, at least my baby (ipod) kept me company through the bus ride :) fucking long, I think i'd never like to stay in the east. i still prefer the homely west though.
Woohoo! The lecture damn zai la, release us at 1120am sharppp! So we all happily skipped out of the class. Oh happy day~ Anyway during break, we played dai dee (which apparently I suck alot at it or should i say i dont know how to play!!) Nevermind lor, I gey kiang just play lor but luckily Malt_pooney helped me and we won! Amazing right. So we hitted Amos_bud's place after sch for gymming. Lunch at some ulu coffee shop. I tell you, the ban mian suckzxzxzx a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million and billion times! Luckily it cost me only 3.30. The thing to do when you're at Amos_bud's place is to grab his WII :)))) But I sucked so much at tennis and mario kart, bowling (I am the champion!) :D Tiff_tsn and win_bestfriend came down. Damn David, he never come due to the rain. Gymmed for say 1 and 1/2 hrs? They're damn hardcore when comes to gymming. Totally shag you know! I did a 1/2hr run, weights x 120 times etc etc. If I were to follow them for gym once every week, confirm muscles popping out after we all graduate from school. But it was all good, cause I never felt so good after so long of not working out. Amos_bud went back to shower and we all headed to the MRT together. Slept through the whole ride till Jurong East, people on the platform are like bees running for the honey when the train pulls in :/ It's going to be a very good night cause its raining :)

Work tmr! :D Happy like one alibaba.
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