I woke up as early as 7am yesterday! My goodness, I felt like shit, cause I slept at close to 1am the previous night and whenever I don't have enough sleep, I'd feel so ugly, so shit and so pek chek. And it sucks alot. The funny thing was Brian even had to call my place cause when he called my phone, i didnt realise and he thought I was still sleeping!! Haha and I had to thank twin, even for not saving my crib's no. he still managed to remember in his brain! Haha, indeed my 12yr twin(;
Brian came to pick me up, we cabbed over to SDC. I wonder why would they wanna hold the event there? It's fucking ulu and hot there! I swear never to go there! Anyway the event was pretty much a mess, everyone just felt so lost, loitering around the area not knowing where to go next and the museum was effing packed with people! Plus the weather was a killer!! Lunch was ten times worst! I never ate such lousy food before! You really wouldn't want to imagine how bad everything was! We left shortly after lunch and I thought it would be good but there were NO CABS IN SIGHT! So we had to call a cab. But got to thank Brian for fetching me there and home, paying for the expenses and all th cab fares! (:
By the time I got home, was 1pm and I felt really sleepy and tired. Got changed and headed out around 2pm, decided to cab down to kallang since the weather sucks! I was perspiring so so badly ok. Hate hot weathers! ): I was the earliest and the weather turned back aft tiff&win came to join me. Amos&brandon came later. We managed to study till 8pm and went to Old airport rd for dinner! *yumyum! Went over to "tiff"'s crib over that, the place is condusive and awesome interior designs!! We're going to study overnight there today!((:
I promise myself to go for a major retail therapy after exams. Denim jackets, new leggings, shirt-dress, sandals, accessories, heels and everything I could think of!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
End of 4th(:
Anyway I promised myself to mug very hard for these 2days(today and tmr). I wanna be as productive as i can when I study. So that when we meet up on saturday noon to study, we could all throw the doubts we have and get them asnwered(: And it also has been 10days since I went out to anywhere except school and home. The feeling's great, in fact I feel so lazy to go out nowadays. But im probably spending much lesser time at home in march when work starts. And the very good thing is I can see $ increasing in my piggybag(; I know i can do away with lesser shoppings and save up for more important things. Of course, with a nice mumsie like mine, who always pay for my shopping expenses. But I know my limits and will not be sucha bitch and spend effing much. Anyway nothing much for me to get nowadays, I've got what I've wanted. Probably I need to expand my clothes in my wardrobe. Need more new ideas on dressing up. It's a big headache when it comes to dressing up before I go out. Urgh, now you know why Im lazy to go out. haha.
Looking at the fucking calendar, I really wish 13thmarch will never come! I hate those goodbyes and tears. Makes me emotional like a fucktard. Okay, promise no cry on 13th! If not i'll look like a effing idiot in front of twin's parents.
Anyway got to go catch my tv shows now!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Just here for a short update. Have the sudden urge to blog, so here i am. Finally I conquered my econs! (: Am going for OTQM tmr, let's all work hard and it will all pay off. And it has been pretty long since I had good food! Lover&twin, heard me? We're so gonna go for good food when all my papers are crashed. To be continued(:
Monday, February 23, 2009
Weather hasn't been good nowadays. One moment it could be raining and the next thing you know it's pouring cats and dogs. Pretty annoying sometimes, especially when it's raining and im in school! Can't even seem to walk out with the umbrella and everyone would be snatching for cabs to get down to the bus-stops. Urgh. Nevertheless, we've nice classmates with very awesome boyfriends who offers us a ride down to the bus stop everytime (: Anyway I haven't been out to anywhere near to town for 6days already!! Proud of myself and for the next 2weeks its going to be the same thing. Be good rachel, it's going to be over!
I managed to do a little shopping at Lot 1 just now. Bought a new polish from Majolica Majorca. Finally manged to find something close to nude pink. Suddenly fell in love with it(: but my right nails all looked fugly, i always suck at using the left hand to paint my nails. So unbalance, with the left looking all pretty and right looking so so so fugly!
I popped by the library with my bro just now. Finally managed to get my hands on this book(: Been wanting to get it, either im too busy or it'll be on loan. Intending to fill this holidays with work&books. Get myself busy and not doing nothing always. Eh, im serious ok! This time round, im also intending to go along with my parents to Bukit timah hill for hiking!(:
Jagabee rocks my socks!! Fucking good stuff. Calbee always managed to offer finger licking snacks that makes me want to have more! You can't get enough of just 1! And I bought 4 at a go when I was with my mom at Giant the other day. It's way to yummy! But im good ok, I never get it these few days when im sick. Guai not.
Blackheads are fugging annoying things. Every other day some grows out. And I've to be extremely hardworking using Biore' blackhead remover every other day. Anyway it's pretty effective I can say (; And I so badly want to get my Garnier roller eye stick but it's like totally out of stock islandwide! Every watson that I go, I always ended up getting an answer like "Sorry it's out of stock" Urghh. I want my eyebags&dark eye rings to go away!!
School ended early as usual whenever we have OTQM class(: He's like the most zai lecturer among th 3. We all love him ok! Anyway he's pretty amusing at times with his actions and english, totally makes your day man. Luckily the rain stopped after class and we(my babes and I) make our way home. Pretty crowded on the bus today but Lynne and me felt relieved since we've got seats. No way are we gonna squeeze with the stupid school kids. They're damn annoying. I managed to dl my taiwan drama and store them in my baby to acc my bus ride home since dad drives me to school everyday now. Anyway I finally managed to found a gold tote bag! Im intending to get it tmr, hopefully the gold linings will not drop out. Got to run along now, conquering my econs tonight(:
I managed to do a little shopping at Lot 1 just now. Bought a new polish from Majolica Majorca. Finally manged to find something close to nude pink. Suddenly fell in love with it(: but my right nails all looked fugly, i always suck at using the left hand to paint my nails. So unbalance, with the left looking all pretty and right looking so so so fugly!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm officially sick now. Yes our dear rachel is down with flu again :/ You know my immune system isnt that good and I always act like as strong as a cow. S always says he knows he has a friend who is a blur fuck. No one will take 2 flu med even if th package states non-drowsy, but yes I took it happily somemore. One lucky thing is I still managed to survive through the 3hrs of school today. But I felt pretty awful maybe it was because I'm inside an air conditioned room. Nevertheless happy pills always make me smiling in school, even though Amos was sucha ass today! He overslept and gave school a miss, TSK! S came to find me when we were near the canteen area today. Then we stood aside and caught up with each other. And he keep saying why i always never take care of myself properly and all. Like im always sick whenever I see him. HAHAHA. I didnt know what to say just feel too sick to talk much. He seems to be pretty worried so i assured him, i'd take good care of myself.Anyw I promised myself to spend my next whole week home, studying very hard for all my papers. Cause I aimed to get an average of B for this semester. Very worried but at the same time I know if i did put in the effort, im sure I can get over it! My body's telling me it is tired and tonight im making an exception by resting and shall start mugging tmr. I need to really give my body a rest if not I'l be majorly sick and not get well before exams(which I do not want at all!!) And im planning a trip with S during June. Just wanna go somewhere, take a breather and relax. We're working on the plan right now. So shall see how!
You know sometimes you just miss certain things. And when that happens, everything in th past flash back in you. You wish you have the power of making time turn back again and never to make the same mistake but im sure at the same time you'd like how things are now. We don't belong and commit, free and easy as we're. Just that there will be times where you just need someone to be there for you. That's all. And after that we'll as what we're always. In fact, I really prefer such things. I don't want commitment and I dislike. I prefer us having our own lifestyles and whenever I need you/you need me, we make sure we'll be there. Isnt it so much better? In this way, no hurt being done to anyone of us. I think this is really good. It's just sometimes I need someone so badly and the rest of the time im good being all by myself. You know I feel so blessed cause I've many people who really loved me. Probably thats why I dont need/want a boyf. I have a loving twin and my grp of MAN(:, my family, happy pills, Ben, woman, my babes, my siao char bors. It's like they're almost like part of me. Some I dont meet them as often but still they're inside my heart. And when we meet, we make sure we have a really good time together. We know we're all busy with our own stuffs and we dont blame. Having all these people around me, makes a complete and happy me. I wonder how I'd do without them esp my best best twin(:
ok im going to rest now, pretty tired. Goodnights!
You know sometimes you just miss certain things. And when that happens, everything in th past flash back in you. You wish you have the power of making time turn back again and never to make the same mistake but im sure at the same time you'd like how things are now. We don't belong and commit, free and easy as we're. Just that there will be times where you just need someone to be there for you. That's all. And after that we'll as what we're always. In fact, I really prefer such things. I don't want commitment and I dislike. I prefer us having our own lifestyles and whenever I need you/you need me, we make sure we'll be there. Isnt it so much better? In this way, no hurt being done to anyone of us. I think this is really good. It's just sometimes I need someone so badly and the rest of the time im good being all by myself. You know I feel so blessed cause I've many people who really loved me. Probably thats why I dont need/want a boyf. I have a loving twin and my grp of MAN(:, my family, happy pills, Ben, woman, my babes, my siao char bors. It's like they're almost like part of me. Some I dont meet them as often but still they're inside my heart. And when we meet, we make sure we have a really good time together. We know we're all busy with our own stuffs and we dont blame. Having all these people around me, makes a complete and happy me. I wonder how I'd do without them esp my best best twin(:
ok im going to rest now, pretty tired. Goodnights!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Time check 2.02am. Having a box of kleenex sitting on me's lap. I guess I'm falling sick anytime soon, my running nose has been starting to come in. Omfg, and right exams are just a week away. Good game! Nevermind, im going to drink alot of liang teh and mineral water! Everyday in school, amos_buddy has been drinking at least a bottle with me. But i lose to him everytime because my mouth's not as bad as his! ):
Planned a pretty last min meetup with Ben and his friend, Gary. We both happened to be at City Hall and he called me after he ended his CLEO event. So he treated me over to Shokudo at raffles city. Thanks hon! :) We had much fun inside. Did alot of catching up as well and also alot of camwhoring man. He was the one playing bitch by having non-stop snaps, some resulting in very tak glam candids! Nevermind that but still love him. We popped by CHIJMES since gary wanted to catch his friend around and we finally decided to settle down at Cathay's. They got midnight movie tix for "He's just not that into you" while I didnt join them since I was pretty worn out and there's class tmr. Gave it a miss and we sat around Cathay before they walked me to the bus-stop and to realise my NR3 doesnt stops there. So we decided to walk to parkmall and still there isnt NR3, so i just got to take a bus and alight at somewhere with NR3. That sucks. but at least, i've got a seat :)
So tired but pretty happy today(: goodnights!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tell you one funny thing, i was just getting so annoyed by blogger simply because i can't seem to upload any of my birthday photos and suddenly it worked! Seems like it works eh :DD call me pro ok.
Baby qy met me the night before v.day at tantric for a drink, mainly also to catch up. Seems like we have all lost track of time so much that we haven't met for say 2months?(i think so lah). Anyway woman, you're still the best! I really lurb euu deep deep hard hard ok! We talked non stop from the nasi lemak stall nearby tantric to tantric, back alley and then outside tantric, we're still talking! That really shows how much we've got to catch up. But i had fun and when it was going to be midnight, Weihao & friends were selling flowers everywhere,baby got me a bouquet of rochers! Love you lah woman, you very the sweet.Me touched to the max!
womanizer, woman ;)
Prince was complaining and whining non stop bout this loney v.day to me and daddy was with us. So daddy went to get us rochers too!! And look, we're happy bitches here. Hahahaha. Daddy, you the best also. Anyway even though I didnt had any dates for this year's v.day but still I spent it with all my valentines(which includes all my boys&woman!). Compared to last year, i still remember daddy bought me this Collage shirt and a stalk of rose, ok lah also not bad.
16th Febuary'09
Yours truly 19th ok!
Pressies first!
Lomo camera from dereca buddy!
Rocher bouquet from woman ;)
Fred perry shirt from yunyun love!
Coach wrislet from H-A-P-P-Y PILLSSSS!
Laslty the one I've been waiting for!
MY 1st BURBERRY HANDBAG! :)) Special thanks to twiny,daddy,nanny&delong.
See I still bold their name, I nice not. Say yes!
Anyway on the 15th feb, I finally wore my dress out! I bought it like 3-4months back but i always never get to wear cause I feel its for more special occassions for instance clubbing. But it's my day, so I shall make an exception and dress up like a queen! HAHAHAHA. Nowadays I'm getting more and more kinky, dont know why too. If you don't understand what's kinky, go Macdonalds and ask for it. LOL!
I was forced to act like some diva with my super duper large burberry's PAPERBAG(not plastic bag) Nanny say de hor!
Kenneth called and told us to meet outside Shaw for them cause they leaving movie halfway. See lah, go watch what movie, waste money and leave halfway somemore!
Wait for them can take 3 snaps, power right. It also means THEY ARE SLOW POKES!
Act one sexy only lor, but better than twin. HAHAHA
See roy also want to join in nanny and me's picture. Lurb lurb him!
Then some gei pa lan kia went to snatch my camera and take everyone's BIG face ok. Not funny ah, but yours truly turned out fine and only some turned out tak glam! HAHAHAHA you shall know who later. I dont want to say. And FYI that gei pa lan kia is my best twin! Chicken backside right, regretted leaving my camera with him and he down there laugh so hard at my DUA PUI face!
My face not PUI right, say yes yes yes!
This is the gei pa lan kia!
HAHAHAH,get what I meant? Sorry tilaponggggg
Must be benben's hand. EEE fake tiffany ring! (kidding)
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Kenneth's diva eyes!
See we look nice here lor, no PUI face.
Confirm plus chop is benben!
See kenneth's bag behind? Extra when people couple couple.
Thank you nanny! :) He's really like a nanny & accountant in our clique. Any debts, go find him!
Thank you tilapong. Though i know you're a bitch, got boyf don wan me, but still I love you, like i always say "delong i love you though u're a bitch" WAHAHAHAH
yunyun love!
Good, like that lor, fuck care me):
See lah, in the end wanna take photo with me say lor. No need act dao. HAHAHA
Suck his balls.
See my tongue? Powderful one ok!
Fishballs all the world unite.
So we were stuck outside Kbox for pretty long because we were wondering whether to go partyworld or kbox. Ended up nanny spent his time listening to ipod while we camwhore. Finally, like after a million yrs or so, we decided on partyworld and LET'S GO! Before that we popped by Spins to find Imran:) Very the long never see him. Then shop around Heeren's while waiting for tilapong&bf and yunyun love to get their things from paragon. So long leh, no shy make birthday girl wait only.
Once inside ah, we camwhore, laugh, sing and do many funny things. Laugh till can die that kind.

Eh bestfriend, this one nice right. No wonder on your profile picture on facebook. HEHEHE
Then right, meanwhile they camwhore while i singing "Dao Bu Liao" by fanfan. No shy lor, never wait for me!

I dont know what yunyun doing, like kissing the mike or something. HAHAHA!

See, she sings with emotions man.

Okay this part is funny, Vincent showed us how his jacket can do wonders. So I snapped while he did. Damn retard lah he, we were laughing so hard at it.
Now you see vincent!
Now you dont! HAHAHHA
My turn to camwhore, you know I'm a bitch when it comes to camwhoring.

Taken with the magician, vincent. No no the cockster!
HAHHAHAH, not much hair!!
Then hor, they surprised me with choco cake lor. Damn touched when i saw that. Somemore my twin carried in leh. The cake taste damn good, like kinder bueno! Very yummy and filled with love. Can never imagine it was tilapong who came up with an idea of a cake to cheer me up more. Love you lah, tila!

We'll be celebrating each other's birthday in 10,20,30years ..... down the road even when we're toothless and botak.
The next day in school was good. Bestfriend win ah, never bring jacket then squeeze into tiff's one. He looked too oversized for it. Look at him, laughing with his mini pearl eyes! Lol!
Then my best buddy took a picture with me! You know ah, he good ah! Take care of me alot alot alot. (:
Tiffany kinky also ah. hahahha
Look at my new baby((:

Ending off my 19th with dinner over at Canele at Shaw house. Not bad food with AWESOME strawberry shortcake! :) my all-time fav!
I realised I spent like over 300plus for last week man! Very bad lah, but once in a year still ok. Im going to recoup all my 300plus back in march when I've holidays and work work work! This year, i've came up with a good plan of saving up for everyone's presents and even xmas! I've started lor, no laugh ok. When you have no money, then i see how you laugh. I dont like everytime want to buy presents and cash tight, damn pek chek one.
This morning I went BBDC again. Then school, now my dad is fetching me to school almost everyday! That is good cause I saved alot of bus fares, the time walking up the darn slope and the energy in walking. My dad ah, love him too! This week happens to be my last week of Sem 4 and then exams and holidays. April would be Sem 5, IM GRADUATING very sooon!! Looking back was like the first day of orientation, where we were all nerds and retards. HAHEHO!
My mom damn vain, came into my room disturb me asking me to change her nail colour for her. Ok bye!
Baby qy met me the night before v.day at tantric for a drink, mainly also to catch up. Seems like we have all lost track of time so much that we haven't met for say 2months?(i think so lah). Anyway woman, you're still the best! I really lurb euu deep deep hard hard ok! We talked non stop from the nasi lemak stall nearby tantric to tantric, back alley and then outside tantric, we're still talking! That really shows how much we've got to catch up. But i had fun and when it was going to be midnight, Weihao & friends were selling flowers everywhere,baby got me a bouquet of rochers! Love you lah woman, you very the sweet.Me touched to the max!
Prince was complaining and whining non stop bout this loney v.day to me and daddy was with us. So daddy went to get us rochers too!! And look, we're happy bitches here. Hahahaha. Daddy, you the best also. Anyway even though I didnt had any dates for this year's v.day but still I spent it with all my valentines(which includes all my boys&woman!). Compared to last year, i still remember daddy bought me this Collage shirt and a stalk of rose, ok lah also not bad.
Yours truly 19th ok!
Pressies first!
Laslty the one I've been waiting for!
See I still bold their name, I nice not. Say yes!
Anyway on the 15th feb, I finally wore my dress out! I bought it like 3-4months back but i always never get to wear cause I feel its for more special occassions for instance clubbing. But it's my day, so I shall make an exception and dress up like a queen! HAHAHAHA. Nowadays I'm getting more and more kinky, dont know why too. If you don't understand what's kinky, go Macdonalds and ask for it. LOL!
Then some gei pa lan kia went to snatch my camera and take everyone's BIG face ok. Not funny ah, but yours truly turned out fine and only some turned out tak glam! HAHAHAHA you shall know who later. I dont want to say. And FYI that gei pa lan kia is my best twin! Chicken backside right, regretted leaving my camera with him and he down there laugh so hard at my DUA PUI face!
So we were stuck outside Kbox for pretty long because we were wondering whether to go partyworld or kbox. Ended up nanny spent his time listening to ipod while we camwhore. Finally, like after a million yrs or so, we decided on partyworld and LET'S GO! Before that we popped by Spins to find Imran:) Very the long never see him. Then shop around Heeren's while waiting for tilapong&bf and yunyun love to get their things from paragon. So long leh, no shy make birthday girl wait only.
Once inside ah, we camwhore, laugh, sing and do many funny things. Laugh till can die that kind.
Okay this part is funny, Vincent showed us how his jacket can do wonders. So I snapped while he did. Damn retard lah he, we were laughing so hard at it.
My turn to camwhore, you know I'm a bitch when it comes to camwhoring.
The next day in school was good. Bestfriend win ah, never bring jacket then squeeze into tiff's one. He looked too oversized for it. Look at him, laughing with his mini pearl eyes! Lol!
I realised I spent like over 300plus for last week man! Very bad lah, but once in a year still ok. Im going to recoup all my 300plus back in march when I've holidays and work work work! This year, i've came up with a good plan of saving up for everyone's presents and even xmas! I've started lor, no laugh ok. When you have no money, then i see how you laugh. I dont like everytime want to buy presents and cash tight, damn pek chek one.
This morning I went BBDC again. Then school, now my dad is fetching me to school almost everyday! That is good cause I saved alot of bus fares, the time walking up the darn slope and the energy in walking. My dad ah, love him too! This week happens to be my last week of Sem 4 and then exams and holidays. April would be Sem 5, IM GRADUATING very sooon!! Looking back was like the first day of orientation, where we were all nerds and retards. HAHEHO!
My mom damn vain, came into my room disturb me asking me to change her nail colour for her. Ok bye!
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