So after sch, i went down to J8. Haven't really been there for very long and not much changes just more complications with the MRT i guess. Anyw managed to surprise my dear Sandy Ng(: Ginnie met us and off we went to meet Derek at Cine. Candy and Estee came in later. They even packed BK up! We even put the fries openly on the table and when the waiter came in, he didnt even see i guess. HAHAHA. Initially everyone damn nua. Slowly we all get HIGH! :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
19th part 1(:
Yesterday's ktv was a blast! (: and i really enjoyed myself alot. Special thanks to Candy, Sandy, Estee, Ginnie for coming and making this happen. Also to derek as well for his present! Shall reveal what he gave me soon (;
Gave my hair a change yesterday. instead of the normal clipping up, i let it down(:
Bought new lashes th other day, nice? So in love with it!!
Caught brandon sleeping in class. hahahaha. I purposely zoom in!
Look at tiff_tsn's little miss sunshine! So adorable lorrrrrr!!!
So after sch, i went down to J8. Haven't really been there for very long and not much changes just more complications with the MRT i guess. Anyw managed to surprise my dear Sandy Ng(: Ginnie met us and off we went to meet Derek at Cine. Candy and Estee came in later. They even packed BK up! We even put the fries openly on the table and when the waiter came in, he didnt even see i guess. HAHAHA. Initially everyone damn nua. Slowly we all get HIGH! :D
Estee, Candy and meeeeeee. Why my eyes like that?
Sandy & ginnie (:

Sandy, Ginnie and me!

miss working with her so much!! she's now the SM of J8 cotton on(:
She gave me a kiss for my birthday, awwww sweet isnt she?
Love my sister alot! Sh'es the best!

Estee came in to join the fun yo!
my used to be 2nd IC, estee and me and my lovely store manager Candy!!
Snap snap!

They camwhore without me leh, no shy!
She's the best store manager one could ever have! Love her!!
And this ice cream thing belongs to her, her new toy to disturb people! HAHAHAHA its actually a fan, so cute rightt
So we decided to take unglam photos again. And the rest went EEEEW so disgusting!! But we like it hor, tangtang!
They took this black sticker to stick on Estee's leg and then i went to roll i up and stick on me's face! HAHAHA
See my DUA LUAM mole!
Love her to bits too!!!!
And they got me a surprise!!(: A mango cake!! they know im afraid to put on weight so they got me mango cake instead. So thoughtful of them luhhhh
My first birthday cake this yr((:
HAHAHAH, we look damn gei yan.
Esteeeeeeee, xie xie ni!!
Derek, thanks for the gift dude!
Ginnie sis, wo ai ni!
Sandy Ng, ai si ni le!!
So after sch, i went down to J8. Haven't really been there for very long and not much changes just more complications with the MRT i guess. Anyw managed to surprise my dear Sandy Ng(: Ginnie met us and off we went to meet Derek at Cine. Candy and Estee came in later. They even packed BK up! We even put the fries openly on the table and when the waiter came in, he didnt even see i guess. HAHAHA. Initially everyone damn nua. Slowly we all get HIGH! :D
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