I'M THE BIGGEST BLUR SOTONG ON EARTH! :< Actually mixed up Zombie's acc details with one of the blogshops. I hope I am still able to recover back my 25bucks depsite today is the 2nd day since the money is transferred over. I really need to get down to POSB tmr hopefully to retrieve back my 25bucks! Biggest sorry to zombie because I caused some inconvience to her.
Had the best day today at Ikea with the company of 2boys, chickenwings and meatballs. More updates and photos tmr! I need to go to bed now because I've to freaking wake up at 630am later for school! :< Hopes tiffy goes sch tmr! If not I'm going to be all anti-social. Haha.
I'm so glad for certain things. Life's just so great now ;D
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Skincare daily necessities:)
All my lecture notes in place.
Nail polishesssss!
Cosmetics:) I found out that I overbought my falsies. Way too much! But i'm lovin' it!
Bought this Collagen Foot Mask at Guardian for 5bucks!
Finally I managed to find a space for all my scrapbook materials!
Hello world! :> It feels great having self disciplined instilled in you. I managed to did up everything that I set to complete by today. Woke up in the early morning to have breakfast with mommy before I went to the bank to get the bank draft statement for my school fees. Argh, urber troublesome luh. But I've no choice, die die wednesday after school must remember to submit, I kept forgetting! Left to popular bookstore to get new sets of stationaries. I was super tempted to get the philips hair curler which cost around 60bucks! I think I'm going to watsons early in the morning tmr to get it! :> So tempted to curl my hairrrrr.
FINALLY managed to put up GU JUN PYO(by Estee and G sis) poster in my closet! Then cleared all my unwanted things piling up on my table and arranging all my lecture notes properly. Found out that I've so many nail polish, cosmetics, perfume. And all I've not really been using luh. Shall always try to remember to spray perfume whenever Im out :> Think I need to get more new facial mask, my forehead badly needs a miracle. Lol!
Pretty happy now that my table is cleared! I even managed to start on revision for PMKG! Hahaha, I really think when there's determination to everything you do, you'll get what you deserved. Seriously need to screw this thinking into my head when it comes to my uni):
To my awesome-all time fav-always go mad with me-twiny PLEASE BLOODY HELL PASS YR EVALUATION LEHZXZXZX! Nb, you don pass, im gg to punch you in the face. HAHAHAHA!
KL trip coming in around 2weeks time! I've planned what to wear, what to bring, what to buy. Plus, we're gg to hit one of the clubs there! OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR ALL THE FUN TO DAWN UPON MEEEE!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Okay, I deleted away the previous post just now because after I went back to read again, I felt that it wasn't a really well done post.
Anyhoo, yesterday was a mixture of good, bad, tired, irritated, happy day for me. I was happy for I was working with all the fun people last night :> Time passes just so fast when you're working. Had the best surprise at work ytd from Candy:) Halfway through work, my left eye was feeling so irritated, something got inside and refused to come out. Took off my falsies hoping that it might help a lil. Then my eye became watery from time to time, i had to keep wiping off with a tissue. So while I was wiping halfway, Shikin suddenly called out to me and I accidentally poked myeyeball! NBCB, super duper painful! My left eye went all red :< Had to borrow eye drop from Coreen but it didnt get any better.
Met my best twin outside Ion after work. We didnt managed to meet up for the past week as we were all busy with our own stuffs. Sometimes you do not need meetup everyday/often with your friends. True friends are always inside yr heart and never forgets you even you've not met for the longest time! :D This is what I'd call true friends. We don't need to have a truckload of friends, just a few true ones around us would be more than enough:) Aftermath they left to Lido for late night movie while I meet up with Ming and Candy. Together with Estee and G sis, we headed to our usual lepak place to hang out, doing what girls love to do, gossips and endless talkings. Left ard 12mn for home with Ming and G sis, had to trouble ming to drop me off first since my eye couldn't take it anymore. Hurrily removed my makeup and contacts once I'm home headed to shower and turn in, hoping that my eye will get better tmr.
Terrible saturday, I woke up with a red cum swollen left eye. My right eye wasn't any better, I had swollen eye lids :< Looked into the mirror and felt so ugly than usual. Decided to call in work to take the day off cause I was afraid that if I report to work, the dust and everything will make it worse. Mommy bought me eyedrops, hope it really gets better tmr! I need to go work, if not there goes my money :< Sighhh, money comes in slow and rolls out fast.
Hopefully next saturday I'd be able to take some time off work to accompany my best twin, been long since we went out :) And haven been meeting up with the girls(zombie and yvonne), miss them as well! Alright, another busy week coming up ahead, time to get charged up for more sch and work.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dear diary, I had a longggg day in sch today. Starting from 830AM in the freaking morning, I had my first marketing lesson. The lecturer was a female(finally a female lecturer!) and she's really nice and the whole lecture turned out to be pretty interesting even though there're tons of theories to be memorised :< After class ended, I didn't have lunch in sch, instead went home straight since tiffy isn't gg to be ard for Psoc lecture later in the noon. Hurrily went to the bus-stop t catch the bus before it gets so crowded. Bus journey home was freaking longgg and coldddd :< Wanted to grab mini chips more at Prime but I didn't see any): Managed to rest for around 2hrs at home, mommy was at home too!
Yesterday's nasal appt was :] because Dr.Goh said my allergy's getting better, he's confident in time to come, I will totally get well but I've MANY restrictions to ALOT of food! Something common would be chocolate): Mommy took the chance to get her ears checked too since she always complain to us that she can't hear us properly. Dr.Goh says that her hearing is beginning to deteriorate as she age. But it's nothing big, just mild hard hearing. I was nagging her this whole 2hrs that I was home in the afternoon to take up gardening, cooking and computer lessons. Psoc class was alright today, its a really hard topic, gonna study very hard for Psoc in order to do well(: Praying for tiffy as well for her appeal for Business law!
After class ended, went home and before that I dropped by to get 2mini chips moree! They taste so awesome! One of my fav cookies after Famous Amos(still my top fav!). But the weird thing bout me is, I don like the big chips more, i only eat the mini chips more. Hahaha, am I the only person who does that? :x In order to make me eat these few days, mommy has been cooking soup and today she cooked fish soup and fried rice! I was eating happily but aftermath I felt so nauseous. Aft not having any solid food for 1mth, I think im still not used to it. Nevermind, I dnt have the habit of eating rice/noodles now anyway. I think chips more can be my breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Working tmr evening. In the morning,im gg to hunt for a curler ton at Best Denki and acc mommy t the salon. Maybe Im gg to do a hair treatment!:)
It feels so heart warming to be talking to people you've not met for the longest time and knowing that they've not forgotten you:)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Today marks my mom's 51st birthday :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!
Y' know I don think you'll be able to read this because you don't even know I own a blog, HAHA! Just wanna say a big thank youuu to you for being sucha a lovely mommy to me for the past 19years! You're always there for me when I needed the courage to make things right. No matter how I used to be so rebellious towards you and dad, you never gave up on me before. Instead you always swallow those unhappiness and disappointment back and lead me back to the right path. Whatever that I've asked for, you always managed to give it to me. All the shopping expenses, you'll never fail to pay them for me. I really love you from the deepest of my heart. Really wonder what will happen if you were not my mommy. Maybe I might even not be who I am now. I rmb 2years back, I used to return home ard 3 or 4am in the morning aft clubbing with my friends. I did not even bother picking up the 30plus missed calls you gave. Then it was my decision aft my O lvls. I didnt want to study initially and wanted to take up some beauty course. Ended up, you managed to talk me round in signing up for SIM dip course. I told myself never to disappoint you anymore, so I work very hard for DMS and managed to graduate:) I knew all along you wanted me to pursue my uni aft DMS, so aft considering it for a pretty long time, I decided to go ahead signing up for UOL. Seriously, I dont know whether I can make it to a 2nd upper honours after 2years from now but if I never try, I'll never know. Even if I fail(touch wood) after the first year of major exams, i'm still going not going to give up. Thank you for making so much effort in making sure I go back to the right path and life that I should be leading. I love you all my life, can never imagine life without you. :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Had a mini meet-up cum belated birthday celebration for monster and yvonne last night over at our house area :> Finally got the chance to meet up with zombie and yvonne along together with monster! Mac for dinner before we pass monster and yvonne both their present. Some photo-taking before yvonne had to leave to meet her friends since she was hitting PH that night. Crashed monster's place with zombie aftermath. And the camwhoring craze started amg us. Heh. But baby was being unfriendly that night, he growls when zombie and I wanna carry him :< Left his place ard midnight before zombie and me decided to walk home tgt. Been so long since we walked home tgt and it feels so good! :D Yes, there're many more upcoming plans that zombie and me have decided on. Scrapbooking class, photography, zj scrapbook, fashion scrapbook, clubbing! Can't wait at all! Finally some work tmr and hopefully I can make it for the movie with monster&co. Bye for now! :D
Monday, September 14, 2009
Awards night'09
Monday blues are just nothin' when you've the best gfs ard! :>
This past months has really been a good bonding for me and my gfs:) Compared the last time, the closeness we're sharing now it thrice of that. Even though we're all working at different outlets but still we make it a point to keep in close contact. We do shopping from time to time, have a good dinner when we get our pay to reward ourselves, go ktv together, DIY stuff tgt, bowling tgt and much more. Right now, bowling seems to be our fav thing amg us. Plus the addition of Aaron and WH, we never fail to have a good time out everytime. I'm really glad they came into my life when after I started to work in CO. Even though we're all in different age grps but the thing is we all click very well. Through bad times, they're amg those being there, to comfort me or advise me around.
DIY-ed a wedding guestbook today for Candy. Even though I didn't really go brain-storm what my layout should be like but when my materials lay there, I just naturally work on it. Hah, I think Candy's the most fortunate one. She has 3 of my DIY work. I promise to upload a photo of my work when I've the chance! :DD Bowling @ OCC in the night. I think we'll all become professional bowlers if we continue on bowling like this frequently! Thanks to WH for sending us home safely once again:)
I've my week all planned out on what I should do. Probably I might extend to 4day work week next month. I need more cash. They runs out very fast and comes in very slow. The pain of being broke is very bad. Glad my mom still helpin me financially with some of the stuffs now.
Okays, good complexion = turning in early. Wth, it's alr 1.03am :S
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Insomia haunts me every night now.
Last night I went to bed at 1am and was woken up by a nightmare at 3am. My left eye was really itchy and a little sore for that whole night so I decided to get up to wash my eyes, hoping I will feel better. So apparently it did not get any better plus my eyelash extensions were hindering me making it difficult for me to rub my eyes. And I really felt that it was the eyelash extensions that was partly the cause of it. So in moment of anger, I pluck off the extensions myself. IT WAS HELL PAINFUL OK! But it came off pretty easily since it was alr pretty loose. Went to wash my eyes again before I went to bed ard 4am. I did not turn in until 6am cause basically I just couldn't get to sleep. Felt so bad, the feeling of being so tired yet yr eyes refuse to shut. And the good thing is I woke up at 9am for breakfast with my mom.
My 5hours of work passed by pretty quickly. Moreover my temper was really good today. I did not give any major attitudes to the customers. Hah, I can't even believe it myself.
Th truth laid right out in front of me today. After I spent some time thinking through, I realise it's time to forget and move on. It was a moment of foolishness. Definitely a lesson learnt as well. Emotionally wise, I'd say im not totally good but im bucking up to recuperate my mood back.
My appetite wise is getting worse a lil though. Nothing seems to really make me feel like eating. Probably also because of what happened recently that caused my appetite to drop majorly and my insomia to attack me.
I really hope I can sleep tonight.
Last night I went to bed at 1am and was woken up by a nightmare at 3am. My left eye was really itchy and a little sore for that whole night so I decided to get up to wash my eyes, hoping I will feel better. So apparently it did not get any better plus my eyelash extensions were hindering me making it difficult for me to rub my eyes. And I really felt that it was the eyelash extensions that was partly the cause of it. So in moment of anger, I pluck off the extensions myself. IT WAS HELL PAINFUL OK! But it came off pretty easily since it was alr pretty loose. Went to wash my eyes again before I went to bed ard 4am. I did not turn in until 6am cause basically I just couldn't get to sleep. Felt so bad, the feeling of being so tired yet yr eyes refuse to shut. And the good thing is I woke up at 9am for breakfast with my mom.
My 5hours of work passed by pretty quickly. Moreover my temper was really good today. I did not give any major attitudes to the customers. Hah, I can't even believe it myself.
Th truth laid right out in front of me today. After I spent some time thinking through, I realise it's time to forget and move on. It was a moment of foolishness. Definitely a lesson learnt as well. Emotionally wise, I'd say im not totally good but im bucking up to recuperate my mood back.
My appetite wise is getting worse a lil though. Nothing seems to really make me feel like eating. Probably also because of what happened recently that caused my appetite to drop majorly and my insomia to attack me.
I really hope I can sleep tonight.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Dear diary, today I was lazing at home in the afternoon when I facebooking and I found out some holy shit news(thats only to me). I was feeling fucking cheated at the moment and I really wanted to give him a tight slap on his face. It was really this bad. Thinking back, I really wish I shouldn't had "started" this whole shit and caused so much misery to myself. In fact, when my girlfriends were all present yesterday for dinner after work, they were all saying how stupid I was and I agree with them totally. Actually I was feelin much better after my girlfriends talked to me and I even wanted to heed Ming's advice of being magnanimous and probably just start to try to be a normal friend back with him. However now, I feel that I CANNOT DO IT ANYMORE! Neither do I even wanna get near him, the sight of him and hearing his name makes me feel very awful inside. Anyway I really learnt about how true this saying is "never judge someone by its cover". Thanks for making it totally true. Fuck all your "next-time-free-hang-out-to-sing-or-drink". And its not because i've not moved on and you see it as im venting my anger but I think never will he become a friend of mine anymore. Okay, enough said.
At my lowest point of time, it just happened that my monster twiny called. Hearing his voice was good enough and im really happy that he wanted to drop me a visit if I was working. And then when he told me, he bought me something, I felt really fortunate. I've a bestfriend who makes the effort to cherish me. Right, there're still alot of people like monster twiny who appreciates me. I really really thank god for u. Enjoy your night out with Noel&co ok:)
I'm also glad that I've lovely people ard me who care for me alot by dropping me texts now and there even though we might not meet up everyday: Yunyun, Zombie and my lovely happy pills esp tiffy!
Got to thank my girlfriends:Ginnie, Estee, Candy, Ming, Fel and An qi as well. Thanks for listening to me all the time when I was going through this shit.
I can literally feel my hip bones now.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The weather today was exceptionally scorching, don't know why either. Only it was after I boarded the bus to town that I felt how important air con was to me! I spent close to 3hrs in Far East and just being there alone, I spent close to 100. I wasn't really in the best of my mood so I majorly needed a retail therapy. So I was practically buying things the moment they caught my eyes, I think it was less than 10seconds! I think if I were to own a credit card, it'll burst in just one day.
Finally, eveyrything ended peacefully.
While I was at Taka, I was having cold sweat, my hands and body were trembling so badly. Then I started to feel nauseous. Before I know, I nearly vomit. Hurrily went to the restroom and I had a really bad time letting everything out. It is terribly disgusting. Feeling all weak, I make my way slowly to the bus-stop, hoping I'd be better by then to board the bus home. The moment I reach the taxi stand, I had to sit down straight. Cause I had a semi black-out. My head was spinning so badly and it was all dark. Goodness, I was feeling super weak to even get onto a cab. So I practically sat there for 1/2hr before I called up Fel(knowing that she hasn't left town) and she rushed over to pick me up. Boarded a cab home. Got to thank her a million for sending me home, if not I think I'll be in the hospital(touch wood). But it was really very scary. My gastric juices all came out because I didnt had anything else other than breakfast in the morning. At one moment, I really thought I was going to die(touch wood). Phew.
Now im home, going to take a early rest tonight. I scare I might feel giddy tmr again, sucks man):
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I didn't know today would end with a bad night. If I had known, maybe I would choose not to know anything at all.
Felt so lost suddenly. My heart pounded quicker than normal, I really felt helpless and lost. Wanted to hold back those tears but I think my eyes was about to burst anytime. Worse of all, it was the pain I felt inside that I broke down so terribly. Aft 1.5yrs of not experiencing the pain, I start to feel it again. I feel like i'm so vulnerable, my mind just run so wild. Can't control it at all. My eyes are tired from crying but my mind and body refused to rest. I decided to not sleep, don't wanna close my eyes and start thinking again. Thats the things bout love. It can totally make a person's mind and body so vulnerable. And for now, I just can't accept the damn fact. I made a wrong decision.
What happened led me to think that I had been too tired for the past 2yrs and now its time I should take a good and long rest.
I hope my phone never rings anymore.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Okay, I got so sick of my hair so I went for a longggg change. Lovin' it very much now! :>
Dear diary, I'm so into scrapbooking nowadays. So yesterday marks the day whereby the scrapbook buddies(Zombie and me) make a pact. I'm seriously going to have this as my hobby. It got me thinking that I could probably teach small kids on arts and craft/scrapbooking next time round ;> We spent quite some time in Toast Box doing up the gift for monster twiny. Zombie had to leave around 6 to meet up with SY, so I went to CO and Rubi to shop visit my lovelies who are working. Left town at 7-ish with the thinking that the bus wouldn't be that packed, BUT I WAS SO WRONG! Anyway met up with monster twinny over at his place cause he needed my help in getting his room packed. Had so much fun around packing the room. He really has ALOT of rubbish lying in corners of his cupboard. And apparently, popo(monster twiny's granny) loves soft toys. So he ended up giving her all the soft toy he has in his cupboard. Now her bed looks so adorable with all the stuffed toys. haha!
As for today(wednesday), i'm so glad its finally midweek! Had school in the morning, as usual Mr Balwant made the lesson interesting. Then driving for the next 1hr40mins before I hit home to place my books and hit town aft that. Went down MWL to sign up for "Just-getting-started" and I wanted to head to Spotlight but before I know, I see it closed down for renovation. Didn't managed to have any luck in finding heart-shaped boxes. Kaplan to meet up with Fel and Angel. Apparently, my plan was all FUCKED UP. Angel was very sweet to acc me ard Ion for some retail therapy since my mood was way down the drain. I only managed to bought a top from F21 but it actually made me feel a little better, im so glad :)
I wanted to head for a run just now, but started feeling giddy so decided not to. But im still very determined in meeting my goal of 42:)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This weekend flew by with a wink. 3days is definitely not enough for all the partying. I wish there were more weekends where I could do that often, but its super tiring to both the mind and body. My complexion gave rejection as to me having less than 7hrs of sleep for these 3days. And I'm really hating alcohol much more now, but I love beers. Not many girls love it but I do! :>
I already set myself to start revision for Accts and Psoc this week in sch aft lessons with tiffy. Planning to just get the Psoc text(which weighs a ton) and really mug. I've not much time because I always tend to tell myself there's still months before the major exams. But then the next thing I know, im sitting right outside the hall, holding onto notes and feeling all tight up for the exams. I don wanna make it a mess now that im in uni. So i'll strive for the best.
Finally its monday, im having lesser things on hand to do. Just helping out at home, tutoring my brother and then supper with Cottons at night. It'll sum up my Monday I guess. I need more sleep, more sleeepppppp.
I dont know why too. I was early in meeting Candy today over at MWL. So it was a cold day, I decided to hit SB for a caramel latte before I hit MWL. LOW FAT MAYO potato salad tempted me, that was my dinner. After I got done with my early "salad-dinner", I was sipping my caramel latte, enjoying the warmth of the drink. Suddenly it dawned on me that I no longer felt weird in being alone now. All along I couldn't get used to it totally. But now, people give stares but it feels nothing to me. I continue enjoying my drink. Many things went through my mind, I was really thinking in a calm mind. Thats the pretty good thing bout being alone sometimes. We all just need a little of ourselves, dont we?
And I overate, it sucks.
I already set myself to start revision for Accts and Psoc this week in sch aft lessons with tiffy. Planning to just get the Psoc text(which weighs a ton) and really mug. I've not much time because I always tend to tell myself there's still months before the major exams. But then the next thing I know, im sitting right outside the hall, holding onto notes and feeling all tight up for the exams. I don wanna make it a mess now that im in uni. So i'll strive for the best.
Finally its monday, im having lesser things on hand to do. Just helping out at home, tutoring my brother and then supper with Cottons at night. It'll sum up my Monday I guess. I need more sleep, more sleeepppppp.
I dont know why too. I was early in meeting Candy today over at MWL. So it was a cold day, I decided to hit SB for a caramel latte before I hit MWL. LOW FAT MAYO potato salad tempted me, that was my dinner. After I got done with my early "salad-dinner", I was sipping my caramel latte, enjoying the warmth of the drink. Suddenly it dawned on me that I no longer felt weird in being alone now. All along I couldn't get used to it totally. But now, people give stares but it feels nothing to me. I continue enjoying my drink. Many things went through my mind, I was really thinking in a calm mind. Thats the pretty good thing bout being alone sometimes. We all just need a little of ourselves, dont we?
And I overate, it sucks.
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nights to the other half of the earth!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally getting a getaway in October! Twin and I are going away on a trip to Genting from th 15th to 17th with Noel & Co. It'll be my first damn time with this bitch. Hahaha. I really can't wait for it to happen! But well, I'll still not go for the more extreme theme park rides there. I think I'll faint even when I see it. Hahaha, so TWIN YOU BETTER DON DRAG ME TO PLAY THE ROLLAR COASTER OR WHATEVER SHIT OKAYZXZXZ ;] I wait for you below, giving you my best moral support! :>
Anyhoo, sch wasn't at its best. Being late for class started my day off and bumping into asshole during my break. How small can the world be?! I've been spending money on scrap book materials which made me feel so sinful! Cause I always ended up getting things I don't really need. It's because they look too adorable and I can't resist the temptation lah! But good thing is, I managed to settle the theme and colours for the gift, all thanks to tiffy ;> I left to FEP alone in search of new jeans in the early noon. Well, no new finds but bought this "I'M-SUPER-IN-LOVE-WITH" floral dress. Planning to wear it out on Saturday night. I cannot wait at all!! Photos'll be up ;)
Trip the the doc's was PAINFUL!! Dr Goh had to put this damn long thin camera right into my nostril and down my throat. Fucking disgusting experience as you can really feel it! But I can see how badly swollen it is, plus I SAW MY THROAT! :DD and now I know why my voice is so coarse!! Heh. Im prescibed med with a spray. Bad thing is, I'm refrained from ALOT of food for 3weeks): Good thing is, a easier way of slimming down. Hah.
Finally got the photos developed and I started on it. Hopefully things goes pretty smooth ;) Anyw, got to run along for bed soon!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yesterday was awesome! My initial plan of retail therapy was half fulfilled. Bought a couple of steals from FEP before I spent a bomb over at Laines at Wheelock. It's like once I go there, I always spent close to an hr there and everytime I go, the bill never fail to be more than 50bucks. I'm planning to sign up for scrap book making classes at MWL! Can't wait at all! So it seems like I did had my retail therapy but my plan of heading home around evening was crashed since my lovely girlfriends(Candy and Sandy) came down to find me! They wanna give G sis a surprise at her workplace. G sis came down to FEP to join us after she ended her work. We wanted to head to ECP to bowl but its pretty far so we changed over to Orchid Country Club at Yishun! Damn fun to be bowling with them! I nearly fell down while cheering cause I striked! But the person was f.up. After bowling was billard before we finally ended the day. Thanks to Wenhui for sending us all back. Dropped dead on my bed after I had a quick shower.
Today, I had sucha hard time waking up for driving lessons. The weather was very good for sleeping in! Finally completed stage 3 of driving and am now left with revision lessons before TP in Oct. Aww, can't wait to get my license but pretty nervous for my TP! Hope everything turns out well :)
Sept marks my 1year in Cotton On. Gosh, I can't believe that I managed to survive in a job for 1yr! I think I might even be working for another yr or so until my uni ends. Uni is getting much more stressful nowadays. Im trying to handle all my modules. I guess I just need more self discipline. Work hard Rach!
There's classes tmr and its freaking 830am! And my appt is at 3pm. So am gonna make use of the time to shop for a new pair of jeans:)
Oh before I forget, Xinya, what happened to yr eyes? I saw the freaking photo in FB!
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