Yesterday was awesome! My initial plan of retail therapy was half fulfilled. Bought a couple of steals from FEP before I spent a bomb over at Laines at Wheelock. It's like once I go there, I always spent close to an hr there and everytime I go, the bill never fail to be more than 50bucks. I'm planning to sign up for scrap book making classes at MWL! Can't wait at all! So it seems like I did had my retail therapy but my plan of heading home around evening was crashed since my lovely girlfriends(Candy and Sandy) came down to find me! They wanna give G sis a surprise at her workplace. G sis came down to FEP to join us after she ended her work. We wanted to head to ECP to bowl but its pretty far so we changed over to Orchid Country Club at Yishun! Damn fun to be bowling with them! I nearly fell down while cheering cause I striked! But the person was f.up. After bowling was billard before we finally ended the day. Thanks to Wenhui for sending us all back. Dropped dead on my bed after I had a quick shower.
Today, I had sucha hard time waking up for driving lessons. The weather was very good for sleeping in! Finally completed stage 3 of driving and am now left with revision lessons before TP in Oct. Aww, can't wait to get my license but pretty nervous for my TP! Hope everything turns out well :)
Sept marks my 1year in Cotton On. Gosh, I can't believe that I managed to survive in a job for 1yr! I think I might even be working for another yr or so until my uni ends. Uni is getting much more stressful nowadays. Im trying to handle all my modules. I guess I just need more self discipline. Work hard Rach!
There's classes tmr and its freaking 830am! And my appt is at 3pm. So am gonna make use of the time to shop for a new pair of jeans:)
Oh before I forget, Xinya, what happened to yr eyes? I saw the freaking photo in FB!
I'm also having my TP in OCt!!!
hahahaha! i came for ur replyyy! allergy to medicine la. i was having high medicine and by right, i cant take all fever medicine. but fever too high so no choice. had to take the medication and transform my eyes for a few days. hehes!
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