many things happened ytd. din wanna mention them at all. so don ask me cos i wont tell u at all. and i'll be grateful if ur don ask me (: after that at night, i cabbed down to town with mummy to find monster, terry and roy (: they did cheer me up. but when roy first came over and asked me things, i was really breaking down. he gave me a hug and told me not to cry. he's really like a big brother to me (: thanks ! aft which he left for work while me, mummy , monster and terry stayed over at cine .
terry went on to get stuff frm his friends at k-pool. then we headed outside cine and slack. while some really funny things happened. & terry was really depressed and gg mad. haha. we had a camwhore session there with my digital cam and also my hp la. but too many frm my hp so i just transfer those frm my digital cam instead. and monster carried me and something happened la! haha. we nearly rolled on th floor laughing. he wanted to piggyback me but i was scared. so end up he carried me ! after which me and mummy hafta leave . monster gave me a big hug and tell me not to cry anymore . was soo glad i had them with me . they din ask wad happened just know smth happened to me and i don wanna mention so they cheer me up with their crazy acts . hahas . im better now . thanks to monster, mummy, terry and roy (: glad that i had ur. thanks.
btw i miss my lovers so much! we'll be heading to th zoo at th end of th month! so excited la. its been long since we al go out tgt. will enjoy (:
alright photo time (: