i spent a wonderful new yr with my beloved friends (:
love all of them lots!
20th feb
met up with mun and chang and we went woods hse. eunice arrived much earlier than us and she brought mocha(wood's dog) down when she came to fetch us. chang hafta borrow oranges frm woods cos he forgot to bring la. how forgetful can he be?! we slacked and watched tv at his hse. after which hadi arrived and we had our lunch prepared by his mom and maid. really delicious (:
after lunch, we had a few games of mahjong. was really very funny throughout the game. then we slacked and watched tv all th way till kohs came. gary, ivan and joey came at ard 5 plus. then we all start to gamble. initially i won like 6 bucks la. was damn contented and quitted from the game to watch tv. ivan kept on tempting me to play la and i was very very tempted to do so. but i strongly rejected him cause i feel i will lose if i play. so i rejected him all th way till ard 9 plus we started playing again! haha. and my sentiments were right la, i lost 8 bucks! omg, i stopped playing cos im really broke and i need money to cab home. then we slacked awhile before mun and kohs send me down to tke cab (: thanks girls.
21st Feb
went woods hse in th early morning and woke all of them up. we gg for th movie Norbit today. so after long hrs of waiting for them to get ready and wake up, we finally stepped outta hse and head to town. gary left for home. th rest of us went town for movie. reached cine and went to get the tix and aft which we headed to the village for lunch. was really full but th food wasnt that very nice. then we headed for movie. i rate it 6/1o. cause i expected Eddie Murphy's movies to be alot funnier. but Norbit was kinda lame. :x after movie we head for NEOPRINTS! freaking longgg since we all had one. wasn't really used to it cos too long nvr take. but turned out very nice (:
window shopped ard and i saw a number of people today. firstly when i left Heeren, i saw Terry. then followed by Renee who is working at Flesh Imp at heeren la. then aft that i saw juli's friends but i din wave at them. aft that i saw TERENCE!!!! so missed him la. i gave him a big hug. then i also saw JONATHAN! my beloved brother and we pat each other like we doo (: i misss everyone so much right now. meet up people (:
some misunderstandings between me and mummy. sorry :x hope u aint angry anymore. *loves*
then we headed to far east and find shimin as well as eat. had a hard time finding where to eat. finally we settled down for ban mian. after dinner, we went to find shimin at mango lingo and we chatted awhile before we left. monster & terry was in town and was at far east so we met up for awhile. took 1 pic with my cookie monster ! (: misss him so damn much la. then i left with mun they all for home. as usual we talk nonsense and joked all th way till je and i alighted and parted with them. kinda tired but don feel like sleeping. (:

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