went for monster's bbq at his condo. met up with mummy and darling at ard 6 plus close to 7 . i rang darling up before i left my hse and she was so damn retarded
darling: where are u?
me:home la, wad time u gg out?
darling: don't know leh
darling: okok =/
she is damn retarded but i love her still. she's always late when we meet and is always so slow la. but i still love her. anyw after that roy came down and fetch us and we fetched darling after that . got to know 2 new friend, joseph & rico. i tell you, rico is damn bloody funny and he's forver eating one lor! he sits beside me and tempt me to eat. and whenever there's food he straight away take! omg la, cant stand him cause he's damn funny. joseph is nice (: cos he uses th board and fans for us (: terry and sadness came too . terry is damn quiet and normal la unlike his usual crazy acts . aft eating we headed back to his hse while th rest stayed on below.
oh ya, i was chased by baby again! like duh, so many countless times and i din even provoke him. omg *faints*
they played mahjong while we sang. had so much fun and i left with mummy. cabbed home cos my mom was rushing me. got home and showered and rest cause many things happen *details missing* i got really depressed that i sneak outta hse. unlike me right? i went to monster's hse and we had a good talk. he's always there for me when i needed him. i really lovee him. thanks monster. he gave me beer and i got drunk. but managed to get my ass home without my mom knowing. i showered and drop dead th moment i saw my bed. woke up a 4 and slack till now. hunting for jobs soon with chang (: need a new life. but im not sure when :(
`i've fell very deeply inside this hole. i don't know when i will pick myself up again. maybe it takes a very long period of time. i will learn to try to pick myself up again and be like th old me. right now, its impossible. im really feeling terrible inside. crying every other night. it hurts so much that makes me feel that i don't want anything anymore. i don't know when i will get well. just hope it will be soon. i don't know :x
thanks eunice, noel, monster, mummy, darling,qianyu, juli (: thanks for all. i will try.

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