didn't know that my work was cancelled today until fel text me about it. got to thank her for that, really. without her informing me, i think i might have gone down work wasted. but then when it was about 6pm just now, derek called and asked whether am i able to work again. I was like wth? hahaha. because sam couldn't make it to work thus i think they're really shorthanded. anyw i just went to get my brows trimmed with mom. the lady actually noticed my pops up and sensed that i'm under major pressure )': gonna go down for facial near the end of may so I can be a beautiful sister when sandy's wedding bell rings on the 31st! :D im kinda feeling so vexed over many things in school. this causes a tendency in me skipping my meals whenever I've too much things in my head and I can't seem to settle them. indeed i skipped my lunch in the afternoon when i got home. nua-ed at home until i fell asleep on the sofa while watching tv. woke up feeling so refreshed and i felt so song. because i've never slept till so song ever since 1month ago ): HAHAHAHA. anyw tmr's labour day and i've work = double pay. say YAY!! M's meeting me for lunch before we hit work. KFC HERE WE COMEEEE :DDDD KBYE FOR NOW, GOING TO MEET G SIS AND FEL AT YISHUNNNNN :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Photos were taken back on my awesome SM's 27th, random shots in the bridal shop yesterdat evening, school and home. finally, im taking time off to actually upload them. 'm making a habit now to bring my cammy w me whenever im out :) anytime i can always snap down wonderful pictures :DD

mango cake from bakerzin, AWESOME MUCHHHH!! :P
those who were present. i love these awesome people *winks ;)
my very best and almost-everything-alike-to-me sis,G!
the babes :))
the babe w the hungry wolves. HAHAHHA, look at derek's eyes!
AH LAU bastard sia, zoom in my big face when he was helping with the snapping of photos for the girls. Nb, i deleted it but then took revenge. HE LOOK LIKE SADAKO HERE!!!!
M took this shot for me :) was playing w his new baby, nikon d60. awesome much!!!! im saving up for one too! he's gonna be my new kaki in phototaking soon soon soon! :) fyi, we were at the bridal shop yesterday because Estee had to try out her bridemaid's gown so we joined in to give her some opinions on it. she was fast and we got everything done in an hr or so. but we nua at the place as if it was our house. because candy was trying out another night gown for her wedding. and i told them, i always feel that once the bride actually got dressed up in the gown and step out of the platform, its a very warm feeling :)
And THIS was today. our dearest ivan seems to be so tired everyday in class. he's like the no.1 sleeping beauty in our class with clement as the 1st runner up. i think he can fight with win bestfriend already. hahaha. anyway got him sleeping again today, as usual la. david and me were trying to entertain ourselves and concentrate on the lecture but it was f. dry. but still, we stayed thru the class. such a pity i couldn't join my pills for lunch at LP today for our all-time fav AYAM PENYET! Nb, missed it lor ):
altered my jeans. BUT not very satisfied with it. well, im someone who must wear skinny cut and at the bottom it must be as skinny as possible. i just dont feel comfortable in big cuttings. NOT NICE! so im going to alter it again! love the colour and it doesnt make my thighs look fat :DDD ah, it's free btw, so why not?:)
realise i ate too much recently. everytime after work, i'll definitely have a pork floss bun from BT. Nb, its very fattening and somemore in the morning i either have teh peng or coffee. VERY VERY FATTENING FOOD )': nvrmind that, fel and me are intending to hit the gym once we managed to get good timings for work. GYM AH, FEL! KKKKK, im so hungry now cause i didnt have my pork floss bun tonight. KBYE!

lastly to yun: GOOD LUCK FOR YR PAPERS! THE LAST LAP, DO WELL FOR IT! im always here for you love :)
M took this shot for me :) was playing w his new baby, nikon d60. awesome much!!!! im saving up for one too! he's gonna be my new kaki in phototaking soon soon soon! :) fyi, we were at the bridal shop yesterday because Estee had to try out her bridemaid's gown so we joined in to give her some opinions on it. she was fast and we got everything done in an hr or so. but we nua at the place as if it was our house. because candy was trying out another night gown for her wedding. and i told them, i always feel that once the bride actually got dressed up in the gown and step out of the platform, its a very warm feeling :)
lastly to yun: GOOD LUCK FOR YR PAPERS! THE LAST LAP, DO WELL FOR IT! im always here for you love :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
sometimes in life, we can't choose certain things. like how we can't choose to be born rich, how we can't choose who to be our parents, what kind of life we will lead, what kind of people we will meet, what may happen in the future and the list goes on. all these things are not within our control at all. we can only try to make it better. like how we can try to improve our lives if we're born poor. definitely sometimes i wish he wasn't my xxx. very obvious to who im refering to. or rather ever since that recent incident, our gap has all widened even more. it's all thanks to him for these that happened and the consequences that follows. he should be responsible for all his actions all these years. year after year, i thought it would be better and he would change for the better. but i was wrong, so wrong. and now after that incident, he is telling everyone the same thing " I'll change for the better." yeah right, how many more times do you need to say and we end up having to stop you from all those night shits? nothing can wake him up other than his own children. but to be true, not even any of my sisters feels like talking to him at all. if he dont ever change that character of his, it will never be possible that they or rather we will sit down and have a talk in peace. he knows it himself. if he wants the worst scenario, he can for all i care, do whatever he wants now. he will just be ending up with nothing left. thats the end of the story for him. he jolly well knows what happened and whether he has a clear conscious. no one is more clear than he, himself. i had enough for all of him and his character. the only good memory i had of him was all before P1 when he doted so much on all of us, having family outings and everything. if one day, things get all shattered, you're the cause of everything.
i feel better after ranting out. right now, im trying my best to get over everyday happily. being happy at work or in school. i don wan people around me to feel upset for me. nothing to be upset about. im still holding on good. being happy beats everything in the world, even money:) and i like all that i loved to be happy as me.
lets all hope everything will be better for everyone soon. it sucks so bad and i believe it hasnt been a good year for us. enough, KBYE!
i feel better after ranting out. right now, im trying my best to get over everyday happily. being happy at work or in school. i don wan people around me to feel upset for me. nothing to be upset about. im still holding on good. being happy beats everything in the world, even money:) and i like all that i loved to be happy as me.
lets all hope everything will be better for everyone soon. it sucks so bad and i believe it hasnt been a good year for us. enough, KBYE!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Candy's 27th
I presume it's my first time being so close with my SM. I've never met really any awesome SM before in all my previous jobs. I'm glad and proud to say CO is the first. my SM might be the world's best SM ever! i think after your have met and worked with her, you will know how awesome she is. nothing can describe her awesome-ness. i feel so lucky to have met her :)
anyway this happen to be my very first time celebrating my SM's birthday. we travelled all the way to farrer park. and if your know, it's somewhere close to little india and where mustafa is! well, we didnt actually head there for pratas or indian cuisine but to Parkroyal hotel for their chinese buffet. Overall, with good companion and good food, what more can I ask for? :) I had a really great time with my girls including our long-time-no-see AH LAU! Happeh and he actually is an asshole after so long of not meeting. he is still forever so disiao-ing me with all those nonsense like my freaking flabby arms and my cute fats. Nb, that asshole, never change! Hahaha, but i'm not dumb, i always elbow him at his chest. In a way, im doing good for him by building up his chest muscles. HAHAHAH.
we actually had this crazy thought of going mustafa after we got done with our dinner. and it was my virgin experience there! very very squeezy i would say. everywhere you go, you see food, clothes, accessories all packed swee swee there! we even wonder how their pants could be folded till so nicely lah. moreover they're 24hrs! anyway, we bought some cloth for some dress making gown for candy's wedding in nov. and we managed to get a cheap deal for gowns there! can you believe it? we only spent 33bucks on the not bad gown okkkkk. anyw really all geared up for her wedding, just pray hard my papers don fall on 31st may. and we actually sat outside the fitting room discussing bout the gown before we finally left at 1am. cab back home w ming&derek. i did a quick shower, removed makeup and dried my hair. im going to sleep soon since i ate my med.
i realise nowadays im more sensitive to needs of my loved ones around me. might be a good and bad thing which i dont know too. anyway, toodles for now!:)
anyway this happen to be my very first time celebrating my SM's birthday. we travelled all the way to farrer park. and if your know, it's somewhere close to little india and where mustafa is! well, we didnt actually head there for pratas or indian cuisine but to Parkroyal hotel for their chinese buffet. Overall, with good companion and good food, what more can I ask for? :) I had a really great time with my girls including our long-time-no-see AH LAU! Happeh and he actually is an asshole after so long of not meeting. he is still forever so disiao-ing me with all those nonsense like my freaking flabby arms and my cute fats. Nb, that asshole, never change! Hahaha, but i'm not dumb, i always elbow him at his chest. In a way, im doing good for him by building up his chest muscles. HAHAHAH.
we actually had this crazy thought of going mustafa after we got done with our dinner. and it was my virgin experience there! very very squeezy i would say. everywhere you go, you see food, clothes, accessories all packed swee swee there! we even wonder how their pants could be folded till so nicely lah. moreover they're 24hrs! anyway, we bought some cloth for some dress making gown for candy's wedding in nov. and we managed to get a cheap deal for gowns there! can you believe it? we only spent 33bucks on the not bad gown okkkkk. anyw really all geared up for her wedding, just pray hard my papers don fall on 31st may. and we actually sat outside the fitting room discussing bout the gown before we finally left at 1am. cab back home w ming&derek. i did a quick shower, removed makeup and dried my hair. im going to sleep soon since i ate my med.
i realise nowadays im more sensitive to needs of my loved ones around me. might be a good and bad thing which i dont know too. anyway, toodles for now!:)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
officially sick.
i'm officially declared sick! was feeling very bad during work last night. and to add on, twiny wasn't able to meet me&yun for dinner because tantric was down with staff. so we changed the whole plan and i didn't meet yun in the end because I felt very bad for asking her to come down town for awhile only. after my work, i cabbed down to tantric to find twiny. good thing, i reached early and thus we were able to talk about some stuffs.
we managed to have a good heart to heart talking with no interruptions (: both of us just poured out whatever bad feelings we had for the week. I was talking non-stop bout that fellow to twiny. anyway i seriously felt so much better after talking to him. and i hope he does feel better. bad thing is, he wont be able to book out on thurs night since fri is PH but instead he is confined inside the bloody fucked up place through the longgg weekend. Nb, his camp sucks. I've never seen and hear such things about NS before. So whatever decisions he will be making, im always here for him! :)
D came down with his px. So we decided to head over E bar for drinks. halfway through, R called D over to help him out for awhile. we left around 1plus and i was having this bad headache, i thought it was the tying of my hair so i let it down while i was in D's car on the way home. but it didn't stop even after i shower and i decided to pop in one anti fast panadol and black out. indeed i felt so much better this morning frm the headahce but my flu and sorethroat were still there. went to the doc's and was given some med. slept my way through the noon and waking up feeling abit better but then my head seems so heavy and painful which i dont know why.
anyw just took my med and im waiting for the drowsiness to dawn in before i hit the sheets. its never good to be sick, i missed out all my fastfood and everything! ): it's very hard on a glutton who is sick. anyw going for candy's birthday dinner tmr! hopefully, i can eat all the good food! HAHAHAHA.
we managed to have a good heart to heart talking with no interruptions (: both of us just poured out whatever bad feelings we had for the week. I was talking non-stop bout that fellow to twiny. anyway i seriously felt so much better after talking to him. and i hope he does feel better. bad thing is, he wont be able to book out on thurs night since fri is PH but instead he is confined inside the bloody fucked up place through the longgg weekend. Nb, his camp sucks. I've never seen and hear such things about NS before. So whatever decisions he will be making, im always here for him! :)
D came down with his px. So we decided to head over E bar for drinks. halfway through, R called D over to help him out for awhile. we left around 1plus and i was having this bad headache, i thought it was the tying of my hair so i let it down while i was in D's car on the way home. but it didn't stop even after i shower and i decided to pop in one anti fast panadol and black out. indeed i felt so much better this morning frm the headahce but my flu and sorethroat were still there. went to the doc's and was given some med. slept my way through the noon and waking up feeling abit better but then my head seems so heavy and painful which i dont know why.
anyw just took my med and im waiting for the drowsiness to dawn in before i hit the sheets. its never good to be sick, i missed out all my fastfood and everything! ): it's very hard on a glutton who is sick. anyw going for candy's birthday dinner tmr! hopefully, i can eat all the good food! HAHAHAHA.
Friday, April 24, 2009
lost, totally
Feeling super lost and emotional right now. These past few days hasnt been good at all. Either school or family has been on a super rough patch. Nothing is healing. I can sense the coldness going on everywhere and I don't want to admit it though. Seriously don't know what went wrong. There seem to be something going on so wrong in the family. Everyone's mad at each other. My sisters and I are mad at him. And my brother isn't getting any better, in fact worse than I thought. Right now, the sole survivor would be my mom. I know she has been on a very very stressful mode recently and I wish I could help her. I feel so worried for her, really. Seeing her being so vexed over stuffs and all I can is to help her lessen her load, staying at home more, helping her with more chores.
Is this meant to be a test for all of us? Maybe, yes? no? Im trying my very best to hold on strong. But today when I was in school, I couldn't take it anymore when amos and me were talking over vr. I finally broke down and felt mush better after the break. No words could thank him. I realise I couldn't find anyone more appropiate than him to talk to at that point of time. Now when I'm alone, I feel so lost yet again. I don't know what should my next step be. I hope they listen to me or at least try to. I want everything bad to go away soon.
my besfriend, twiny isn't feeling too good either inside NS. sigh, why are things happening after one and another? everything bad comes straight at a go. im trying to not take it too personal. in fact, i totally have no mood for anything like movie and such. all i feel like doing is to go get a drink and talk my lungs out or at least vent everything out. cause im feeling very suffocated inside and i think I could literally die anytime now.
Is this meant to be a test for all of us? Maybe, yes? no? Im trying my very best to hold on strong. But today when I was in school, I couldn't take it anymore when amos and me were talking over vr. I finally broke down and felt mush better after the break. No words could thank him. I realise I couldn't find anyone more appropiate than him to talk to at that point of time. Now when I'm alone, I feel so lost yet again. I don't know what should my next step be. I hope they listen to me or at least try to. I want everything bad to go away soon.
my besfriend, twiny isn't feeling too good either inside NS. sigh, why are things happening after one and another? everything bad comes straight at a go. im trying to not take it too personal. in fact, i totally have no mood for anything like movie and such. all i feel like doing is to go get a drink and talk my lungs out or at least vent everything out. cause im feeling very suffocated inside and i think I could literally die anytime now.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
at this point of time, im hating him so much so that I wish that we could all take our bags and walk out on him. why must all these happen after it has not for a period of time? he was doing good, infact so much better than before but why now again? everytime such things happen, im so worried what might happen in the end. many wild thoughts jus run through like that. i always thought maybe things would get better as we all grow up and my parents getting older waiting to retire. but i was wrong. so wrong bout him. i thought for once, he had decided not to be like what he was in the past. why could everyone changed in the family except him. i feel so upset everytime i think about it. in fact, i wish life was like what happen in tv shows, so happy even with the surface of conflicts, they could all resolve and be happy together. the reality isn't like what happened in shows. infact,it might even be worse. i hope this long night would end really fast. i hate it when lights are off and im sitting alone in the dark room, fearing whats next.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tired after a day of work?

with love,
buns with raisins toppings!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
home in 15mins ;)
kkkkkk, today is tuesday. every tuesday is happy day because I've NO work and normally we wouldn't have proj meetups. Song bo? ;) but the rain this morning came at the right time, tell you ah, I sleep until damn song and as usual late for class.
feeling lazy as usual or rather more usual today. i dont know why either but i was chanting prayers inside my heart that Er biked to school with extra helmet! i think im very used to his bike sometimes that im lazy to catch a bus home. but it's definitely not an everyday, if not i'll be so so dead.
the best part of today was, i got home in 15mins time from school. normally i take around 30mins-45mins depending on the traffic and the flow of people getting up and down the bus. but today the best! totally NO RED LIGHT ok! meaning, every traffic light we were heading to, was GREEN FOR ALL! tell me, lucky or not. somemore today Er seem to be going out with cpx they all after school and so i very disheartened cause got to TAKE THE AH BU NEH NEH SMELLY BUS HOME! but surprise surprise, he called me telling me he will be picking me up at bus stop cause HE IS FUCKING GOING HOME!!!! \m/ FUCKING HIGH LIKE ONE KIND. butttttttttttttt, nowadays when i sit his bike, i dont feel very safe. a very bad feeling that i can't describe, probably because the other day, we NEARLY got into accidents *touch wood* THANKS ER FOR FETCHING ME HOME ARH! :DD
and somemore my parents don like me sitting bike home cause too dangerous. esp today damn paranoid, when Er turned to check his blind spot, i turned with him. One, to ensure clear traffic. Two, check out my parents vehicle! lucky me, nothing happened nor did I bumped into my parents. cool balls! Er, hope you go home everyday. HAHAHAHAHAHA
biz law tmr due, kkkkkkkkkkk work hard now! nb, law fucking irritating!
feeling lazy as usual or rather more usual today. i dont know why either but i was chanting prayers inside my heart that Er biked to school with extra helmet! i think im very used to his bike sometimes that im lazy to catch a bus home. but it's definitely not an everyday, if not i'll be so so dead.
the best part of today was, i got home in 15mins time from school. normally i take around 30mins-45mins depending on the traffic and the flow of people getting up and down the bus. but today the best! totally NO RED LIGHT ok! meaning, every traffic light we were heading to, was GREEN FOR ALL! tell me, lucky or not. somemore today Er seem to be going out with cpx they all after school and so i very disheartened cause got to TAKE THE AH BU NEH NEH SMELLY BUS HOME! but surprise surprise, he called me telling me he will be picking me up at bus stop cause HE IS FUCKING GOING HOME!!!! \m/ FUCKING HIGH LIKE ONE KIND. butttttttttttttt, nowadays when i sit his bike, i dont feel very safe. a very bad feeling that i can't describe, probably because the other day, we NEARLY got into accidents *touch wood* THANKS ER FOR FETCHING ME HOME ARH! :DD
and somemore my parents don like me sitting bike home cause too dangerous. esp today damn paranoid, when Er turned to check his blind spot, i turned with him. One, to ensure clear traffic. Two, check out my parents vehicle! lucky me, nothing happened nor did I bumped into my parents. cool balls! Er, hope you go home everyday. HAHAHAHAHAHA
biz law tmr due, kkkkkkkkkkk work hard now! nb, law fucking irritating!
Monday, April 20, 2009
say hi and be nice

Weather is killing me, school assign is killing me, school is draining me, lectures are boring me, work is stressing and what's next? Luckily I managed to get home pretty early from school just now so I managed to complete 3/4 of my biz law assign, another 1/4 is left with editing the grammer and some others. Indeed law is so taxing to the brain, I wonder how people actually become lawyers. They're cool or what. Everything seems pretty random today, just like how our fav boy, zhi promised to meet us for a monday movie but ending up with him being MIA. Nb, boom his phone for a million times and yet he's still not answering, gonna get it from me laters IF I managed to find him. Think I should go down for FTP later since I'm not that packed with things today. I feel very random, I feel like hitting down starbucks with a cup of tall caramel frap with my lecture notes, cards making materials, markers and everything else BUT I FEEL SO LAZY. See, random or not. Better call off the idea since my brain is all maxed out today. KKKKKK, going to book FTP and run along for dinner appt with G, F and fav boy zhi :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
What a weeeeeek
I really can't seem to accept the fact that another week has just gone by like that! I hate how things are in, be it in school or anywhere. Seriously, my mood has been on a swing for the past days and I got to admit my temper is freaking bad. For the slightest thing, I could throw a big fuss over it. And for the past few mornings, I seem to woke up on the wrong side of my bed. I feel so not me and not right when I prepare myself for school. Sometimes I stared at myself in the mirror and asked, what went wrong. Sigh, I dont know either. I think my mood has been way down nowadays. In no mood for anything, not even food! ): I used to love eating so much and whenever I'm free, I eat like a pig, and now? I just hate everything. Like how i hate waking up in the morning for school, making myself sit through the lectures, having issues during proj work, travelling home from school, walking to school and everything else! Urgh, what went wrong? Can someone tell me?
Yesterday I met up with yunyun&twiny. Actually I met up with D and px first over at Heeren's after my family dinner ended. So yunyun came down to coffee bean at paragon to join us for some coffee and chilling. I think D and me got really excited just talking about the hk trip! Since I will be in hk during his b'day, he's planning to head to hk with px on th 9th! One day after his birthday and I told him, I will meet him there to celebrate for him, special isnt it? Hahaha, so we just kept talking about how we're going to shop like mad, head down to the 5-star LV, Milan station and many more. Hopefully px will agree with him in going hk, then we can meet! YAY! :) So twiny only managed to book out around 10pm? We decided to head down to his crib and chill also to have supper at 302. K, I think it was really a good choice though, we managed to talk alot and I believe twiny feels so much better now. Twiny, any decision you make, we're always here for you yeah? :) After yesterday's talk, I finally realise that NS life is mentally torturing. If girls would also need to go NS when they're 18, I think I might as well go and jump down a building. Just imagine, seeing yr girlfriends and you being botak! HAHAHAHA, i think its funny.
We left his crib around 230am? When I got home after yunyun dropped me, I crashed my bed straight. My econs assign and bus law is eating up my sleep tonight. Cool balls, i think im gonna look like a piece of shit on monday morning in school, eyebags on my cheeks.
Yesterday I met up with yunyun&twiny. Actually I met up with D and px first over at Heeren's after my family dinner ended. So yunyun came down to coffee bean at paragon to join us for some coffee and chilling. I think D and me got really excited just talking about the hk trip! Since I will be in hk during his b'day, he's planning to head to hk with px on th 9th! One day after his birthday and I told him, I will meet him there to celebrate for him, special isnt it? Hahaha, so we just kept talking about how we're going to shop like mad, head down to the 5-star LV, Milan station and many more. Hopefully px will agree with him in going hk, then we can meet! YAY! :) So twiny only managed to book out around 10pm? We decided to head down to his crib and chill also to have supper at 302. K, I think it was really a good choice though, we managed to talk alot and I believe twiny feels so much better now. Twiny, any decision you make, we're always here for you yeah? :) After yesterday's talk, I finally realise that NS life is mentally torturing. If girls would also need to go NS when they're 18, I think I might as well go and jump down a building. Just imagine, seeing yr girlfriends and you being botak! HAHAHAHA, i think its funny.
We left his crib around 230am? When I got home after yunyun dropped me, I crashed my bed straight. My econs assign and bus law is eating up my sleep tonight. Cool balls, i think im gonna look like a piece of shit on monday morning in school, eyebags on my cheeks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ok, I know I haven't been updating my space here. But I haven't been out ever since monday(ktv trip). And I haven't got any pictures to blog about! That's very saddening man. I need more pictures to fill up the space here on my blog!! Saturday, please come fast so I can finally get to see twiny&yunyun:))
Tues was spent over at home. I had school in the morning as usual and returned home with Mclunch. My brother's friend crashed my place in the noon while I kept myself in my room doing things I need to do. Even went out to get some stuffs which I have been wanting to buy them but hadn't had the time. Surprise surprise, I did up notes on first lecture of Econs man. I think I need more self study days like tuesdays. Need to keep telling myself to study and start early so I can make it through this tough and last semester.
Wed, I had work straight after school. Gave lunch a miss and instead I had a bread before my work starts. The mess came in gradually. That day wasn't very good but then thanks to my colleagues I managed to pull through till 10pm. For dinner, ah rab and I decided to walk over to Cine foodcourt. She's really good at spicy stuff though, adding a scoopful of chilli padi into her tom yum soup. When I tried her soup, I grabbed my coke and gulped down a few mouths before the spicyness was over. Thumbs up to you ah rab! :)
Thurs, which was yesterday. Work was cancelled and we stayed back for econs proj. It was freaking brain-storming. We spent close to 4hrs to get 2topics done. The other 3 would be not a problem I guess. Anyway after we got done, while fel and wesley left, I went down to find Amos&co. So funny lah, they were trying to give me some IQ qns to solve and I failed! The most funniest was the 2dollar note joke. (inside joke). Got home only around dinner time and I was having this really bad headache when I was on my way home. Luckily it got better after I showered and had my dinner. Must be due to the heavy stress these few days, alot of issues arose regarding the proj and I was very frustrated with some. I didn't know what to do and just broke down somewhere alone. Felt much better already and thanks to twiny and yun for the loving concern frm your:)
Indeed, we meet all sorts of people whereever we go and we'll bump into different issues in our life. What we need to do is to actually face it up positively after a cry and move on. Harping on it doesnt help at all. Yes, the anger might still be there but im sure it'll be gone after awhile.
My sis actually asked me to accompany her to get something in town this evening but too bad I'm working, damn! Got to go work now! :D
Tues was spent over at home. I had school in the morning as usual and returned home with Mclunch. My brother's friend crashed my place in the noon while I kept myself in my room doing things I need to do. Even went out to get some stuffs which I have been wanting to buy them but hadn't had the time. Surprise surprise, I did up notes on first lecture of Econs man. I think I need more self study days like tuesdays. Need to keep telling myself to study and start early so I can make it through this tough and last semester.
Wed, I had work straight after school. Gave lunch a miss and instead I had a bread before my work starts. The mess came in gradually. That day wasn't very good but then thanks to my colleagues I managed to pull through till 10pm. For dinner, ah rab and I decided to walk over to Cine foodcourt. She's really good at spicy stuff though, adding a scoopful of chilli padi into her tom yum soup. When I tried her soup, I grabbed my coke and gulped down a few mouths before the spicyness was over. Thumbs up to you ah rab! :)
Thurs, which was yesterday. Work was cancelled and we stayed back for econs proj. It was freaking brain-storming. We spent close to 4hrs to get 2topics done. The other 3 would be not a problem I guess. Anyway after we got done, while fel and wesley left, I went down to find Amos&co. So funny lah, they were trying to give me some IQ qns to solve and I failed! The most funniest was the 2dollar note joke. (inside joke). Got home only around dinner time and I was having this really bad headache when I was on my way home. Luckily it got better after I showered and had my dinner. Must be due to the heavy stress these few days, alot of issues arose regarding the proj and I was very frustrated with some. I didn't know what to do and just broke down somewhere alone. Felt much better already and thanks to twiny and yun for the loving concern frm your:)
Indeed, we meet all sorts of people whereever we go and we'll bump into different issues in our life. What we need to do is to actually face it up positively after a cry and move on. Harping on it doesnt help at all. Yes, the anger might still be there but im sure it'll be gone after awhile.
My sis actually asked me to accompany her to get something in town this evening but too bad I'm working, damn! Got to go work now! :D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
R.I.P sparky :)

Monday, April 13, 2009
Top one

I'd say yesterday's k session was just average. Nothing could be compared to the first k session we had last year november for G's birthday! But I believe my women& I totally enjoyed ourselves man! We met up as early as 2pm at wisma before we head over to LP for light lunch. Candy was late since she had to bring her hubby to the doc's before meeting us. Window shopped around taka and fep. Heh? Sounds like one end apart eh. Candy was busy attending to her wedding things. Tried on this lovely sister dress, white and simple, I LIKE! :) Plus it's only 47bucks for a gown! Where to find such cheapppp deals?! But we're still having pink as the priority now since it's her call. So that gown is just an alternative in case things dont work out. K back to topic, we hit bugis around 5plus by cab? And then went in first while at the same time singing and waiting for the other 2women to come. And this is the part, they were so cheeky! Hence bluffing Estee they couldn't make it due to work and falling sick! Could tell Estee was totally disappointed. Then they went "tada!" Popping out from nowhere man, i bet she was damn damn surprised. Then sing sang and sung and we got her a mango cake! :DDD Left around 10.45 and cabbed home with Ming.

And I realise nowadays people are getting more and more retarded. Just a little thing, they stare at you for NO REASON. And the stupidest point is, they'd keep staring and mumble among themselves. 2words for such people : ATTENTION SEEKER! Apparently, some are even worse! I don't know you all, but I'd feel like slamming them hard against the floor. Little things, they get irritated. Just like the other day, I was at work and it so happened that I need to go over to the cashier counter and there was this lady standing just next to the counter trying her slippers. So of course, I say excuse me and she didnt hear me, so when I said it again she FUCKING "TSK! EXUCUSE ME EXCUSE ME!" .NNB! Felt like slapping her right into the face, CB! And moreover beforehand there were some very annoying young girls like 16? Trying to be irritating. TSK! Nmind such people, can't be bothered anymore.
K, I've got quite a handful of things to do today and I got to run along now, K BYE!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Busy bumble bee
I've been very very busy recently. Everyday is like the same routine now. And i'm practically dying from the lack of sleep. Oh man, I really miss those good old times when I do not have to work so much and have 6days school. I feel very very tired everyday. Nothing seems to perk me up man, not even coffee. I think im immune to redbull or coffee already. And I missed yesterday's econs class :/ Felt bad, cause the reason I didnt go was because my throat was feeling very bad plus the fact that I mahjong-ed till 5am the previous night.
The past week had been nothing much. It was just wake up, school, eat, work, home and sleep. When I got home from work, I'm very shag out till I just wanna shower, dry my hair and black out asap. The next day I would have trouble waking up for school, simply because I do not have enough sleep! ):
Only on good friday did I have a good time. My girlfriends and I were off from work around 7pm and we went for dinner at Food Republic with Estee & mom before we headed to taka and then we came up with the idea of MAHJONG! And the good thing was my parents were out of town and I quickly called home to inform my sis that I'm bringing my friends over. Bought some drinks and snacks before we cabbed down to my crib. Stoned awhile before my sister's friends left and we started mahjong-ing. K,it took very long for a pot to finish, we simply took like 4hrs? Cause eveyone had 2-3times "diao zeng". After everything ended, it wa already 5am in the morning and the girls wanted to hit the Mac near my place but I was too tired so I gave a miss. Ended up with only G and Jt went for breakfast.
I wanna get a bandage skirt, leggings and a few dresses. Btw, I realise I've not even worn those clothes I've got recently): That shows how long I havent been out. K bye!
The past week had been nothing much. It was just wake up, school, eat, work, home and sleep. When I got home from work, I'm very shag out till I just wanna shower, dry my hair and black out asap. The next day I would have trouble waking up for school, simply because I do not have enough sleep! ):
Only on good friday did I have a good time. My girlfriends and I were off from work around 7pm and we went for dinner at Food Republic with Estee & mom before we headed to taka and then we came up with the idea of MAHJONG! And the good thing was my parents were out of town and I quickly called home to inform my sis that I'm bringing my friends over. Bought some drinks and snacks before we cabbed down to my crib. Stoned awhile before my sister's friends left and we started mahjong-ing. K,it took very long for a pot to finish, we simply took like 4hrs? Cause eveyone had 2-3times "diao zeng". After everything ended, it wa already 5am in the morning and the girls wanted to hit the Mac near my place but I was too tired so I gave a miss. Ended up with only G and Jt went for breakfast.
I wanna get a bandage skirt, leggings and a few dresses. Btw, I realise I've not even worn those clothes I've got recently): That shows how long I havent been out. K bye!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Lost in time
K, mine yesterday was VERY tiring. And luckily im not working today which means I can turn in earlier tonight! Yay!! Super tired know! Woohoo! Sexy biker bike me back home from school yesterday again :D The feeling of sitting a bike is damn shiok to the max! I like :) I got home to get my shoes changed cause apparently my 18bucks ballerina shoes were hurting me since it's a new shoe anyway. Felt much better in my sandals and I left to Haji to meet tiff yo!
K, look skinny here, NICE! :)
But the weather wasn't being nice on us. Had a really bad downpour and tiff and I had no choice but to grab a 2bucks umbrella from cold storage and the funny thing is we didn't know the umbrella could be THAT small but still we manged to get ourselves not very wet but wet. So we waited around Raffle Hospital while for the rain to subside to cross over to Haji. Oh man, this is really bad lah but this time round, was better cause we weren't as wet and we made it :D Started out girls shopping trip!
Hello Haji!
In the end, my reapings that day were only a white sweet top from this very victorian style shop, I forgot the name already! Haha. Okok, I think im going back there with them to get more things! :)
Then L came down to meet me at Bugis with his friend before yunyun came to meet us ;D And we walked over to the steamboat restaurant to settle down first while waiting for the rest to come.
Yunyun very sweet! She bought me a bling bling ring. Love her! :D
After the close to 2hrs of eating non-stop we headed to "Ji De Chi" for desserts! Woohoo! Love their red bean with ice there man :) My all time fav whenever Im there for dessert! Yunyun, L, me and kelvin left after we got done with the desserts. By the time I reached home was close to midnight and after I shower and checked my mail was 1am. Goodness and I woke up like 8am this morning! Very tired luh ):
I need more sleep, K BYE!
In the end, my reapings that day were only a white sweet top from this very victorian style shop, I forgot the name already! Haha. Okok, I think im going back there with them to get more things! :)
Then L came down to meet me at Bugis with his friend before yunyun came to meet us ;D And we walked over to the steamboat restaurant to settle down first while waiting for the rest to come.
After the close to 2hrs of eating non-stop we headed to "Ji De Chi" for desserts! Woohoo! Love their red bean with ice there man :) My all time fav whenever Im there for dessert! Yunyun, L, me and kelvin left after we got done with the desserts. By the time I reached home was close to midnight and after I shower and checked my mail was 1am. Goodness and I woke up like 8am this morning! Very tired luh ):
I need more sleep, K BYE!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Start fishing here :)

K, think your roughly can guess what I had last evening with twiny. Yes, it's FISH&CO baby! Y'know my last trip there was with S? Luckily was on dutch or something, if not I lugi ok. Nmind that, initially I was thinking of say spaghettie kitchen but the quene was WOW when I walked past. Then when I met twiny and Roy outside M1@paragon, we decided to go Fish&Co exactly like what I was thinking man! No wonder, we're twins! :) And everytime I'm here, I will always go for Seafood platter for 2! Awesome much. I was so hungry that I just kept on eating non-stop, twiny was like me as well. Hahaha, we didnt talk much but kept on eating and eating. Roy left, Tira(new name for Mr See delong) came.
Tell you, I never like eating mussells because I find that it has a weird smell until I tried this yesterday and it totally made me forgot bout the weird smell! It is THAT powerful.
My seafood platter for 2! Shared with my best twiny.
We sat there, eat, talk, drink, eat, talk and drink. Until we finally nearly cleared the whole thing, just a few sotongs and fries left. Cool man, I think I was really that hungry yesterday. Left for Meridien cause twin had to meet his bunkmates. So Tira and me went PS, MWL to check out things!! My god, whenever I'm there, I'll surely spent money. Forgot bout spotlight and the fabric paint my sister needed :/ Sat outside PS talking and talking until twiny called me up and he came down to meet us. Ok, same old place -Tantric luh. K, saw all my boys, very happy seeing them indeed. Stayed for awhile, walked to the dessert shop, had desserts before we all intended to head home. Think I was too shag out from a day's work&school that I hardly talk in the cab man. I was still thinking I might have bore my twin out lor. Hahaha.

Tira looked so funneh.
Hello knshead. HAHAHA
See his hair, so funneh! :D
Home at 12plus, showered, laptop and sleep!
We sat there, eat, talk, drink, eat, talk and drink. Until we finally nearly cleared the whole thing, just a few sotongs and fries left. Cool man, I think I was really that hungry yesterday. Left for Meridien cause twin had to meet his bunkmates. So Tira and me went PS, MWL to check out things!! My god, whenever I'm there, I'll surely spent money. Forgot bout spotlight and the fabric paint my sister needed :/ Sat outside PS talking and talking until twiny called me up and he came down to meet us. Ok, same old place -Tantric luh. K, saw all my boys, very happy seeing them indeed. Stayed for awhile, walked to the dessert shop, had desserts before we all intended to head home. Think I was too shag out from a day's work&school that I hardly talk in the cab man. I was still thinking I might have bore my twin out lor. Hahaha.
Home at 12plus, showered, laptop and sleep!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
weather = killer
The weather outside now is a killer man. I wish I need not step outta house later for work, but reality is biting me hard now. Think Im getting myself out of the house around 3pm later, going down PS made with love to spend moolahs there! Colourful papers, borders tapes, stickers, notepads and everything you could think of, im grabbing them all! :D
Ever since school started, I've been feeling very very tired almost everyday. Either that I work until late in the night and the next day early in the morning 930am I have school or I just simply can't have enough of sleep. I still feel tired despite turning in at 11pm last night. Wonder what went wrong with my body. Nowadays I don't like turning in late, so scary. The next few mornings, I will wake up with a few pimples popping up and my complexion would be effing haggard man. And I've been very consciencious of my face nowadays.
It's finally saturday tmr! My best friend is coming out for the weekend :DDD Going for good food again and then maybe going movie or something before we hit tantric at night for drinks. Can't wait to see all my boys again, they're very sweet, all of them knows about it and send in text or even thru msn :) Love you guys ALOT! Not forgetting my bestfriend who is very happy for me, as well as my lover ;) Life's great with friends like them.
I wanna watch BOF but youtube sucks! ):
Ever since school started, I've been feeling very very tired almost everyday. Either that I work until late in the night and the next day early in the morning 930am I have school or I just simply can't have enough of sleep. I still feel tired despite turning in at 11pm last night. Wonder what went wrong with my body. Nowadays I don't like turning in late, so scary. The next few mornings, I will wake up with a few pimples popping up and my complexion would be effing haggard man. And I've been very consciencious of my face nowadays.
It's finally saturday tmr! My best friend is coming out for the weekend :DDD Going for good food again and then maybe going movie or something before we hit tantric at night for drinks. Can't wait to see all my boys again, they're very sweet, all of them knows about it and send in text or even thru msn :) Love you guys ALOT! Not forgetting my bestfriend who is very happy for me, as well as my lover ;) Life's great with friends like them.
I wanna watch BOF but youtube sucks! ):
51bucks just flew away. A dress and a top from online shop. OMG, I've been spending and spending alot. I think my shopping expenses for last month amount to 300? And my mom paid for everything, tell me whether to love her not. But I already planning to get her something back from SK Jewellery soon :D
I was totally maxed out from the 1st day of school. Classroom, I dont like! ): The chairs are making you to sit up straight like what Amos said. But its much more easier to concentrate. Hopefully, I don't fall asleep inside :/ Though, we're not in the same class as Amos but still we're one! Hahahaha
We had lunch at Parklane Wanton Mee!! Our usual fav lunching place but didnt have tau huay leh, damn it! Left for work after lunch and I was already 1/4 gone. So you can imagine how gone I was when I actually ended work at 11pm yesterday night! Felt like a piece of shit cause I was far too shag and I just wanna get home asap, shower and black out. Luckily for me, there were still empty seats on the bus. Mommy came to pick me up at the usual place:)
I blacked out around 130am? Spent the time thinking through my studies stuffs before I turn in. Am still worried and Im very confused!! Ok, bye!
I was totally maxed out from the 1st day of school. Classroom, I dont like! ): The chairs are making you to sit up straight like what Amos said. But its much more easier to concentrate. Hopefully, I don't fall asleep inside :/ Though, we're not in the same class as Amos but still we're one! Hahahaha
We had lunch at Parklane Wanton Mee!! Our usual fav lunching place but didnt have tau huay leh, damn it! Left for work after lunch and I was already 1/4 gone. So you can imagine how gone I was when I actually ended work at 11pm yesterday night! Felt like a piece of shit cause I was far too shag and I just wanna get home asap, shower and black out. Luckily for me, there were still empty seats on the bus. Mommy came to pick me up at the usual place:)
I blacked out around 130am? Spent the time thinking through my studies stuffs before I turn in. Am still worried and Im very confused!! Ok, bye!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My boys
Indeed they might be very different from the rest of the guys in the world but they're my best grp of man! :D Twin.Roy.Terry.Vincent.Brian.Kenneth.Delong. I really love them very much and thanks for those congrats.
Actually I did alot of thinking these few days about my future. And about UOL. I reckon it would bring a big change in myself if im going for it. cause there's just one thing I need to have DISCIPLINE :) I'm setting myself to it now. AND I MUST! ALL THE BEST TO ME!
Actually I did alot of thinking these few days about my future. And about UOL. I reckon it would bring a big change in myself if im going for it. cause there's just one thing I need to have DISCIPLINE :) I'm setting myself to it now. AND I MUST! ALL THE BEST TO ME!
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