I'd say yesterday's k session was just average. Nothing could be compared to the first k session we had last year november for G's birthday! But I believe my women& I totally enjoyed ourselves man! We met up as early as 2pm at wisma before we head over to LP for light lunch. Candy was late since she had to bring her hubby to the doc's before meeting us. Window shopped around taka and fep. Heh? Sounds like one end apart eh. Candy was busy attending to her wedding things. Tried on this lovely sister dress, white and simple, I LIKE! :) Plus it's only 47bucks for a gown! Where to find such cheapppp deals?! But we're still having pink as the priority now since it's her call. So that gown is just an alternative in case things dont work out. K back to topic, we hit bugis around 5plus by cab? And then went in first while at the same time singing and waiting for the other 2women to come. And this is the part, they were so cheeky! Hence bluffing Estee they couldn't make it due to work and falling sick! Could tell Estee was totally disappointed. Then they went "tada!" Popping out from nowhere man, i bet she was damn damn surprised. Then sing sang and sung and we got her a mango cake! :DDD Left around 10.45 and cabbed home with Ming.

And I realise nowadays people are getting more and more retarded. Just a little thing, they stare at you for NO REASON. And the stupidest point is, they'd keep staring and mumble among themselves. 2words for such people : ATTENTION SEEKER! Apparently, some are even worse! I don't know you all, but I'd feel like slamming them hard against the floor. Little things, they get irritated. Just like the other day, I was at work and it so happened that I need to go over to the cashier counter and there was this lady standing just next to the counter trying her slippers. So of course, I say excuse me and she didnt hear me, so when I said it again she FUCKING "TSK! EXUCUSE ME EXCUSE ME!" .NNB! Felt like slapping her right into the face, CB! And moreover beforehand there were some very annoying young girls like 16? Trying to be irritating. TSK! Nmind such people, can't be bothered anymore.
K, I've got quite a handful of things to do today and I got to run along now, K BYE!
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