This week that has just passed(since its midnight) has been really hectic. Even though I had only just one full day of school, but the rest of it was just packed with work, work and even more work. Especially now that the sales period for xams is bout to begin, im going to be so worn out everyday. Basically for this coming week, I've only 1off day(thurs) because I've one whole day of school and I wont be able to work then.
I remember Monday night I had my annual awards night then we went to drink until the next morning. The whole tuesday I spent my time at home recuperating from the night out and large amt of alcohol that was inside me. Wednesday I was back to work and I rested myself early as I've sch on thurs morning. Thursday was just plainly school for the whole day, I had lunch with my mom and my brother got back his PSLE results; 220. Fairly not bad for his standard. Friday was work again and more work. Saturday was really tiring day at work, I was busy from morning until evening. Dragged my whole body energy to meet twiny and Noel for Waruku. Super good cheap deal meal we had and we strolled to FEP to get Noel's cap, cab home and had some beer with twiny before I left for home. In the end, I didnt head to Sitex with my mom they all, I slept till late and woke up for work, again -.- Today wasn't that bad, just that I was super sleepy during the first few hrs of work and I didnt talk much. The rest thought something unpleasant happened to me and came asking me whether I was alright. Hahaha, Jean was the first to come and asked me that.
I actually intended to stay in tmr but I need to be out to get gifts and some materials for xams gifts so got to spend my time alone in town hunting for things again. The only thing I could think to get my time spent more usefully is to get indulge into reading again. So tmr im going to get "New Moon". Many things to do tmr plus some self studying.
Got to run along now for bed. My pimples are popping out soon.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
a busy week
Friday, November 27, 2009
work work work
Love them to the max! :) We've got the best customer service team award! :DWorking with this bunch of fun-filled colleagues, work will never be boring :) You'll get different kinda jokes, craps, nonsense, gossips and endless amount of laughter. They just make working life a BIG difference! I'm glad I met them at CO! Be it the good/bad times or even the worst times(GSS/Xmas Sales), we practically have been through it together. Sometimes we all get so sick and tired of facing the endless piles of messy clothings needed to be arranged, we whine and still do it together. Especially when we're all tired after a day of work, we're still happy as we've each other there. Let's work hard dearies!
This bunch was my ex bunch of colleagues(other than rebec and shirin), I really miss working with them as well! They make working life so awesome too! We always have never ending things to talk about or make fun about. We may all seem different at work but aft work, we're all the same; so havoc and fun. The amazing thing is how well we bonded within sucha short time(maybe less than 2weeks?) Amazing people at my work life, really miss working with them so much! :D But seeing all of them promoting to SM and 2nd ICs, I too am very happy for them!
Sometimes it isn't too much of a torture to be working esp when you've these kinda fun people around, you'll never fail to smile at work :)
My brother is so noisy, playing CS beside me somemore with all the gun shooting sound effects. He told me something funny earlier on,
Bro: I'm very happy(says in his high pitch fatty tone)
Me: Why??
Bro: Cause I finally PLUCK up the courage to ask daddy for a new desktop!
Me: Wah, not bad sia you.
Bro: Of course lah, this kinda thing must PLUCK UP ALL YOUR COURAGE ONE LEH!
Indeed, asking my dad for several things needs alot of courage sometimes. Cause he niam you non-stop for things he thinks you might not need. Say for instance; hp. His stubborn mindset is to change them only when they're spoil. His definition of a spoilt phone = Can't be on, screen cracked/black out, service until cant service kind. See, how powerful my dad is. Bth him sometimes too.
Work tmr again, one week pass super fast luh. Next week having full 3days of sch and then work again. Ok lah, my Psoc classmates are making me come to class now. Hahaha. School isnt too boring afterall with friends ard, i guess :>
And i think im addicted to beer, god!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Oh man finally its mid week; wednesday!! I'm so happy for I've only one day of school this week which is tmr :D I just need to be obedient and get my bloody ass moving to Psoc class @ 330pm tmr! Beforehand would be having lunch with my mom and my bro since my brother is going to collect his PSLE results in school tmr, best of luck dude! :>
Anyway I'm so glad I hadn't waste wednesday. I worked! :D Need money so much nowadays for next month's shopping trip. After work, I had lunch with G sis they all @ lucky plaza sibei sedapp malay fried chicken rice. Fattening i know, but eat already then go on diet :D My always diet motto; eat already then go on diet. Well I supposed its not too late right? Hahaha.
Since I ended work early, I decided to hit home straight cause I'm bloody tired from waking up so early. I was too lazy to walk to the bus-stop so decided to train home instead. The idea of surprising Candy @ Lot 1 CO came to me. But in the end, she haven't reported there yet -.- took a bus home from Lot 1. When I got home, I went into my room(as usual) and I saw my fav VIVI mag on the table! Of course the latest issue lah. My mom super eh zai nowadays! She even knows my fav mag lor. Love you mommy. Anyw I just lazed on my bed reading my VIVI and shaking my legs enjoying the air con. Shiokkk.
The sedep malay fried chicken rice was like my brunch cum dinner. I was still feeling super full when it was near 8pm. So I skipped dinner and just had chicken soup. Not bad leh, can diet like that :> In the end, went to change my nail colour as I was watching tv and my very pesky mom came beside me and pretend to see. I know what she thinking, she confirm want me help her change also. In the end, I was right man. Finished off her toe nails with a fresh coat of maroon-red:) Hahaha, then my dad suddenly hold 2 $50 notes towards me and my mom told me that my dad managed to earn some money in his shares that he bought. Wahhhh super shiokkk. This year he super huat ttm! First was lottery and he gave us 1k each and now shares.
So I was thinking to get another new pair of boots again on friday and the harem pants I saw! Plus lacey leggings. Argh, women just cant resist the temptation of shopping around!!
On another side, shikin(my 3rd IC) is transfering over to PS CO next week as a SM! Happy for her as she has worked for it and of course I've seen how awesome she is. Sad, as we won't be able to crap during work sometimes, have lunch tgt, pop tgt, complain and whine tgt man. Nevertheless, I will visit her at PS when im free :> Seeing them all promoting makes me happy for them!
Anyw Xmas is next month! I've yet to get some of the handmade presents done up. Need to start working on them next week:)
Talked to twinny today and we both had some kind of confession talk. So glad we poured out how we felt. Nevertheless, no matter what it is, at the end of the day, as long as we've got each other, thats what matters. Cheers to u my 12yrs of twin!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
awards night
Yesterday was our company anuually held awards night. This time round, they set it at a pub @ Tanjong Pagar called Uluru Pub. Super ulu place indeed. Everyone had a hard time finding the pub. We managed to get there only at 11pm. The awards ceremony was at 12am and I'm glad Alex and Shikin did wisma team proud :DDD Aftermath, everyone started to party and drink. I had a few rounds of beer, man it was good:D The whole thing ended around 1am and some of us suggested to head for a drink at Boat Quay and so we all cabbed down. Picked some random pubs and settled in for more beer and some singing session. Ky was sucha loser, he couldn't take it anymore and left at 4am. While the rest of us stayed on and we ended up eating Mac breakfast! Afterwhich we all cabbed back home seperately, dropped by Yishun to pick up Ming's pounch before we hit home.
Got a quick shower before I hit my sheets. I woke up at 12pm and thank alex for that I could stay in to sleep today. So I slept from 7am to 4pm. Super shiok feeling but I need more sleep. Luckily I've no school tmr. I need to stop drinking so much, my liver is gonna die anytime if I continue drinking so much. Mr Fu might be asking me for drinks @ Winebar tmr, ohman.
I'm having all the unhappiness downed in the alcohol.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Stay home saturday night :(
Basically today is really a stay home saturday night for me. How awesome! I thought this weekends would be something happening since my dad isn't in town. Oh well, I guess I just got to save up the partying and energy all for monday when awards night happens.
In the morning, woke up as early as 7am for work, busy for the whole time and knocked off at 2pm. Went lunch with G sis and aftermath I hit home. Text random people that I haven't been seeing for the longest time to ask them out for a drink but it all turns out that everyone is busy! :< In the end, I decided to stay in tonight and have dinner with my mom and sis(been long man). Settled down for kfc for dinner and I think it wasn't a really good choice. When I got home, I had diahorrea for 4times. Couldn't figure out what was the thing that caused it so badly.
I'm starting to feel a little better now and I hope I get better tmr. Been falling sick nowadays. Maybe I've been over-exerting myself too much recently. To be exact, there're certain things I wanna get my mind off from thus I'm keeping myself very occupied nowadays. Making sure I've fully kept my time in use and I've no extra time to let my mind wander off. Actually the main concern here is still studies. Something I'm totally not confident in at all. Fuck all these thoughts now that im letting them come in. I know it isn't a very healthy way of doing this but I just don not wanna think about those things.
I could foresee that in the upcoming dec I'd been triple the times busier than now. My working days would be increased to 5times per week, leaving only 2days off for sch. I'm having my 4d3n bkk trip. Holding a xmas gathering for the close loved ones :) Basically work is going to occupy ALOT of my time. Meanwhile there're still 2 more weeks to dec, I wanna get as many hrs as possible to work and save up for bkk.
Life's still goes on when we fall. I've learnt this in a hard way. No matter how bad my day is, I'd still need to go work/sch, do my assigns, get my things all done up.
My stomach's churning now again. im gg to sleep away the bloody pain.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Candy's wedding
Finally finally, Candy's wedding is over :> Well, even though it wasn't me who was getting married but we've all been busy helping her out with her wedding stuffs. Looking at the guestbook and car plate, I felt really satisfied with my art work!
Apparently, it seems like a custom that we girls would not be sleeping the night before the wedding. As usual we had mj session until 4 or 5am. Everyone started to get to shower and start putting on makeup as early as 5am. And we headed over to her neighbour's place to get our hair done at 630am. Some of them only joined us in the morning. Anyw the groom(aaron) only arrived at 9am. Hahaha, he was having a really hard time eating raw bittergourd, red pepper, carrot and garlic! The most extreme one wasn't by us but wendy! She got lime juice and vinegar all mixed together as a drink for them! Eeeew, and the groom and brothers did it. *THUMBS UP* We shifted from her place to her in-law's place over at Bedok. Imagine from woodlands to bedok and bedok to woodlands again, the car ride was just quiet as we were all asleep. For the whole day, I didn't have much chance to rest as I needed to help her with her gown as I was the bridesmaid. Now I really can imagine how tired she was.
In the end, I didn't get back home to put my stuffs before the dinner as time was too short. So instead I had a shower over at her place, changed into my dress and redo my hair again. We left to the restaurant at 5pm and quickly got everything done up. I was doing up the video and montage the whole time before I was out at the reception around 7pm. The food was surprisingly good. But I didn't have much appetite because I was too shagged. After the whole dinner ended, we helped her with some packing up before we left tgt. Right at this moment, ming suggested for a drink @ Princep St.
I ended up at home around 3am. Totally forgot how I shower, remove my makeup and the next thing I know was, I ended up in my bed with my home clothes and hugging my cushions and towel. I had to ask my mom what happen to me. My first time letting her know I was gone. But I swear the next day I suffered majorly. My hangover was SUPER bad, the whole day I laid there sleeping and sleeping with no much appetite for anything.
As for today(friday), I make my way to work. Beforehand I met my mom for shopping. Got myself a new pair of heels, shirt and a cap. I need more shoes and im getting a boots for awards night on monday! :D Can't wait for it man. I need some beer, life's too tiring.
I jus stoned when I saw u.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hi My Sweetheart!
Basically today I was free from work&school. I need to rest myself if not I'd be falling sick again and having outbreaks on my face soon. I wanted to head out to town to source for a offshoulder bodycon but I was too lazy. So I decided to do it tmr instead. Meeting Alan around 11am to wash/blow/straighten my hair and he's going to teach me some makeup skills! Then I'd be down to town shopping around for a dress and meeting candy in the late noon for manicure. In the evening, will be accompanying G sis to shop for her white heels and hair extensions. At night, we'd hit Candy's crib and spent the night there, waking up like 4 or 5am the next day for her wedding customary! Okay, gonna be a tiring wednesday and im soooo glad i've no sch on thurs morning! I can drink moreee on wed! :))Heard about this show from tw variety show. So I decided to catch it online on youtube since I was having some time off from work and sch this afternoon. I'd say it's damn hilarious. The way how Show Luo potray himself as a nerd with a mushroom head, nerdy specs and his "tutu" mouth. Particularly like Rainie Yang's dressing in this show, something very boyish yet it can still bring out the feel of a small punk girl. I wanna get harem pants, studded strappy heels and studded vest when I'm in bkk! :DD
Just look at nerd Show Luo is in this show. High socks somemore with his fav pink panther. Lol!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
dogs lover outing; fitting
Last weekend, we finally had a proper zj outing with everyone present ;) There was some dogs lover outing going on and so we hit Tanjong Beach @ Sentosa and brought our family pet, baby along! Among all the dogs, he is the smallest of them all. And also the most anti-social dog. Hahaha, i think its because he hasn't interact with so many dogs before and seen so many people around that he growls when people wanna carry him. Worse still, when monster twiny carries other dogs, he will growl. Sucha jealous ass. The weather was good, it wasn't too hot nor rainy. There was cool breeze blowing at us and we were playing around with baby. Left sentosa around 5plus and we hit back to monster's crib. Twiny bathed baby and for we had dinner packed up at his place to eat while watching dvds. Ended up the dvd wasn't that nice and we ended up sitting at the balcony talking away till 1am. When I got home, I went to bed the moment after I showered.
The next day, I woke up early for work. Super tiring and boring. There weren't much crowd nor things to do. After work, I had lunch with ky&kim @ LP. Then trained down to woodlands to candy's place. As usual her family was mahjonging away while I sat with her at the sofa and watched tv. Headed to the bridal shop @ Chompang around 6plus. Tried on my bridesmaid gown for the 2nd time and everything done. Rushed down to monster's twiny crib at 7plus for bbq. It was one of ked's friend birthday. Everything ended around 11pm and hit home aftermath. Slept only at 1am cause I was watching some video that yvonne asked me to. Hahaha. Still feeling tired and I don't know what I should wear for the wedding dinner at night. I think im gg out to source for clothes later! :D
Friday, November 13, 2009
friday night with popcorns :)
Caught 2012 after work @ Lot 1 with monster twiny, ked, noel & lionel just now. The storyline was abit typical and the whole show turned out to be a little draggy. Nevertheless, the thrill was there. You'll get so excited sometimes when things are nearing the end. And you'll see how cruel people can turned out to be. They can heck you just because they wanna save themselves. At the point where the world is going to end, the rich used all the money they've to find ways to get out safe. And the poor just faced the fact, they didn't do much. Some just prayed while others kept walking in hope of getting a safe shelter and some even hugged their families and died together.
My cramp this time round was bad. Yesterday I had to cab home aft class because I couldn't really wait for the bus anymore. My face went pale and I broke out in cold sweat. When I got home, I took painkillers and luckily I got better before Psoc class in the late noon. Had Psoc class test(open book), practically can find the answers for most of the qn there. Sometimes during Psoc class, I don't really understand what the lecturer is talking about as some of the notes are really hard to digest. But when i was doing the test today, i felt that if I make more effort in getting the notes into me, I could score. I'm determined to have more self study in sch library next week.
The time passes so fast when you're busy working. Even though I was feeling hungry and tired as I didn't have lunch before work. I was running late for work as beforehand I went to trim my hair over at Alan's. This time round, his salon is more furnished. It's really a relaxing place to do yr hair and relax at the same time. He was nice enough to have send me down since it was raining. Thanks dude!
i'm gg to bed now! goodnights!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Happy 21st birthday my "fei xinnnn"
Yesterday evening after work ended, I headed down to Top One @ bugis for cousin's 21st birthday celebration :) I wouldn't recommend Top One if you're expecting for a nice place to sing, good food and drinks. The place is pretty cheena peh peh. And the room isn't very big. Even when I had 5pax ytd, we were given quite a small room. I think kbox offers a bigger room. The drinks all tasted weird, luckily we bought mac up for dinner! Sing, sang and sung till 11plus before we all left the place in seperate cabs.
Hoho, I did the bun up myself in Top One :> loving the rose clip!
Anyway ytd was considered the first time I went out with my cousin and sisters! Haha, we don't have the habit of going out very often even though we stayed quite near each other. But we were good playmates since young. I still rmb how often we used to go over popo's place for holiday during dec sch holidays. Then we'd go to the backyard and play "masa masa". If not we will be cycling around to buy ice cream or even going down the basketball court to play. Childhood memories are things never to be forgotten:) Haha, make a deal with my sisters and cousin to go Zouk mambo night next mth! We shld be going on the 16th dec exactly one night before we fly off to bkk on th 17th. Super cool, I like:D
When you grow older, you realise you click better with yr siblings. I still rmb my sisters and I weren't very close when we were young. Almost half of the time you will see us brickering non-stop. Then my dajie and erjie would be on the same side and I'm alone :< Hahaha. So my parents decided to get me a younger sibling and turned out to be my fat brother. Nevertheless it's good to have a brother too. I wonder how it'd have been if I've another younger sister. Never wanna imagine too. It was recent years that I started to be talking more to my sisters and then whenever we've family dinners, we will be yaking non-stop and doing stupid things. Hahaha. The stupid thing is, I thought that they didn't know I go clubbing and all cause I know they don't like me doing that often. But facebook tells everything! So I was sharing my experience with them and now im going with them! Fucking unbelieveable! But true.
For wed and thurs, I've been VERY good. I did not skip class nor left halfway. I paid 101% attention in class with a few mins of dozing off though. There's been events gg on in sch man. I just wanna get outta sch aft class ends everyday now. But I realise there're actually alot of people doing studying in the sch library. I think I'll go there more on thurs afternoon. Must instill more self-discipline for studies.
Finally tmr is fridayyyy. I wanna get a haircut tmr after work. Saturday will be sucha lovely day since im having zj outing!! YAY! We're finally hanging out tgt for a proper outing! Can't wait at all. And we will be bringing our dear zj family pet, baby! :D Plus kedrick hei bi hiam is also coming. I can't wait! Then sunday got bbq also! :DDD Eat eat eat and shed shed shed at the same time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
sudden shoe-loving
It was probably this year that I started to fall in love with pretty lingerie. At first, it was from cotton on body. Every week I go there at least once aft work to get my hands on the new arrival lingerie. Then Tiffy recommended me to La Senza. She was really good, i'd say for she gave me pretty good recommendations on what type of bra I should get and we even shared those 5 for something panties promotion. Then I started to splurge on a good bra once every month when I get my pay. Hahaha, it doesnt sound as mad though( just once a month). Aftermath was mommy, she bought me my first triumph bra. From then on, I was so into triumph lingerie. From La Senza, I shifted my once a month thing to truimph. Really can't afford to save on those pretty lingerie. Just can't get my hands off them!
Tell me whether I should get myself a pair of nice boots, I really love boots but it isn't a common fashion in Sg, how sad :<>
I'm saving up badly for bkk trip next month! Can't wait at all because I intend to buy 1year supply of clothings there and get as many shoes as possible!!! If I come back with 12pairs, don't be surprised. Shopping is going to be part of me soon. I think I might even forsake my lunch money for shopping!! Right now, Im stopping my shopping in Sg for 3weeks before bkk trip on 17thdec. So I can save as much money and spent it all in bkk next month!
And I came up with this idea of bringing alot of shows to sch to watch on thurs after morning class. So I can spent my 3hrs studying/ watching shows till it is 330pm and I will go for Psoc class. This is so far the best method that I can think of to make myself stay for Psoc class. Other than going to town to shop. I tried that before and it didnt work at all. Hahaha. After talking with rebecca about UOL today, I realise it is a 6k worth of studies that I need to put in my 101% effort. If I never make it for the 1st year(which I hope not), I'll go for a Australia cert instead. But for now, never give up if u've never put in yr best effort :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
PH last night
Yesterday night was the so called pre-planned "hens night" for Candy. It has been sucha long time since I spent my saturday @ home resting myself, watching hk dramas and snacking away with a bag of chips. The best part was, I finally had a afternoon nap after sooooo long! I couldn't remember how long ago I last had one. But it was definitely months ago before sch started. Hah.
So the girls decided to meet up at around 9pm @ vivo. Initially I was feeling pissed off as I felt that my kindness and patience as a friend was taken for granted. Tried to cool myself down by texting G sis about it then I managed to get the anger off me. We only managed to join the quene at 11pm aft waiting here and there for each other. The quene was already mad long and it was all the way outside dragonfly! Lol! I was thinking inside that the club would be so horribly packed. Started to get worried if we couldn't get any tables. Quene for a good 20mins before we were inside the club.
The girls decided to open a bottle and get a table. But everyone was full and so we were sorta given one small space which is awfully small. Alot of people just had to keep walking pass when we were dancing so happily and we had to stop and let them pass. The music that night wasn't something I expected so I didn't dance much except for certain songs. Didn't drink much too, only had a little of the chivas mixed with coke. I can't drink chivas for good, I'll puke badly. We left around 230am? Decided that the night was still young and we hit candy's place.
Had mac for supper and didn't play mahjong. In the end, I caught a small nap before we all cab home around 6plus in the morning. When I got home, showered and ready to turn in, it was already 7am! I woke up at 1030am and slept back till 12pm when I realised I had to meet twiny and ked @ 1pm! So in the end, I was late in meeting them. Ked drove down town and we were window shopping around with twiny's mom. His mom treated us to Waruku for dinner!! :DD Ked dropped me home aftermath. I'm mad tired, need to turn in early tonight and have a good rest at home tmr. Goodbye world, I'll update again!
Friday, November 6, 2009
yy's birthday @ nabin
Yesterday night was awesome! :DD Initially we had sucha hard time getting from Bugis to nabin cause the cab driver wasn't really sure of the way. I got so pek chek and told him to drop us(twiny and me) off at Haji Lane and we managed to find our way there. Thank god. This time round we tried the rest of the food there. Turns out to be something better than we expected. After dinner, we headed upstairs for shisha, number guessing games and ended up doing all those embarrassing forfeits on the stage in front of the crowd :x my forfeit is my current signature thing ; xu lao shi. Lol! What's a birthday without a cake? Well, we didnt exactly got her a cake but we got a strawberry strudel from Ritz Appe Strudel! Yum yum. The whole night was just perfect with everything in place. Hope yy enjoys her birthday this year :)
On a random note, my moodswing is starting to kick in. I can feel its coming. Getting so moody at little things. Things that I know are just minor issues which has been the way it is. And I react pretty sensitive to it. Last night, halfway thru I didn't know why but I felt so moody all outta sudden. Maybe I know why myself too. Nevertheless, I carry on enjoying myself with the rest as it was a too good night to be wasted spent on emo-ing inside. Loud laughters sometimes makes me feel better esp when im moody. I try to laugh out loud hoping that I could in a good way "vent" it out. I hope im just thinking too much about it and not getting too sensitive over this whole issue. Hopefully I feel better inside soon.
And frankly speaking, I don't feel like going for ladies night tmr anymore. So many things that happened recently makes me feel this way I guess. Everytime when I hear those things, I feel so guilty and it really shows how hypocrital people can get.
I wish that all my xmas wishes this year will be fulfilled.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Today's is G sis actual birthday. Exactly on this day, one year ago, I got know G sis. I still rmb clearly that I was off from work early and it happened to be her birthday(which back then I didnt know), so G sis was planning to go ktv with the girls. And I was pretty shocked when they invited me along, initially I feel very awkward as I was invited last min and I felt so ps. Thank god, I agreed to this invitation and stayed on. If not we would not have been such great sisters till now! :D On her birthday today, marks 1year in our friendship. I'm really glad, god allow me to meet her and know her as a friend, got close and are now sisters. Other than monster twiny, G sis is another person who knows me inside out. She knows what i'm thinking sometimes and she gives me that smirk on her face. I still rmb when I first know her, I was thinking "how could it be sucha wonder that I could meet someone who has the same bad temper as me, talks loudly, chor lor in the same way, laugh @ the same thing non-stop(when others think it's lame), share many common thinkings etc etc. One thing I can say is, she's definitely more mature than me. When I just can't get to think through certain things, she's there to offer me advice. I was really touched yesterday when she told me something " rach, even if anything goes bad in the future, as long as I've you thats enough." And now, I wanna say the same thing to her " G sis, no matter what may happen to the group in the future, as long as I still have you ard, its enough:)"Cheers to our 1year old sistership! :)
Today, I managed to get up on time to prepare for sch and reached school earlier than the lecture time. In the end, the lecturer was late by 20mins as there was a bad jam. Lol! Anyw I met up with win,brandon and tiff for lunch(fried chicken rice @ lucky plaza!). Never had I felt so bloated after so longgg. Then I had to go work while Brandon came down with me as he wanted to get polo tees. For the first 3hrs, I nearly fell asleep at work as I was too full from lunch and the crowd wasn't that good. Hahaha. Things picked up slowly aftermath. Suddenly there was a huge crowd and I had so many things on hand to do. Managed to get home within an hr today. So shagged after I showered and had my late dinner. Just talking with my sisters about th upcoming bkk nxt mth makes me soo excited!! :D I will buy a truckload of clothes,shoes, bags and accessories back to supply myself for one whole year! For now, I must scrimp and save!!
Woohoo, going nabin tmr for dinner and shisha! :D Can't wait to meet up with skinny yy :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Busy week ahead
The weather is sooo nice today! It'll be best to spend the whole day sleeping away at home. But work has got the better of me. I woke up as early as 7am to prepare and headed for work. Today morning is really busy, the amount of stocks never seems to end, esp SHOES! Omg, I felt like dying when I saw the 30+ cartons(with 20plus units in once carton) all stacked up right in front of me, plastic wrappers were everywhere. Within minutes, I was already working my way through the cartons with a cup of coffee(which later on spilled and stained the carpet)beside me. But busy working makes time pass by faster. After finishing up with the stocks, I had to deal with the pricing of the sales stocks and later to help kin with the VM. Goodness, I was shagged after I ended work at 2pm.
Lunch with Estee, bin and alex @ LP. When we were heading back to wisma, we realised that it was raining cats and dogs outside. Holy cow, what a time to rain when I just had to go fep. Met G sis and when the rain got smaller, I headed to fep. Got myself a romper, dress and accessories :) I wanted to get strappy heels but there wasn't any that caught my eyes. Caught a bus home afterwhich, the rain still didn't stopped. Even after I got home, it was pretty much on and off. Had my dinner @ home today(FINALLY!), miss mommy's homecook food. I realised I finished up all my mini chips more :( Need to get more cookies to stock up at home and in my bag.
Having work for tmr and wed(plus sch). Thurs, I've sch and also yy's birthday celebration over @ ....... (secret). Friday morning, i'm having class then haircut in the afternoon. Hopefully I can meet up with qy at night or maybe for a jog with my 2 bimbos(monked). Saturday will be ladies night with the girls @ PH. Sunday will be my rest @ home day:) Plus to add on, everynight I will need to have 2hrs of selp study. Hope I won't be too tired by then. Life's still going on even when we hit the nail isn it?
Through one recent issue that happened recently, I start to realise how hypocrital humans can get. It's really scary from the way how nice they can be in front of you and backstabbing you so badly on yr back. Y'know, you might not know when you'll be stabbed in the back. Things you do/say might just make them turn off and then they'll just stab u badly at the back. I was stil naive to think that we'll be as close as ever but not now anymore. One thing,I'm glad that it didnt happen on me. But the bad thing is, carrying on the guilt in yr heart is not something easy at all. In fact,its suffocating me sometimes. Nevertheless, no matter what turns out to be in the future, if the truth comes to the light, I hope E would not abandon the friendship.
I'll update again soon.
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