Tuesday, March 24, 2009


K, up early for breakie with mom :)

Wow, march is ending like just next week! I can't believe time really flies. It's gonna be April and I'l be getting even busier with work,school&driving. And I must survive okkkk, if not my dad will murder me. He's like constantly telling me 'girl, must make it once for yr TP ok" when my FTT is in may5th. kkk, he's always THAT annoying lah.

I'm thinking of having a noon nap if not I'm so going die inside zouk tonight please. One promise I made to myself, not to have too much tonight. BUT I ended up drinking over what I should have because of very nice friends like Mr Win and Mr Amos and of course with their accompliace Mr Brandon. I don't have that thing for mambo so I think Im not going to dance much but just chill with them at Phuture.

ok, very sleepy now. probably reading up my FTT at the couch and nap(:

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