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We popped the bottles last night. Music was good, kept all of us going down to the dancefloor. Had a bit too much and by the time we went out of Zirca, I was pretty lost on what I was doing. Everything seems so vague. And I pretty much assume I've gotten myself into some embarrassing shit again. Oh well, when Rachel gets high, you'll never wanna know her. But anyway it was seriously a good last night out before twin goes in for whole 3weeks(: I believe everyone had a fair share of fun and alcohol even the one who doesn't club much.
We were at Le Noir first for some show before we hit Zirca. And right, the show was so "exciting". We waited like an hr there just for the show to start. NB, could have hit Zirca earlier to enjoy. Many pictures taken in Le Noir when we were all so bored from waiting. I was too afraid I might lost my camera that I didn't bring it with me when I'm inside Zirca.
twin&yunyun, 2 of the most important ones in my life(:
Looking so adorable, hahaha!

And then there's Lionel!! Fucking miss this little sweet chap here(:
Wonder why he takes fugly face photos with me everytime): bastard!
Well this is SO MUCH better k.
Flashy flash flash
Twin, me, yunyun
Once again, I thank god for having this 2 angels beside me when I fall. Love you all deep and hard ok!
Our faces never changes, HAHAHA!
See, even some random lady wanna join in!
Neh neh leh, she looked here luhs.
Hahaha CUT HER OFF !
I think we look cute here(: and I like!
Swear this guy who works as waiter in Le Noir, damn cute & build!
My man all so happy taking pictures with him. and FYI the mancho guy was tip toeing. HAHAH
Darling and me. Say hi to his NB face. Hahah
All looking great and ready to party their asses off I swear

We were bored bored bored to the maximum, so Imran tooks photos for us!

12years and counting, I thank god for you. And take care when u're in NS k!
All of them, I LOVE!
We're all looking so happy together!

Finally my grey contacts looks so greyish in this picture, love it! ;D
A big fat kiss for you my twin!
With love always k!
And my papa and my twin, 2years and counting! They're also 2 of the most impt people in me's life!
Twin, papa & darling(:
I hate the aftermath of alcohol!!
Great damage done to my health, face and pocket last night. When I crashed twin's crib after the night ended, I vaguely remembered I puke and shower(I really dont know whether I did). And I think I didnt even remove my makeup? Goodness and right, this morning a few came popping out on my face! You know clubbing ages my face so much! I always look and feel damn cui after clubbing. Got back home say in the morning at 11am? The whole day I felt so cui. The alcohol was obviously still in control of my mind and body. And I kept wanting to vomit so much. Even I could still smell the damn volka. Got a 3hrs nap later in the noon and waking up to feel abit better BUT my gastric cramps came and I was feeling damn uncomfortable. Didn't had a proper dinner at all.
Called to work for tmr. And yes finally after for not working close to a month, I'm finally back. But I've got this super bad feeling bout something bad is going to happen tmr when I return to work. I don't know what it is but I just don't feel good. Kk, mayb my mind is taking too much control over me. Let's hope for a good first day of work tmr!(:
Eh I need time, time to go down toh guan to fix my damn cui phone and time to go for BTP! I was even thinking of doing a collage of those very fashion models but Im afraid I can't find space to put it up. Urgh, annoying!
Really love nights out like yesterday(: And big thanks to yunyun&papa for taking care of me. Love you all!!
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